Chapter 1505

The planets that people came to before were all deserted planets, and there was no vegetation on the surface of those planets.

And those planets are very monotonous. They are only used as array bases for construction. It can be said that there is nothing on those planets except arrays.

Now the planet is very different.

There are many vegetation on the planet. People can also see some strange buildings on the planet.

Obviously, these buildings are not used for more practical arrays, but more seem to be buildings related to rituals, sacrifices or tombs.

With Zhang Yi's divine knowledge swept away, they also found many gathering places similar to cities on this planet.

Shangguan Hong, President of Baihong academy, explained to the crowd:

"If you guessed right, this is the city where the craftsmen who built the tomb of the devouring beast emperor lived temporarily. Although this is not the main Mausoleum of the devouring emperor, it may also be the concubine loved by the devouring emperor or the accompanying Tomb of the minister. "

In the demon Dynasty of that year, the atmosphere of accompanying burial was very heavy.

Often after the death of a generation of animal kings, countless concubines and ministers are buried with them.

This extravagant burial atmosphere also led to the rapid decline of the demon Dynasty to a certain extent.

Yuwen Chen's divine knowledge swept around and said:

"There is something underground on this planet. In the forest ahead, there is a passage to the ground. "

Shang Yongqing couldn't help saying:

"Are we going down that tunnel? It's better to dig another channel directly. "

When they heard the speech, they couldn't help thinking.

If you don't follow the channel, you may encounter some accidents.

If you follow the channel, you may encounter the mechanism again.

Finally, Zhang Yi said:

"Let's dig our own way down. My divine sense didn't find any strong array marks. And we should follow our own rhythm, which can not be mastered by the original designer of the mausoleum. "

When they heard this, it was the same truth.

So they began to order their disciples to dig nearby and go to the bottom of the Earth found by the people's divine knowledge.

Among the strong gods who crossed the border, they can clearly find that there is a magnificent mausoleum under the ground.

Although people know that this tomb can not be the tomb of the devouring beast emperor, but is likely to be just a burial tomb, even so, people are eager to get the treasure.

So some disciples began to explore nearby, while most disciples began to dig underground.

Zhang Yi didn't have time to chat with the three strong people who crossed the border. He got out of the interstellar magic weapon and began to walk around.

The buildings that attract Zhang Yi are those located in the jungle.

The plants on this planet are extremely huge, and the buildings here are also huge.

Zhang Yi came to the jungle and observed the surrounding buildings.

It's not hard to see that most of these buildings are not made by Terrans.

They were all built by demon craftsmen in those years, and most of them looked like stone carvings. Most of these stone carvings are ferocious beasts. They are entrenched in the huge jungle. At first glance, they look like living animals.

These sculptures of the ancient demon clan are very different from those of the later demon clan.

The ancient demon sculpture was full of magnificent and rough style, while the later demon sculpture was influenced by the human race and became more exquisite and abstract.

While Zhang Yi was observing these sculptures, bursts of men's and women's breathing sounded nearby.

As soon as Zhang Yi listened, he knew that some male and female disciples of that sect couldn't help being lonely. At this time, they sneaked into the forest to seek stimulation.

Zhang Yi doesn't care about other people's private affairs.

He continued to observe the buildings in the surrounding forest and those strange huge plants, and he had no time to disturb others' private affairs.

After a while, sure enough, I saw a man and a woman, two disciples, coming out of the woods.

They were sweating all over and obviously had just finished strenuous exercise.

"Little baby, don't worry. Since you've been better with elder martial brother, elder martial brother will cover you in the sect in the future!"

The male disciple kissed the female disciple, then tied his belt and turned away.

At this time, another male disciple came out and hugged the female disciple:

"Younger martial sister, you've had a good time with the eldest martial brother. Now it's my turn! Don't worry, I'll cover you in the future after I feel better with me. "

Then he put his arm around the female disciple and drilled into the woods.

Zhang Yi shook his head when he heard this.

I didn't expect that today's young people have such a debauchery in their private life.

The female disciple only slept with one man, but she slept with another.

However, this kind of thing is not uncommon. In some sects, some female disciples are willing to do things only done by prostitutes in order to get more resources or status.

As the saying goes, each has his own way of life. Although Zhang Yi disagrees with this behavior, he also strictly prohibits this behavior in Fuxingmen. But for other sects, Zhang Yi doesn't care.

With that, Zhang Yi was ready to leave.

However, this time, unexpectedly, the two disciples, a man and a woman, came out quickly, and the time was very fast.

