Chapter 335

Gu Xi thought that he was far away, and he didn't notice that he was under the surveillance of others.

"My Lord, this woman has been around for half an hour." The man with headphones points to Gu Xidao standing on the screen.

The man, who was called an adult, squinted, looked in the past, raised his hand, "grab it back and ask."


There was a slight footstep in his ear. Although it was very small, Gu Xi was sensitive to it.

She frowned and looked back. She saw that a few men with weapons were approaching in her direction. She scolded secretly and turned and ran.

"Stop, run again, and we'll attack!" There was a roar from behind.

Gu Xi can't listen. If she is caught, she will be finished. Her plan has not been implemented yet.

Besides, she has already run so far, and she will be found out. Is this group of people exaggerating?

There was a bridge hole in front of her. She took a look, ran in, hid behind the dark garbage can, and waited for a few people with weapons to leave in a gust of wind, and then turned around and walked out.

Now it seems that there should be surveillance everywhere, otherwise the other party can't find her so soon. Gu Xi frowns. How can she sneak in to find someone without the other party's knowledge?

"Come with me, miss." It's just the concentration of Kung Fu, a cold thing, on the back of her head.

Guxi guldong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, raised his hands, looked back at the man, "I am a good people, good people!"

Men dressed in black, cold expression, not ordinary patrol.

Damn it! Careless!

If you want to keep the people of the four families, the noble people will not only let some ordinary guards guard them. These people in the dark are the real masters!

She didn't realize that she was too shallow in her own way.

The other side is still that pair of cold appearance, said the words are more threatening, "die or go with me?"

Listen, is this what people say?

Gu Xi took a deep breath and nodded.

The man twisted her into a building, Gu Xi observed the surrounding environment, just like the ordinary company, but there was only one exit.

Obediently followed the man up the elevator, was taken into a room, where a lot of people, surrounded by computer screens, she is quite familiar with the picture above, she just walked by.

The monitoring is all over the place, no wonder...

"who are you and why are you sneaking around The very rough looking man asked seriously.

He looks very old, wearing a uniform, different from the people around him. He should be the eldest.

Gu Xi turned his eyes and said, "I came out to play, and then I got lost. There is nothing around here. I can't find a car. I can only wander around. What's the matter? Why did you arrest me? " She was puzzled.

"Why run when you stop?" The man frowned and asked her, obviously not believing her.

"Come on, they're holding such dangerous things. Who knows if they're dangerous? What should I do if they take me away? What if you kill me? Or what to do with me? After all, I'm so good-looking, and of course I'm going to do something about it. " Gu Xisi's shameless way.

The huge room fell into silence for a moment. People looked at her face, which had taken off her make-up because of sweat, and her makeup was like a ghost. They couldn't help but draw the corners of their mouths.