Chapter 898

Originally, she gradually became a lonely person. She felt everyone's flattery on the surface every day, but the deep eyes were mocking eyes.

There is still one month left for the sports meeting. The teacher asks everyone to sign up for various activities, such as dancing, singing, running and basketball.

The monitor Wang Xuelu is registering the people to participate in. Except for singing competition, which everyone must participate in, all other activities are free activities, which are voluntarily participated in by the class members.

As an all-round monitor, she participated in almost all of her ability performances and sports.

This is also why everyone envies her and likes her.

Who doesn't like Almighty people?

Even Xuanyuan Tianyi was selected into the men's basketball team. Unexpectedly, he did not refuse. I heard that his basketball skills are very good. He often plays basketball on the basketball court after school. There was a very powerful basketball team that invited him to join the team, but he refused.

Xuanyuan Tianyi is definitely one of those boys who wear thin clothes and take off their clothes and have flesh. He is 13 years old, but he is at least 175 years old. Xing Beiyan, who has no 1600s, stands beside him, just like the seven dwarfs around snow white. He is extremely funny.

Everyone enthusiastically participated in the activity, but Xing Beiyan sat in her position without any movement.

She is from a little fat to a big person, this direct jump on the second grade of junior high school, in addition to the primary school sports meet, this is her first time to participate in junior high school sports meeting.

As a child, the teacher also knew that she had a special constitution, so she would not take part in strenuous sports. At most, she would sing in the crowd.

It happened that she was still immersed in the sadness of being rejected by xuanyuantian, so what should we do. She didn't notice until Wang Xuelu came over and asked, "Beiyan, do you not participate in the activities? Our dance group and women's basketball are poor. Would you like to join us and lose weight? " She said with a smile.

On hearing this, everyone immediately laughed.

"Can she run with this figure?"

"Hahaha, I'm so happy. Can you imagine a fat man standing in the line and dancing together? That scene, too hot eyes

After hearing this, she said to Wang Xuelu in a low voice: "Xuelu, you're not kidding, but call her a bad person. Can't her figure work? I'm afraid we'll laugh to death! "

"That's right. I don't want to be in a team with her!"

They said in a low voice, but still can clearly fall into the ears of Xing Beiyan, let her small age of shame and indignation.

"Everyone is a classmate. How can you say that?" Wang Xuelu's angry way.

Several girls are dissatisfied, but it's hard to say anything.

"Beiyan, if you want to participate, please tell me. We will start training in the afternoon. If you don't take part in anything, it's too unsociable, isn't it?" Wang Xuelu had a kind face.

Xing Beiyan wanted to refuse directly, but when she heard her last sentence, she hesitated.

She really didn't want everyone to hate her.

What's the use of learning well?

Thinking like this, she asked nervously, "can I really?"

Wang Xuelu's mouth raised a smile: "of course you can!"