Chapter 1002

If there is no accident, today must be a day that needs to be recorded in history.

In finance, the memory of the past life in Lin Han's mind can once again play a role.

Although the media controlled by Lin Yan's family can't go abroad at all, do you really think Lin Han has no other way?

In fact, Lin Han didn't expect that the two men, Ryan and Sarah, whom he saved the day before yesterday, gave Lin Han a big surprise.

From the beginning to the end, many capital families headed by little tiger Global Fund have already made large and small investments in the Internet industry of Lin Han's country.

After all, this country has a vast territory and abundant resources. The demographic dividend accumulated by more than one billion people is really no less than the total of the demographic dividend of the whole European continent!

In that case, which capitalist is not jealous?

In their eyes, demographic dividend is the biggest resource! If we want to regenerate this kind of resources, it will take at least decades or even longer.

Compared with the international crude oil market full of too many lies, what is really worth cherishing is still the demographic dividend owned by each country.

There may be different beliefs and many differences, but it is undeniable that Lin Han is the only country in the world.

In the eyes of capitalists, the sincerity and hard work of every common people is like icing on the cake.

Just this, we don't know how many streets to throw out the demographic dividend accumulated by other countries.

It is for this reason that the market has long been targeted by the top ten consortia.

In other words, even Lin Han did not expect that there were so many "excellent" science and technology enterprises in his motherland if he had not heard of them.

With that complicated and outrageous ownership structure, it is believed that even if professionals come to investigate, they will not find anything wrong for a while.

Time flies by like this.

The opposition between the Quantong group and the top ten consortia has made countless people panic.

Can we say that with the prosperity of science and technology today, we really need to see retrogression?

But even if there are more unwilling and complaining in their hearts, only in the face of the two forces standing at the top of the business, their personal power seems extremely small.

Especially when the top ten consortia made a response, the eyes of most of the global forces had already fallen on Quantong group.

It's no exaggeration to say that any action of Quantong group, no matter how small, still makes them have to worry from the heart.

In addition, commercial plunder of this scale has never occurred in the past years.

In addition to the mystery of the Quantong group, almost one third of the large and small capital families are looking forward to the last laugh of the Quantong group.

After all, they have been denounced by the top ten consortia for so many years.

However, on the other hand, when a private plane from Shangjing slowly stops at Qingshui airport, two women with noble temperament are walking one after another.

If you look carefully, the black bodyguards standing around seem not to be good at it.

Two minutes later, without waiting for Zhang Xue and Zhang Xiaojin to walk out of the waiting room, Zhang Xiaojin's eyes fell on the screen and frowned.

"Auntie... The top ten consortia have made almost the same response. At this time, the situation has been completely deadlocked, but so far, Quantong group has no new action."

Just a few words, Zhang Xiaojin will accurately tell the latest situation to Zhang Xue.

"With what you know about Lin Han, what do you think Lin Han will do next?" Then Zhang Xue again throws the problem to Zhang Xiaojin.

There may be a big age gap between these two strong business women who belong to Zhangjia, but it is undeniable that if some things are not born, they will not be qualified to have them in their lifetime.

For example, there is a big gap between people, even though talent is so intangible that everyone is equal.

At this time, Zhang Xiaojin's embroidered eyebrows are deeper, and there are some subtle waves in her Phoenix eyes. Her white leather boots are accompanied by her steps, making a clear sound.

"If I were Lin Han, I would certainly find a way to transfer funds now, and then make the backyard of the top ten consortia on fire! After all, only in this way can we break the current stalemate. Only when all the three major families in China stand beside Quantong group can Quantong group have the capital to spend with the top ten consortia. "

However, hearing these words, Zhang Xue shook her head slightly.

"Hurry to find Lin Han. I don't think we can do that. The top ten consortia can also think of the stratagem we can think of. If the top ten consortia dig a hole in this situation, all the funds of Quantong group will be tied up. Don't forget the fact, who are the so-called Wall Street and stock market operators?"A minute later, the two women sat in a black business car, accompanied by Zhang Xiaojin mouth to say the destination, straight to xiushuiwan villa!

In fact, for Zhang Xiaojin, she doesn't know why she decided that Lin Han didn't stay in the company.

That is a very strange feeling, want to describe it, but do not know how to speak.

When they finally stand at the gate of No. 7 villa in Xiushui Bay, Chen Yutong has already opened the door.

In fact, when Chen Yutong saw Zhang Xiaojin, his heart was quite complicated.

One side is personal feelings and the bottom line, while the other side is for the so-called overall interests.

Are there two ways of security in the world?

Besides, Chen Yutong is still a pregnant woman in the third trimester.

If so, how do you choose? But for Chen Yutong, at this time, she chose the overall situation of equity, and raised her head to smile at Zhang Xiaojin.

"Is Tong Lin still in the study?"

After getting Chen Yutong's affirmation, Zhang Xiaojin takes Zhang Xue straight to the second floor.

With the opening of the door of the study, for a moment, the strong smell of smoke was a little choking, even when it came.

However, from this point, it is enough to prove how much pressure Lin Han was given by this commercial war.

Because of understanding, so Zhang Xiaojin just know, only when facing trouble, Lin Han will one after another to smoke.