Chapter 1338

In the whole large base, only the salt free woman sat at the gate to watch the sword retreat.

Zhang Yi looked at the salt free girl, looked at her deformed and terrible face, and said:

"God gave you this ugly face, but it became your sword. This is the way."

If you are a stunning beauty, no matter where you go, you can always attract the eyes of countless men.

In this way, even if this gorgeous beauty doesn't want to, it will inevitably provoke countless butterflies and bees like a beautiful flower.

Beauty is also a woman's advantage and effective weapon. In order to maintain their beauty, beautiful women also need to spend a lot of effort.

A person's time is limited. Everyone has 24 hours a day.

Beauties need to spend a lot of time and energy in these 24 hours to solve some problems and troubles caused by beauty, and also need to spend time and energy to maintain beauty.

But the salt free woman is naturally ugly, so she has less advantages of beauty and less trouble of beauty.

Therefore, the salt free woman can spend all her time and energy on fencing practice. She has talent, hard work and enough time and energy. In this way, it is difficult for salt free women to succeed.

After sighing, Zhang Yi finally asked his concerns:

"Salt free girl, where are the people here?"

Everyone has disappeared. Now only the salt free woman is here, so the salt free woman must know the inside story.

The salt free woman answered:

"Report back to your master. About 20 years ago, Zhangjia and Fuxingmen had differences because of the ownership and dominance of the base. Finally, after consultation, both sides said that they would not occupy the base, but seek their own territory to re-establish their own base. So now both Zhangjia and Fuxingmen have left the base and set up another portal. The disciples have been waiting for the master to return, so they have been meditating here. "

Zhang Yi frowned slightly after listening.

What he was most worried about finally happened.

As the saying goes, one mountain can't tolerate two tigers. Where there are people, there are fights. Especially when two big sects are together, conflicts are inevitable.

In the past, Zhang Yi served as the common leader of the two major forces, which can integrate the two major forces and suppress all contradictions.

Now, with Zhang Yi being said to have "died" and disappeared for 50 years, the two forces began to run their own affairs. And they have no common enemy and opponent on the rocking star, so it is inevitable to fight each other in the end.

Zhang Yi asked:

"So what's the situation now?"

The salt free woman replied:

"The last time a disciple of Fuxing sect came here to report to me was a year ago. Therefore, the disciple can only confirm that both sides exercised restraint a year ago, and there was only a small-scale conflict at most. Now, I don't know what the situation is. "

Zhang Yi knows that the salt free girl has been practicing here for too long. It's normal not to know.

The salt free woman is loyal and filial, so she has been staying in the base waiting for Zhang Yi. Although I don't know if Zhang Yi can come back, she is willing to wait all the time.

And salt free girls are weak in sex, never like to get involved in fighting, and they hate fighting for power and profit. So she would rather meditate and watch the sword here than participate in secular disputes.

Zhang Yi asked again:

"Is there anyone else near the base?"

The salt free woman replied:

"And Miss Feng, she lives at the foot of the mountain."

Zhang Yi couldn't help asking:

"How is she?"

Wind purple smoke can be regarded as a monster, but she is special, which is transformed by gaseous giant planets.

Although she is very silly, she is also very real. She was really willing to give her star spirit to Zhang Yi.

Now hearing her news, Zhang Yi couldn't help paying special attention.

The salt free woman replied:

"Miss Feng lives in her own house at the foot of the mountain. She sleeps most of the time. Sometimes when she wakes up, she will feed her rabbit and come here to ask me if the master will come back."

Zhang Yi wondered:

"Then why doesn't she sleep here?"

For the existence of wind purple smoke, once she is willing to sleep seriously, she can sleep for a very long time.

Her life span may be several billion years, and decades are enough for her to take a nap.

The salt free woman replied:

"Miss Feng is afraid to see things and think of people here. She says it's easy to be sad and upset here, so she lives by herself."

Zhang Yi couldn't help sighing when he heard this.

Wind Ziyan is very simple, as simple as a little girl who doesn't understand the world. She is easy to be used by bad people, but fortunately, Zhang Jia and Fuxingmen obviously didn't deliberately use her because of Zhang Yi's relationship. Similarly, fengziyan doesn't like intrigues, so she can sleep safely at the foot of the mountain.

Zhang Yi then said:

"Take me down the mountain to see the purple smoke."

Immediately, the salt free woman led the way and took Zhang Yi to the foot of the mountain.

It can be said that apart from his parents, Zhang Yi's most concerned person on the rocking star is the wind purple smoke.

The others gathered around Zhang Yi, more or less for the sake of interests.

Only Feng Ziyan's help to Zhang Yi is sincere and unrequited.

In front of Zhang Yi, others should wear masks more or less to show the good side they want to show in front of Zhang Yi.

And only the wind and purple smoke show the most real side to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi and Feng Ziyan have been influenced by it for a long time, and they treat people more sincerely.

Therefore, Zhang Yi wants to see the wind purple smoke.

