Chapter 1371

Master Dao seemed to realize what had happened. He took out two yellow talismans from his arms.

Then he quickly pinched the Yellow symbol and stuffed it into his ear to block his ear and avoid hearing the strange suona sound.

Then the master kneaded his hands into a Dharma seal and kept chanting mantras to protect his mind.

The master said that although he was fast, others were not as responsive as him.

With the approaching of the welcoming team, the rest of the people in the inn changed one after another.

Xiaohe, the innkeeper, the waiter, Zhou Zhiqiang and a group of Fuxing sect disciples also changed their faces.

Their eyes began to become confused, and a strange smile gradually appeared at the corners of their mouths.

After that, I saw that these people started walking outside the inn one by one, obviously trying to join the welcoming team.

"Wake up! Don't be taken away from your mind! "

Master Dao quickly stretched out his hand to hold Xiaohe and the others.

But as soon as he stopped printing and chanting the mantra, he suddenly felt that the suona sounded in the sea of his divine soul, which made his head buzzing and almost couldn't stick to his mind.

This frightened the master to quickly withdraw his hand and continue to seal and chant the curse. He didn't dare to be distracted any more.

But in this way, Xiaohe and others are still going towards the wedding team. Master Dao remembered that he couldn't help shouting, but there was nothing he could do.

At this time, I saw people suddenly emerge from the sedan chair in the backyard of the Inn and go towards the wedding procession.

These figures are female ghosts such as table butterflies. At this time, they also have strange smiles. Obviously, they have been influenced by the music of the wedding team.

It seems that even ordinary ghosts can't resist this deadly sound. The black wind ghost Emperor didn't appear. It's obvious that he can resist it when his cultivation reaches its level.

In the inn, there are only one living person who can sit still like a mountain, Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi drank tea and said faintly:

"The spirit attack is quite unique."

Zhang Yi has heard that this strange suona sound is a powerful spirit attack.

Zhou Zhiqiang and others couldn't resist this divine attack, but it was just a piece of cake for Zhang Yi.

At present, although Zhou Zhiqiang and a group of Fuxing disciples lost their consciousness during the attack of the spirit, which led to their being controlled for a time, they were not in danger of life.

So Zhang Yi still sat still and observed quietly.

He heard clearly just now. Master Dao seemed to have said that these wedding teams were related to the ghost immortal Taoist temple, so Zhang Yi wanted to have a good look at the connection between all this.

In the inn, the woman with a funny smile began to walk towards the wedding team outside the inn.

However, before taking two steps, the copper bell around the woman's waist suddenly rang.


As soon as the copper bell rang, the woman trembled and woke up.

Zhang Yi was slightly surprised to see here. He didn't expect that the copper bell had such a function.

At this time, I saw the woman listening.

As a blind person, her hearing was different from that of ordinary people. She soon recognized that everyone in the inn was walking outside and heard the voice of death outside.

In the face of such a situation, I saw the woman began to grope and go towards the backyard of the inn.

Obviously, the woman was also aware of the danger outside the inn, so she went in the opposite direction.


The copper bell on the woman's waist is still ringing.

As the bell rang, the girl also became more and more anxious.

In Zhang Yi's divine consciousness, he soon noticed that the breath of Yin soldiers was approaching quickly.

"The ghost is coming again."

Zhang Yi stood up quietly and followed her away.

In Zhang Yi's realm, as long as he is willing, his actions can not cause any sound, and even the smell of Qi can disappear completely, which will definitely not be noticed by an ordinary blind woman.

Therefore, Zhang Yi followed her behind, and she didn't know it at all.

Zhang Yi followed the woman to the backyard of the inn, where a gorgeous sedan chair was parked.

Among the sedan chairs, the black wind ghost emperor is inside.

When Zhang Yi approached, the black wind ghost emperor wanted to come out to salute, but Zhang Yi stretched out his hand to stop the black wind ghost emperor.

At this time, the woman had groped for the back door of the inn. She opened the back door and went out.

Without hesitation, Zhang Yi followed her to leave the inn.

In the courtyard of the inn, the black wind ghost emperor stood in front of the sedan chair, while the sharp suona outside was still ringing.

"I didn't expect the voice of death to play again in the world after so many years! Hey, hey, hey, hey... Last time I missed a good opportunity, this time, it's my turn! "

The black wind ghost emperor murmured, and his eyes began to become more and more blood red.


Qingfeng town.



The bell rang more and more rapidly.

The woman ran in horror in the dark lane.

The roadway is very dark and you can't see your fingers.

But there is no difference between darkness and light.

She didn't know how many somersaults she fell in the process of running, but she got up in fear and kept trying to escape, as if something terrible was chasing her.

