Chapter 477

"Hum!" Nanyang coldly hummed, "in short, only you have touched this tea, and you are the biggest suspect. I heard kui'er say that you are an expert at using poison and carry all kinds of poisons with you. Who else do you have? Don't quibble

"I didn't quibble. It wasn't me. What did I quibble about?"

"Are you aware that your wife's divorce from Beiyan annoys you, but you can't do anything to your elders. I can't tolerate such a vicious person!" He looked at Xing Beiyan.

"Beiyan, what do you think? Do you want to listen to your uncle or to this woman? " He looked indignant. "She almost killed your aunt! No matter intentionally or unintentionally, such a vicious woman can never stay! "

"My mommy is not a vicious person, you are, you are all!" The boy stood up in anger.

Seeing him angry, the count on one side showed his teeth.

Not to mention the attack power of the Colossus of the count, he saw his teeth show and saw its fierce power. The two brothers and sisters, Nansheng and nankui, changed their faces, and the people around them were even more frightened to shrink together.

"Dad, catch that little beast. It's black. It's coming out of the forest. It's amazing! Grab it South Kui suddenly points to Tuan Tuan to open a way.

Hearing the black forest, Nanyang's expression suddenly changed, his eyes moved to the Tuan body, and said, "catch those two animals."

A dozen men in black came out of nowhere with guns in their hands. The dark hole was aimed at the count and Tuanzi.

"Uncle Nan!" Xing Beiyan's expression is slightly cold!

"Beiyan, it's just two animals. The murderers are here now. What should we do if we hurt people later? Your aunt is still in a coma. I just asked people to take them down and not hurt them." Nanyang KaiKou road.

Gu Xi's chest heaved violently, for the first time since he was born again.

It won't hurt them. You need to let so many people do it. Do you still have weapons?

Not to mention the count, even though Tuanzi had been with her for so long, she also treated it as a relative. But the man in front of her obviously heard that Tuan Tuan was black. After the forest came out, there was a color of greed in his eyes. If he took it away, he would never return it to her!

Gucci couldn't have let him take it.

"Did I agree?" She said coldly, "they're mine. Do I agree? You just want to take them away! "

"Don't worry, sissy. They won't do anything to them." Xing Beiyan reached out and took him.

Gu Xi, however, threw his hand away. "Husband, don't you understand it? They're obviously targeting me! Tuan Tuan is from the black forest. Do you know how many people have paid their lives to study the black forest? Do you think they will give it back to me if they give it to these greedy people? "

Xing Beiyan Mou light cold, "when, you see a livestock. So important!" For Gu Xi completely disobedient behavior, completely annoyed Xing Beiyan.

He was thrown away by her for the first time because of an animal.

Gu Xi also had some regrets about her behavior, but when she heard the sentence after him, her heart felt as if she had been torn apart.

She looked at Tuan as a relative. In his mouth, it was just a livestock?