The male disciple looked ashamed:

"I'm really sorry, younger martial sister. I'm not in good shape today, so I couldn't help but end it all at once. Of course, this doesn't mean I'm not good at it. Next time I'll let you know how good I am! "

The female disciple smiled and said:

"Of course I know elder martial brother is powerful."

The men and women finished this time faster than Zhang Yi expected, so when Zhang Yi was turning and leaving, he met the men and women who came out of the small forest.

The couple couldn't help being embarrassed. When they saw that it was Zhang Yi, they were shocked again.

"I've seen door Master Zhang!"

Zhang Yisui glanced at them at random.

However, when he saw the female disciple, he was stunned.

I saw that the female disciple was very gorgeous. She could be said to be naturally obsequious. If she was put on earth, she must belong to the type that would be scolded as a fox and bring disaster to the country and the people.

Her natural fox eyes seem to be able to seduce the soul, and her figure is good enough to explode. Her clothes can't hide the graceful and charming curve.

It can be said that this is a natural creature, which can arouse the deepest desire of men.

In Zhang Yi's surprise, the female and male disciples nervously saluted Zhang Yi, so scared that they hurried away and didn't dare to stay.

Obviously, the couple knew Zhang Yi's identity, so they didn't dare to stay in front of Zhang Yi for a long time.

However, Zhang Yi looked at the back of the female disciple who left in a hurry and couldn't help sighing:

"It's her..."

Zhang Yi knew the female disciple who had just accompanied two men in the field.

The woman's name is Liu Ruyan.

When Zhang Yi first entered the cultivation world in his previous life, he also made many friends, and Liu Ruyan was one of them.

At that time, Liu Ruyan was also a novice practitioner in the Jianghu. She was also full of simplicity and childishness.

But later I heard that the man she fell in love with for the first time was hooked away by a sect lady, which made her deeply shocked.

So Liu Ruyan became a woman who wanted to climb up.

But it's a pity that she doesn't have any talent and skills. Even in practice, she is just a mediocre person.

With such conditions, she wants to rely on her own ability. She can't stand out in the Xiuzhen world all her life.

But fortunately, she had a pair of excellent skin bags, so she finally began to use her flesh to achieve her goal, and finally became a slut in people's mouth.

After several fruitless attempts to persuade her in her previous life, Zhang Yi despised her character, so he completely cut off the relationship of friends with her and stopped communicating with her.

After a few years, Zhang Yi heard that she finally joined a big sect by selling her flesh.

Since then, Zhang Yi has never heard from her again.

Zhang Yi didn't expect that he would meet Liu Ruyan again here in this life.

What's more, the big sect Liu Ruyan joined in that year was beiwen Pavilion.

No wonder Zhang Yi never heard of her in her previous life. It turned out that she participated in this exploration of the forbidden zone in her previous life and finally died in the forbidden zone.

"After all, I once had a friend. Although I still despise your actions, I don't mind if I can save your life."

Although Zhang Yi cut off her friend relationship because she despised Liu Ruyan's character in her previous life, since she can meet again in this life, it is fate.

By fate, Zhang Yi doesn't mind ensuring that she can survive this exploration in the forbidden area.

After Zhang yisiding, he walked in the direction Liu Ruyan left.

Soon, Zhang Yi returned to the camp where the disciples gathered.

He came to the gathering place of the disciples of beiwen Pavilion. Sure enough, he saw Liu Ruyan in a tent.

At this time, Liu Ruyan sat in the middle of several male disciples of beiwen Pavilion, talking and laughing with several male disciples.

The squinting eyes in the eyes of the male disciples exposed their attempts, and their hands walked unclearly on Liu Ruyan's body, completely ignoring that it was broad daylight.

It seems that it is normal for them to play with Liu Ruyan, and they won't worry about other people's gossip.

But Liu Ruyan herself kept smiling and cooperating with those male disciples. She had no sense of shame at all.

Zhang Yi stood in the distance looking at this scene and couldn't help sighing slightly:

"If a person falls to such a degree, is it worth saving?"

At this time, Liu Ruyan was no different from the young lady who came out to sell. She had already abandoned all the bottom lines.

At this time, a shadow came to Zhang Yi.

It is Shang Yongqing, the wife of the head of beiwen Pavilion.

Shang Yongqing followed Zhang Yi's line of sight and saw the ugly scene of Liu Ruyan and the male disciples. She couldn't help being very embarrassed.

Then Shang Yongqing said:

"I failed to discipline my disciples so well that their absurd actions defiled the eyes of sect leader Zhang. Don't worry, sect leader Zhang. I'll punish them now. "