The party rose up and soon came to the foot of the mountain.

Before landing, Zhang Yi had seen a very strange building.

The building really doesn't look beautiful. It even looks like a big grave to some extent. However, despite such crude buildings, it can be seen that the people who built this building were very attentive.

There are too many carvings on the building, almost on every turn of the head. It can be seen that the owner wants to build here perfectly. However, the owner's aesthetics is extremely substandard. Those carvings are as ugly as ghost talismans, but they look terrible.

Outside the building, there is a huge rabbit.

The rabbit's whole body was white and his eyes were red. It was surprisingly big. Its size is probably comparable to that of the blue whale in the ocean.

When Zhang Yi and others flew down the mountain, they just saw a group of people driving more than a dozen carriages, dumping the grass, cabbage, sweet potato and other rabbit favorite food on the carriage in front of the huge white rabbit, and then fled quickly.

These people don't have to guess. They know that it is the people in the nearby Heiya city. It seems that they are feeding the huge white rabbit when the wind Ziyan sleeps.

However, although this huge white rabbit has become a monster, it can be seen that it is gentle, basically vegetarian, and has no intention to hurt the Terran.

With the landing of Zhang Yi and others, the timid giant white rabbit felt the terrible breath of Zhang Yi and immediately fell on the ground trembling and afraid to move.

Zhang Yi came to this tomb like building. He didn't need to ask. Such an ugly building without aesthetics must be made by Feng Ziyan.

Zhang Yi pushed open the crooked stone gate, and a strange sound came from the stone gate:

"Hoo - Hoo! Hoo - Hoo! Hoo - Hoo!... "

It was a very loud snore.

When Zhang Yi entered the building, he saw that there was basically no furniture in the building, only a large stone bed in the middle.

On the stone bed, a girl was sleeping.

The girl was elegant and vulgar. She had a light spirit. Her skin was better than snow. Her eyes closed and her eyelashes trembled slightly. The whole person looked as clean and simple as a piece of white paper.

It's just her sleeping position... It's really indecent.

Her whole body was like a "big" word, her hands and feet were wide open, lying on the stone bed, snoring and sleeping, and the loud snoring came from the girl's mouth and nose.

The girl is not someone else, it is the wind and purple smoke.

Zhang Yi stepped forward and said:

"Ziyan, don't sleep."

After that, Zhang Yi waited patiently for Feng Ziyan to wake up.

However, after waiting for a long time, I didn't see the wind and purple smoke wake up.

This made Zhang Yi frown slightly.

The salt free woman at the door of the building explained:

"Master, as soon as Miss Feng goes to sleep... It's not so easy to wake up."

Zhang Yi smelled the speech and understood that unless it triggered her defense mechanism, it was difficult for fengziyan to wake up passively.

Immediately, Zhang Yiyang raised his hand and slapped Feng Ziyan's face.


With a crisp applause, Zhang Yi knew that he had triggered the instinctive defense mechanism of wind purple smoke, and she would soon wake up by herself.

Sure enough.

I saw the eyelids of wind Ziyan slowly open. She rubbed her eyes and sat up from the stone bed.

"Haven't I woken up yet? How does it feel like someone is hitting me? "

She opened her sleepy eyes and saw Zhang Yi in front of her.

Zhang Yi showed a smile on his face and looked at the wind Ziyan, waiting for the surprise expression of the wind Ziyan.

The wind and purple smoke were impatient and muttered:

"Please! Again! I'll kill you! "

With that, Feng Ziyan suddenly punched Zhang Yi without warning.

Feng Ziyan's fist looks small and delicate, but after all, she is the top strength to cross the robbery. It is difficult to meet her opponent in the world.

Therefore, her fist together, the power of terror suddenly gathered.


Zhang Yi was hit hard in the face with a fist, and then the whole man flew out upside down.

He has been flying to break through the wall and fly thousands of kilometers away before he hit the earth heavily and made a big hole in the earth.

The large strength gap and unprepared made Zhang Yi unable to resist the punch.

Everyone was stunned.

They have seen Zhang Yiwei fierce and powerful, but they have never seen Zhang Yi fly by such a punch.

For a moment, people looked at everything in front of them in horror.

In particular, Lin siliang was frightened. She knew Zhang Yi's strength very well, and she could punch Zhang Yi to fly... She couldn't help looking at the wind and purple smoke. She seemed to think of who was sacred.

Zhang Yi struggled to get up from the pit.

At this time, the wind and purple smoke had rushed out and came to Zhang Yi.

She rode directly on Zhang Yi, raised her fist and said irritably:

"I'll kill you bastard! You always come to my dream, so that I often cry in my dream! I've cried for you dozens of times! I had a good sleep this time, and you came to my dream again! If you have the ability, don't die in Mount Tai. If you have the ability, come back to me alive! I must kill you this time! I don't want to see you again! "

After that, Feng Ziyan's fist blew down again towards Zhang Yi's nose.


The whole place trembled!