Chapter 499

"20 million dollars? Only 20 million dollars? " Zhang Xiaojin can understand English. She can't help but roll her eyes. The Salman in front of her is really an eye opener for Zhang Xiaojin.

After all, how could you give such a valuable gift for the first time?

Perhaps $20 million is not much in Salman's eyes, but if it is converted into Chinese currency through the exchange rate, it will be close to 150 million.

If it's true, for these poor countries with only oil left, isn't the oil continuously exploited just money?

Maybe it's just because money comes so easily that Salman thinks that the $20 million is not worth mentioning...

"how much? 20 million dollars? "

Rao is Lin Han. At this time, he looks a little surprised. You know, he and Salman are meeting for the first time today.

There has been an old saying in China since ancient times, which is called reciprocity. But the key point is that Lin Han doesn't like collecting these antique calligraphy and paintings. He can't give Salman some money?

"There are not many of these things. If it wasn't for the rush of time, maybe I could find some more antiques belonging to your country in the warehouse."

Although Salman didn't understand Lin Han's words, he could see it in his eyes. The slight shaking of his head seemed to tell a trivial thing.

Well, up to now, Lin Han can only accept these two antiques for the time being, but Lin Han decided to let Salman get some profits from the cooperation between the two sides.

Soon, the meal that had been suspended began.

You drink one of mine. In a short time, Lin Han and Salman have been slightly drunk.

After all, today's focus is to discuss cooperation. In other words, both Lin Han and Salman actually have their own small calculations.

After all, compared with cooperative transactions, the way of payment is settled by money, and the importance of oilfield is self-evident.

You know, who can guarantee that after surveying the total reserves of oil fields, they will not suddenly come out again?

This phenomenon was not absent before.

Just as the box of the hotel has just fallen into silence, Salman's eyes are now turning back and forth, taking a deep breath. At the same time, it seems that he has made a big decision. He immediately says to Lin Han.

"Mr. Lin Han, when we were on the phone, we didn't tell us the details of our cooperation. I know that it may seem a bit nondescript to talk about these cooperation matters at dinner....

before Salman finished speaking, Zhang Xiaojin shook her head. This kind of question doesn't need to ask Lin Han at all.

After all, strictly speaking, Zhang Xiaojin is also a major shareholder of Quantong oil company. Even in the plan for the Li family, Zhang Xiaojin is the one who occupies the dominant position.

"Prince Salman, China likes to talk about cooperation at the wine table. If I remember correctly, is Prince Salman planning to build the desert kingdom into a secure network environment through the technical level of our Quantong group? Won't be monitored, also won't worry about networking mobile phone inexplicably crash this kind of thing? " Who knows how envious Lin Han is when he hears Zhang Xiaojin's fluent English? When he is young, he shouts loudly with his parents.

It's normal that I can't learn English well. I'm Chinese, and I love my country...

when Zhang Xiaojin's words fell into Salman's ears, Salman's eyes lit up, nodded slightly, and even gave Zhang Xiaojin a thumbs up excitedly.

"Yes, yes! That's what I mean, but there is also a key point, that is, I hope that the control power can be in the hands of our desert royal family. Now that I have said that, I will tell you the truth. I want to clean up the people who have different intentions in the royal family through the security intelligence system. "

More than ten seconds later, Lin Han understood this sentence through Zhang Xiaojin's translation, but this time, Lin Han did not directly agree with Salman.

You know, for things like monitoring, the combination of an intelligent system and high chip can really achieve this small function.

Even... It won't be noticed by anyone, because mobile phones connected to the Internet are uploading to the Internet all the time.

Maybe Salman gave such a valuable gift at the first meeting, but Lin Han also needs to be careful.

After all, in the current environment, I don't know how many consortia are waiting for Lin Han to take the initiative.

In other words, the foreign capital family headed by Ryan, even though they are well aware of the consequences of Lin Han's completion of the ecological closed-loop blockade of mobile Internet.

But so many people all over the world are watching. It's just a joke to take out some of the usual tricks to deal with Lin Han.

However, if Lin Han takes the initiative to tell customers that he can fully monitor and control the mobile phone, he will surely set off a public opinion force that is enough to destroy the Android system and high-end chips on a global scale.What's more, foreign countries advocate a high degree of personal freedom. This kind of invasion of privacy, even if her privacy is not important, but one after another lawsuits can also bring the booming Quantong group to bankruptcy.

How can Lin Han not know such a thing?

At present, a little bit of fluorescence in Lin Han's eyes turned up, right index finger gently knocked on the table.

For a time, three people, including Zhang Xiaojin, looked at Lin Han.

Even at this time, Zhang Xiaojin frowned, because Zhang Xiaojin knew that Salman's request was enough. But why did Lin Han not agree, but hesitated at such an important moment?

It's not that Zhang Xiaojin's reverse thinking can't take these into account, but in 2008, similar events didn't happen. No wonder Zhang Xiaojin didn't think that way.

Time flies by like this, for Lin Han, there is also a storm in his mind, but gradually, when the fine awn in Lin Han's eyes quickly disperses, Lin Han finally raises his head.

He replied with a smile at Salman.

"Prince Salman, why don't I know what you mean by this function? After all, Prince Salman, as you know, the Internet originally stresses fairness and openness. However, I can let you desert royal family buy out one version of the Android system and give you the authority to change the background. I think you desert royal family are so smart that they should be able to apply what they have learned. "