"Stop pestering me! Stop pestering me! "

The woman screamed in horror. Even if she fell several somersaults and broke her head, she didn't dare to stop.


A sharp strange cry suddenly sounded in the dark!


The strange cry was like a cat's cry, sharp and full of unspeakable evil.

The woman seemed very familiar with the scream. When she heard the scream, she lost her balance and fell to the ground.

The fall was so heavy that she couldn't get up for half a day.

"No! Don't come! "

But she crawled on the ground in horror, trying to stay away from the direction of the scream.


The shrill cry came out from the darkness again.

Then something slowly appeared from the darkness and approached the woman.

I saw that it was a terrible ghost baby!

The ghost baby looks only about the size of a newborn baby, but its head is surprisingly large and its body is full of swelling as if it had been soaked for a long time.

The most terrible thing is that the ghost baby has only one eye, and its one eye is full of blood. Its skin is wrinkled gray white, a bloody umbilical cord is still connected to its navel, and the other end of the umbilical cord is actually a bloody placenta!

As the ghost baby climbed towards the girl, he opened his mouth full of black blood and shouted:


This sharp cat voice was actually emitted from the mouth of the ghost baby.

The copper bell on the woman's waist rang more and more. She seemed to notice the approaching of the ghost baby, and her face became more and more frightened:

"Please let me go! Please! "

However, the ghost baby did not listen to the girl's plea.

The ghost baby moved quickly, and it was as agile as a wild cat.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the ghost baby jumped on the woman. It raised its sharp little claws, grabbed the woman's hair, and then tore it.

The woman suddenly made a sad cry.

The ghost baby has a wisp of black hair in his hand, and a bloody scalp is connected to the end of the black hair.

Obviously, the ghost baby tore off a piece of the girl's hair and skin just now.

"Please! Let me go! I can't stand it anymore! "

She is still begging for mercy.

The ghost baby didn't stop.

He raised his claws and stabbed her on the shoulder.

A few more blood holes appeared on her shoulder, which made her scream in pain.

Then the ghost baby's claw was suddenly pulled, and several bloody scratches appeared on the woman's shoulder.

I saw as like as two peas of the old woman's shoulder.

It turned out that the dense scars on the woman's body were left by the ghost baby torturing the woman.

I don't know how long the ghost baby tortured the girl, which made her have so many scars.

The more the girl screams, the more the ghost baby rises.

He opened his mouth full of fine fangs, bit it at the girl, and tore off a piece of flesh on the girl.

It can be seen that although the ghost baby is torturing the girl, he doesn't want to take her life.

All its attacks have avoided the key points of the women, and will only bring flesh wounds to the women, not fatal.

Zhang Yi, who has been in the dark, saw this scene and finally came out of the darkness.

He frowned, walked towards the ghost baby and said:

"If you don't kill too much, why do you have to torture her for such a long time? Today, you either kill her to eliminate your resentment, or get away from me and stop harassing her. This is my choice for you. "

Zhang Yi knows that there must be a reason why the ghost baby entangled this girl.

However, Zhang Yi doesn't want to care about the grudges between them. He just doesn't like a person suffering from such torture.

Zhang Yi doesn't mind killing people. He has killed countless people himself.

But he won't torture people, especially the torture that people can't survive or die, because it's not what a big husband does.

With the appearance of Zhang Yi, the ghost baby turned around and opened his mouth towards Zhang Yi, screaming, as if full of threat.

Zhang Yi is not frightened by the ghost baby. He is still walking towards the ghost baby.

He could clearly feel that the breath of Yin soldiers existed in the ghost baby.

"If you don't accept my choice, then be ready to be scared."

Zhang Yi's eyes became dark.

Don't say that the ghost baby just has the smell of Yin soldiers. Even if it is a Yin soldier, Zhang Yi can deal with it as well.


The ghost baby screamed sharply, then suddenly turned into a black light and rushed towards Zhang Yi.

Obviously, the ghost baby wants to kill Zhang Yi, too.

Zhang Yi sneered:

"I don't know what to do."

At the moment when the ghost baby flew, Zhang Yi's hand suddenly stretched out.

A strange scene suddenly appeared, as if the position Zhang Yi grabbed was exactly where the ghost baby was, or the ghost baby bumped into Zhang Yi's hand.

As soon as Zhang Yi grabbed it, the ghost baby was caught in the palm of Zhang Yi's hand.

Zhang Yi holds the ghost baby's neck and his hands are like pliers:

"Demon ghost."

Zhang Yi suddenly tightened his hand and wanted to pinch the ghost baby's neck.

However, at this time, a strange scene suddenly appeared!