Chapter 83

"Mr. Liu, that's a real life!"

In the recording, sun Dong's tone sounds very anxious, but think about it. Sun Dong is responsible for this project. Once discovered, sun Dong also has unshirkable responsibility.

"Listen to me! Now let the bulldozer push it

"Mr. Liu, this is a bribe of 2 million yuan to the financial director of Dacheng Group. I have sent the list to your mobile phone."

"Mr. Liu, these are the two college students for Li Changping. They are both from different places. I think Li Changping, an old lecheron, will be very satisfied. In addition, I have secretly installed a pinhole camera in my room..."


when Lin Han heard this, he could not help shaking his head. His dark pupils are now covered with endless anger.

Behind the recordings, they not only represent living human lives, but also strong evidence of a chain of relationships.

The next second, Lin Han copied the recorded content through the computer, took a deep breath and sighed.

"Sun Dong is also a talented person, but it always gives me a very strange feeling, that is, between the lines of sun Dong's words, it seems that he is deliberately trying to set up Liu Jinxiong's information."

Lin Han is not a fool either. When he stood a little bit in sun Dong's position and thought, he had completely reflected that the more than 100 recordings stored in this memory card were not used by sun Dong to threaten Liu Jinxiong, but to protect himself.

But from this moment on, Lin Han directly gave up the previous plan to crack down on Liu's group. Even though this plan has been completely formed, it is still a waste of time for Lin Han.

Of course, whether these recordings are exposed or not depends on the attitude of Liu Jinxiong and Liu Hui.

Half a year, for others, maybe two seasons will pass, but for Lin Han, this is a crucial time for him.

Because once in the middle of September, a stage that only belongs to Lin Han will come!

If we can't grasp the opportunity, then Lin Han will only become a rich man with a fortune of 10 billion in his life, but how can he satisfy Lin Han's appetite with a fortune of 10 billion?

What Lin Han wants is to hold the Internet all over the world in his hands, and let China grasp the crucial existence of the cutting-edge confidence project.

Not by foreign companies with wolf ambitions.

Soon, the news that sun Dong was arrested by the Public Security Bureau of Qingshui city began to spread among a small number of people in Qinghe city. Although sun Dong was at best a part-time worker, it was when Liu Jinxiong began to transfer the market center from Qingshui city to Yanjing.

Most of the branches of Liu's group are decided by sun Dong alone.

Soon, that night, Liu Jinxiong, who was having dinner with Liu Hui, gradually became colder and colder. Liu Hui couldn't help looking at this scene.

"OK, thank you. I see. I'll take care of it."

After Liu Jinxiong finished talking to the phone, he hung up the phone. But the next second, Liu Jinxiong breathed a long breath, and his gloomy eyes were bright and dark.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

Although the relationship between Liu Hui and Liu Jinxiong is not very harmonious, if something really big happens, Liu Hui is naturally worried.

Because in Liu Hui's view, Liu's group belongs to itself!

Who is willing to look at their own things, from the hands of others a little waste of this value, even their own father can not!

"Sun Dong was arrested by the police."

Liu Jinxiong took the goblet and drank all the red wine in it. After hearing this, Liu Hui could not help but frown.

"Why can't this guy even do small things? But what about being arrested? It's a few days' detention at most. "

But before Liu Hui finished his words, his face suddenly changed, his eyes were wide open, and Liu Jinxiong asked tentatively.

"Won't sun Dong have something to do with us?"

If this problem is true, it can be said that it is a devastating blow to Liu's group, because even Liu Hui knows something about it. When every project is completed, it looks dazzling, and many entrepreneurs come to cheer.

But when the project construction, who can guarantee that there will not be some accidents?

In recent years, in order to maximize the benefits, Liu group has compressed a lot of protection for workers, even the safety helmet, which should be able to withstand a large part of external force impact in case of danger, but the protection provided by Liu group will be broken with a little hammer.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg that Liu group saved.

"It's not sure at present, because it's impossible to guarantee the truth of Sundong's daughter-in-law's words. Just now, Sundong's daughter-in-law contacted the financial department of the company and asked the financial department to give me a message, saying that Sundong was working for Liu's group. Even if she didn't make any contribution for so many years, there was hard work. I hope I can get Sundong out. She can't live without her husband and children There's a father... "As for the words behind Sun Dong's daughter-in-law, Liu Jinxiong did not tell Liu Hui completely, but Liu Hui had guessed how much.

If this kind of thing happened to other people, as long as they didn't do something bad, they would not be afraid. But they would be very worried about Liu Jinxiong and his son.

Because even Liu Jinxiong can't guarantee whether sun Dong has left any evidence for the things he has instructed sun Dong to do for so many years.

If not, everything will be OK.

But if there are any, then everything will be over. I'm afraid the 10 billion company will collapse in a flash!

"Don't worry. I've started to make contacts. Although there are no officials who can cooperate in the current law of Israel, it's not difficult just to get the details of sun Dong."

Just as Liu Jinxiong started to launch this huge network of relationships in Qingshui City, at the same time, a short number of landline has been dialed to Lin Han's mobile phone.

Seeing the tail number shown above, Lin Han hesitated and finally pressed the answer button.

"Hello, is that Lin Han? I'm Qingshui police station

"I'm Lin Han."

The person on the other end of the phone spoke again after hearing Lin Han's confirmation.

"Well, sun Dong's collusion with the underworld and evil forces has affected Lin Changsu's project. Now he has been arrested by all of us. However, in the process of inquiring just now, sun Dong needs to see you by name, so we hope you will cooperate with us in the investigation."

"OK, I'll be there in 20 minutes. I'll call you when I get there."