Chapter 240

It turns out that after Chen Wu let Zhang Jianjun's customers experience the benefits of vertical Internet advertising, the factory received the sales volume of the previous week in just half a day.

And Chengwu is also a smart person. He knows that most people are instinctively resistant to new things, so he doesn't sell a lot.

Instead, he sent the customer's performance to Zhang Jianjun's customers in the form of e-mail.

Nowadays, is it true that people still regard money as dirt?

It can be imagined that, coupled with the price advantage of Chengwu, the impact on Zhang Jianjun was huge.

Nearly half of the customers have cancelled the production of next month's advertisement by phone.

For Zhang Jianjun haoxuan media, it's really like what Cheng Wu said. It's a dimension reduction attack.

After all, in Chen Wu's eyes, the future is the world of the Internet. The traditional form of advertising is just like the old house decades ago.

Zhang Jianjun wants to recover some customers temporarily through bargaining, otherwise, the materials in the warehouse are all costs.

The price reduction of 30% is close to the cost of marketing.

As the saying goes, some people are happy and some people are worried. At the command of Cheng Wu, the general manager office of penguin branch, originally this group of talented students graduated from their respective universities of Finance and economics, should have majored in financial analysis and business negotiation.

But now?

Regardless of the gender or the position, all of them took the phone and bombed Zhang Jianjun's customers like a carpet.

As for the effect? That must have been very satisfying.

Otherwise, this group of graduates with different majors would not be as bloody as a chicken.

Meanwhile, two foreigners, little Robertson and Sarah, have also come to the gate of penguin branch, because the wholly-owned branch of little tiger Global Fund in Qingshui city is scheduled to open tomorrow.

Now, of course, little Robertson and Sarah come with a purpose.

After all, for little Robertson, this is his last chance. How can people who have experienced the upper class willingly return to the middle class?

Especially in the United States, where money is paramount.

"Hello, I'd like to speak to Mr. Cheng Wu."

The girl at the front desk was also brought by orange Wu from Penguin headquarters. She just graduated this year. Because of her sweet appearance, she was temporarily assigned to the front desk by orange Wu.

Anyway, penguin is also a relatively large-scale Internet company in China, which naturally requires a lot of ostentation.

"OK, can you tell me your names and let me know the good news." Speaking at the same time, the front desk sister revealed two small tiger teeth.

This scene, just saw by Sarah, you know at this time in the United States, the most popular on-demand TV series is the vampire werewolf and so on.

Sarah points to the front desk girl's teeth and says, "little Robertson, look at her teeth. They look like vampires."

Even if you speak English, but the front desk girl's good or bad is 6 level, more or less or understand some.

The directly angry front desk girl rolled her eyes at Sarah and muttered.

"Is the child an idiot?"

It's not very loud, but it's enough for little Robertson and Sarah to hear.

Little Robertson:....

if he didn't have the right to choose, little Robertson would not like to bring Sarah. After all, if he took Alice with him, maybe they could have fun at night.

Two minutes later, the front desk girl came back, looked at little Robertson and said.

"We always invite you in. Please follow me."

"Good." Little Robertson smiles and nods, which is a good sign for little Robertson.

It's just that when these three people pass through the office area, the scene in front of them makes little Robertson look a little surprised.

"If I remember correctly, should the nature of branch operations be finance and investment? How can this scene make me feel that I have fallen into the MLM dens? "

While little Robertson was talking, the voice of these employees in front of him also reached little Robertson's ear.

"Mr. Li, you must believe me. We are a wholly-owned subsidiary of Penguin Group. How can we cheat people? As long as Mr. Li invests 100000 yuan, I will make Mr. Li see unexpected results!"

"Mr. Su, have you considered what I told you yesterday?"


"little Robertson, what is a pyramid scheme?" After all, this is Sarah's first visit to China. For this economically backward country, there is always a sense of superiority in Sarah.

As for Sarah's question, little Robertson's rare choice has not been heard. After all, this scene has a great impact on little Robertson.

And when little Robertson came to China for the first time, he was almost caught by pyramid schemes.With the general manager's office door pushed open, sitting on the sofa, orange Wu also stood up from the sofa and nodded to little Robertson.

"Sit down, little Mr. Robertson."

A few minutes later, the smell of tea was curling, but Sarah frowned all the time because she thought it was really strange for Chinese to drink hot water.

In Damei, they don't have the habit of drinking hot water even in winter.

"Little Mr. Robertson is so busy at work. How can he come to me in his spare time?"

Orange Wu cocked his legs and looked at little Robertson in front of him. He opened his mouth with a faint smile.

In fact, Cheng Wu naturally feels disdain for the identity of little Robertson. The reason why he chooses to meet is that nearly one third of Penguin Group's clients in its advertising business have been indirectly or directly controlled by Tiger Global Fund.

In other words, little Robertson now enjoys the same treatment as penguin's big advertising customers. Otherwise, given the reputation of tiger Global Fund in China, who would like to get involved with such a company.

Perhaps in other people's eyes, many industries in China can do anything for money and business, but this does not mean that they will still do so in the face of foreign enemies.

"I'm looking for Mr. orange to cooperate. Tomorrow, our branch of little tiger Global Fund will open in Qingshui city. I'd like to invite Mr. orange to celebrate in the hotel tomorrow."

Little Robertson is the kind of proud person, can make him think at this time such a low-profile invitation orange Wu, is not Lin Han to harm?

But then the words that orange Wu said from his mouth made little Robertson's mouth slightly open. He looked at Orange Wu again, but his eyes had become different in vain.

Orange Wu glanced at the calendar on the table. His brow wrinkled and he could not help shouting.