Chapter 719

Even if we look at this matter from Ryan's experience, even if there are too many anomalies from the beginning to the end, it is only when the outcome is about to be decided.

Any conspiracy will become a complete empty talk.

I think that's what I think. Even the Exxon consortium and the plutocrat behind it all called in person to congratulate Ryan.

After all, only after they had known the whole story did they know how terrible it was.

In other words, under their eyes, it is reasonable to say that there is no such thing as Quantong group.

Trying to control a completely new era with the ability of an enterprise?

In their eyes, this is admiration, but at the same time, they know that this is a impossible thing.

Only two or three superpowers, with the resources of the whole country, can make a comprehensive layout several years in advance.

You know, for these plutocrats, whose capital family consortia may also stand at the top of the world's business, the most desirable thing is to let the family survive for a long time.

There is no doubt that who can control a complete era can at least make the family for a hundred years without signs of weakness.

What is controlling a complete era? It's just to make all enterprises in the world become employees in this rule.

This is the real king of business.

"Everyone, please be quiet..."

suddenly, Lane said in a soft voice with complicated eyes, but his voice was drowned in the noise of the surrounding environment.

After all, except for Ryan, almost everyone has begun to imagine how the future world will continue to be controlled by them.

"Everyone, please be quiet..."

the frown between Ryan's eyebrows deepened, and his voice was still mercilessly submerged.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

in the twinkling of an eye, more than ten seconds later, suddenly, Ryan slapped his right hand on the table.


This sound is extremely dull, and it seems to turn into an invisible sound wave, with lane as the center, spreading rapidly around.

Rao is the steaming cup of coffee in front of Ryan. It is also under this force that the whole cup is five or six centimeters away from the table.

Then he fell on the table again, and the cup and the ceramic base made a clear noise.

For a moment, the original noisy environment really became quiet in an instant, and even the degree of silence was enough for people to hear each other's heartbeat.

"What's the matter with you, Mr. lane? I think you're also joining us. Let's open the champagne ahead of time to celebrate... "

before the fat man sitting on Ryan's right side can finish his speech, Ryan, who is already on the verge of emotional collapse, immediately spills the coffee in front of him without any sign.

At this moment, Lane's eyes are shining with gloomy and uncertain essence. It's the powerful aura on him, and it's also the depressing atmosphere in the air.

Don't forget the premise that there are capital families behind the guys who are qualified to sit here. Even if they are not as good as Ryan, they are not much different.

Just imagine, for these people, the most important thing is face.

Unfortunately, when they think that the victory of the war depends on Ryan, no matter how much anger they feel, they have to swallow it.

As usual, there must have been a terrible commercial war between the two capital families.

So, money is really a good thing!

"Now stop repurchasing the shares of Quantong group. In addition, tell me the stock in the market and how many shares of Quantong group we still hold."

As Ryan's gloomy voice reverberates, one of the operators sitting in front of the big screen, a bald man, turns around.

Just because of the fear of Ryan's aura, he began to speak intermittently.

"At present, there are 60 million stocks still in circulation in Qingshui stock exchange. We still hold 40 million stocks in our hands, but almost all retail investors have sold them before the stock price reaches the bottom."

Hearing this, Ryan nodded thoughtfully. In just three or two seconds, Ryan had already made a decision.

"Now listen to my arrangement and stop buying back the shares of Quantong group immediately. In addition, lock the specific addresses of these forces through IP. I need to know everything in five minutes. Otherwise, you won't have to come back to work tomorrow."

The scene was in an uproar.

After all, since they can become the head of the capital family, they also have their own views on business.But now they don't understand why they choose to let Quantong group go at such a crucial time?

Originally, they were able to prepare the whole ten billion dollars, but they wasted a lot of energy.

In other words, they can't leave Ryan alone!

"What do you mean, Mr. lane? The Quantong group has hindered us so much. Are you going to be a God once and let Quantong group live? That's not how good people are! Shopping malls are like battlefields. To show mercy to the enemy on the battlefields is to be cruel to yourself! "

"I also don't approve of Mr. Lane's decision. We have worked hard to seize the opportunity to kill Quantong group. We must never give up this opportunity!"

These big men in the capital family are now in a fierce quarrel, but no matter how they quarrel, Ryan doesn't have much reaction, but the irony surging in the blue pupil is extremely clear!

"Mr. lane, through the IP lock of the technology department, has basically identified six forces participating in the crazy scramble for the shares of Hermeneus group, namely 90% entertainment, Penguin Group, and penguin's investment department..."

without waiting for the bald man to finish his words, the brilliant light in Lane's eyes almost condensed into essence at that moment.

Three or two steps down at the same time, they have stood in front of each other, a full list of white paper to grab over.

Ten seconds later, when Li Zedong's voice came out through the receiver, Ryan took a deep breath.

After all, Ryan knows that such a thing can only be done by troubling Li Zedong.

"Mr. Li... I read the name of the enterprise below. I hope Mr. Li can persuade the other party to suspend the acquisition of shares of Quantong group within five minutes. I... Suspect there is fraud in this."