Chapter 1020

Little orange cat eyes did not open, asked to smell the mouth first opened a burst of sucking, is obviously hungry.

Looking at its stomach gradually bulging, blue nine heart exclaimed magic.

At this time, a boy sat next to her and was very surprised to see her holding a cat: "Lan Jiu, do you still have a cat?"

LAN Jiu tilts his head to see him. He is the boy who helped her to the infirmary to play basketball in the morning.

"It's not my cat. I picked it up. I'm afraid it's not safe at home, so I brought it here." The other side's heart is good, so blue nine return road.

"It's so small." The other party reached out curiously and touched it. When she saw that the little orange cat only wanted to drink milk and didn't resist his action, she was overjoyed: "it's so cute!"

Blue nine rare smile, agree: "really very lovely."

The boy looked at her smile straight eyes.

When I met LAN Jiu in the daytime, I thought that she was very delicate and beautiful, but she was cold and hard to touch, which made people flinch. But now this smile surprised him. What's wrong with Li Feng's words?

It's just rumors.

He also changed his outlook on LAN Jiu completely. Some blushed and scratched his head and said: "by the way, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Wang Yu, a junior student. I'm very sorry about this morning's incident. Because of our mistakes, you're hurt. Why don't you wait until after class and I'll invite you to dinner?" He asked.

"No, I'm very tired today. I'm going back to have a rest." Blue nine declined.

If she does not rest, she will die suddenly.

If it had not happened in the morning, she would have liked to have a good sleep.

"It's OK. Don't worry. When you have time later, it's OK. By the way, can I add your wechat? I don't mean anything else. I just want to help you if you need help in the future Wang Yu was embarrassed.

Blue nine see him a pair of nervous and nervous appearance, in the heart some funny, took out the mobile phone to add him.

Anyway, I don't play much. It doesn't matter if I add it.

After class, they went out of the classroom together.

It's already nine o'clock. LAN Jiu is very sleepy. Wang Yu asks to send her back to her dormitory. LAN Jiu refuses: "no, I don't live in the dormitory. You go back."

Wang Yu's face suddenly changed. He asked anxiously, "do you live outside and live with your boyfriend?"

"Do you think it's possible?" Blue nine Leng for a moment, then subconsciously refuted a sentence, "I left first."

"I, I'll take you back. A girl at night is not safe." After the other side reacts to come over, the eyebrow eye in more than a ray of joy, hastily opens a way.

"No, no, go back." Blue nine frowned and seemed to be impatient.

Seeing this, Wang Yu was not too anxious. He could only compromise and said, "be careful with yourself."

Blue nine nodded and turned away without hesitation, leaving Wang Yu standing in the same place.

"You can't take your eyes back when everyone's gone!" On the other side, Yu Hui pushes the children's way around him.

"Ye, you won't really fall in love with someone because of an artificial respiration, although the girl is really good-looking." Gou Yao touched his chin and looked at Tong Tong in a meaningful way.