Chapter 890

The so-called press conference started at 4 p.m. and took a total of 4 hours. The meal ended at more than 8 p.m.

To tell you the truth, after Lin Han raised 800 billion yuan from the three families, he didn't have much hope for others.

But this time, the result seems to exceed Lin Han's expectation, really let Lin Han understand, what is a little makes a lot.

Ma Yun, founder of Ali group, provided 5 billion yuan, the founder of wangle group provided 5 billion yuan, Mahua Teng, founder of Penguin Group provided 3 billion yuan, and Liu Qiang Dong also provided 1 billion yuan.

the remaining hundreds of people, even in millions or even tens of thousands of yuan, but the final statistical results, not counting the three families, are enough 26 billion.

Although it's not much, for Lin Han, a drop in the bucket is money.

, after all, came up with 200 billion cash from the account of the group, which undoubtedly raised the risk of Lin Han by 20%.

But there's no way. As the sponsor of this project, if Lin Han doesn't take the initiative to express his position, how can he talk about the so-called credibility.

At this moment, in the living room of No. 7 villa in Xiushui Bay, Lin Han, who is full of alcohol, is lying on Chen Yutong's lap.

Even if because drunk, and lead to speak become wordy, can still be difficult to cover up, that kind of heartfelt happiness.

It is clear that Lin Han's individual words have been repeated several times, but in Chen Yutong's eyes, his eyes are still full of tenderness.

A pair of jade hands gently against Lin Han's temple position, trying to relieve Lin Han's headache in this way.

As for sitting on the other side of the sofa, Chen Yutong's mother, a middle-aged woman with low culture, also yelled in surprise.

"A trillion? If all this money is put forward, won't it be hundreds of tons? "

"To be exact, it should be 11500 tons..." after the sound fell, Lin Han belched twice again.

However, at this time, Lin Han's mobile phone on the coffee table rang out a continuous buzzing vibration.

"Yutong... Help me to see who is calling. If it doesn't matter, I won't answer it..."

today's Lin Han, because he is drunk, is affectionately feeling that the earth is turning and the sky is turning and the shadows are overlapping.

Chen Yutong took the mobile phone and glanced at the screen. But when she saw the contact's remarks, she couldn't help frowning.

"What you mentioned is... The oil seller..."

hearing this, Lin Han sat up and gave a drunken smile. You know, you don't want to see Lin Han at ordinary times.

"I'll have to change his name later. I'll change it to a money giver!"

At the same time, Lin Han has taken the phone and pressed the answer button. Soon, the voice belonging to Salman comes from the receiver.

A few seconds later, Lin Han, who responded, pushed his mobile phone to Chen Yutong again. Although Chen Yutong's English is average, it's also a level 6.

In fact, Chen Yutong's mother and daughter were also wondering. After all, a lot of strange words kept popping up from Lin Han's mouth.

What are the top 100 poor villages? Food and clothing are all problems. How can we help them as well as Quantong group.

In the eyes of ordinary people, helping and business are two separate things, but why can Lin Han get involved?

"Lin Han... He asked you, is the fundraising thing over? If it's not over, they're going to pay for it. "

At this moment, Chen Yutong finally understood why Lin Han would sell oil. The desert royal family is not short of oil...

"it's over, but the funds are not enough! Let them be more local tyrants! "

Chen Yutong nodded and translated Lin Han's words.

A minute later, Chen Yutong took the initiative to call decisively. Even though he had some psychological preparation, he was obviously surprised.

"The other party said that he would invest 30 billion US dollars in the form of investment in the name of the desert royal family, and he would also invest 3 billion US dollars in the form of 100 million individuals..."

but before Chen Yutong finished, Lin hanzao had already fallen asleep and even snored faintly.

Who would have thought that the desert royal family had sent nearly 240 billion Chinese dollars at the critical moment? It seems that at this moment, ordinary people could not save less than one million in their whole life. On the contrary, it would be easy for them to reach Lin Han.

It's not surprising. It's just that Chen Yutong is very proud at this moment. Women think different things from men. Besides, Chen Yutong can't be as comprehensive as Lin Han.

But in Chen Yutong's eyes, if so much money has helped so many poor children and families, it can at least help them improve a lot.Maybe for families in the city, 2 / 300 is not much, and one or two meals are gone. But in poor mountainous areas, maybe this money can save a life at an important moment.

Even though the press conference belonging to Quantong group has ended, the impact is still heating up crazily. While it has shocked the whole domestic business circle, the praise and criticism are naturally different.

Just like Fang Zongxin, Rao is a first-class city director. Now he is all in deep meditation. Even with the rise of influence, he has arrived in a local capital city.

The reason is understandable. In the eyes of many city leaders, Lin Han's behavior really gives people a strange feeling, and even calls it nondescript.

It's understandable for an enterprise to do good deeds, but if it has raised more than one trillion yuan of funds to help the top 100 poor villages, it can be said that the whole society will be in great turmoil.

Late that night, on the top of the temple, they had heard the news.

If we say that Quantong group was in the eyes of many big people because it wanted to change the business category of Qingshui city.

Now, it's no exaggeration to say that no matter what Lin Han's real intention is, at this moment, after a series of arguments and a show of hands vote.

What Lin Han wants seems to be on his way.

After all, if we want to accomplish this feat, we can't do without relevant policy support, such as road construction, official coordination of resources of all parties, and so on.

At this moment, Lin Han's aura seems more dazzling than before. In the eyes of many politicians, the word "Rao is capitalist" is no longer simply linked with businessmen.

It's chivalrous to care for the common people! This is the high-level evaluation of Lin Han, a young man.