Chapter 776

The appearance of watching snow in the winter moon did not save the situation.

In the presence of thousands of students and tutors of the college, the iron beast ruthlessly moved the residence of the heaven and Earth Society.

Lin Hao's prediction came true after all!

He didn't stay at the scene for a long time. Liu Xia's promotion had just begun. Soon, he left quietly.

But a lot of news came afterwards.

It is said that great * * happened at the scene!

It is said that Liu Xia and Mo Tong clashed with Dongyue Pavilion!

It is said that Dongyue Guanxue threatened to make Liu xiamotong unable to stay in the college!

It is said that in the name of the victor, Liu Xia and Mo Tong inherited tens of millions of points and all the industries under their name from the group power management office of the college!

It is said that the heaven and Earth Society disintegrated, and a large number of elite members were absorbed by other team forces, while Jiang Mingyuan, the leader of the heaven and earth society, set up a new heaven and Earth Society with several irons!

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

But with the freshman competition getting closer and closer day by day, quietly, everything became calm again.

This morning, Lin Hao "rescued" the remaining two red moon Sirius eggs. He was wondering whether to send them to the two girls sometime. Suddenly Qu Xin came to look for them.

"You're really free. Others are busy improving their strength and preparing for the freshman competition. You'd better hide in the dormitory and be lazy!"

When I entered the door, I began to joke, and then began to look at the environment in the dormitory.

After two eyes, he asked Lin Hao, "which is your bed?"

Lin Hao followed his finger. Qu Xin smiled and released a group of fluffy little things hidden in her wide sleeve.

While teasing, she said proudly, "you see, my eggs have hatched.

It's very beautiful. I named it red line. Look at its eyebrows. Is there a red line?

Secretly tell you, the red line is smart, and it will be advanced!

When he came out last night, he was still a small beast that didn't reach the star level. As a result, he became a first-class star beast in the middle of the night. Do you think it's strange... "

Love is to offer treasure. By the way, share the little secrets you found.

Lin Hao took a look, nodded and said, "yes, maybe one day it will grow to a point you can't imagine."

Then he thought and said, "if it's not necessary, try not to let it appear in front of outsiders.

It's best not to let people know that it can absorb the power of the red moon. "

This is a double reminder. One is to remind people not to know. The other is to remind the little guy that he needs to bask in the moon.

Qu Xin didn't think deeply.

She only understood one meaning and said with a proud smile: "I know. I'm not stupid. I won't let people know that the red line can be promoted."

Then he asked, "what about you? Has your howling moon wind wolf egg broken its shell?"

Until now, she still doesn't know what a shocking treasure she found.

She's still foolishly watching the bet between the two.

Lin Hao shook his head: "no, my one stinks."

Generally, he doesn't lie. He just talks about panic. He doesn't have any psychological pressure.

"Stinks?" Qu Xin was stunned and then said with a sad face, "how could this happen?

I chose it on purpose. Am I so unlucky that I chose a dead egg? "

I feel rather guilty.

Starbeast eggs also have dead eggs. No matter how hard they hatch, they will only stink slowly.

She never thought Lin Hao was lying.

Listening to her say sorry, Lin Hao was more or less embarrassed and said, "it's all right. There's still a chance in the future.

And I don't like raising these things myself. If you feel sorry, just cultivate the red line. "

After saying this, Qu Xin felt much better and said, "don't worry, I will cultivate the red line well. I will cultivate it as carefully as our sons..."

This is a big language problem.

In response, she was not shy, but giggled and giggled for a long time.

Finally, he said seriously: "whether you like it or not, you still have to guard the star beast.

Well, it's the freshman competition right away. As soon as the freshman competition is over, we'll start. I'll find it with you, and we'll always get the right one. "

Lin Hao didn't refute,

With that said, it seemed that in order to make up for him, Qu Xin said with a smile at a certain moment: "I told you to invite me to dinner. Just think about it.

Let me invite you. I heard that butterfly lake has been reopened. It's very good. It's cheap and delicious. Does the handsome boy appreciate it? "

A smile on his face.

After saying this, a slender jade white hand reached out to Lin Hao.

Lin Hao clapped with a smile and got up.

The dormitory area came out and soon they got into a car.

"This car is really good, stable and fast. It seems that everyone is right. Heaven and earth will be crushed. In fact, it is a good thing."

This is not a bus. It is a common sightseeing bus in scenic spots on the earth, but its power is different and its speed is improved.

After leveling the society of heaven and earth and inheriting all industries, all the carriages of the original car shop had been disposed of, and this new means of transportation was changed in a few days.

But Lin Hao sat down for the first time.

Listening to Qu Xin's happy speech, he asked, "now all have been changed?"

"All changed." Qu Xin nodded and said, "in the past, there were only four people in the carriage, which was slow and crowded.

Now you can take more than a dozen such cars at will. They are fast, stable and loose.

The key price is the same. Getting on the bus is a point.

I heard that Liu Xia and her family have set up a campus bus company under the name of the guardian group. It is said that there are more than a dozen such cars. At present, they can go to all parts of the college.

I also heard that they plan to launch a two wheeled motorcycle. It is said that there are three styles, which can run on the ground, fly in the sky and float on the water. It's interesting... "

be in the best of spirits.

It seems that there has been a lot of noise outside these days.

Finally, Qu Xin said suspiciously, "no, what do you ask me to do with these things?

Now the college knows the relationship between you and them. Don't you know all these things? "

"I don't know!" Lin Hao shook his head honestly.

Qu Xin leaned back slightly and looked disgusted: "I've taken you too. You don't care about anything like this. Aren't you afraid they'll run away with people?

They are so excellent. You should hurry up. You know, if I were you, I wouldn't be so careless. "

When I complained in pain, I said a lot unknowingly.

Later, he smiled: "I want to join the guardian group and become a member of it. What do you think?"

"Not much!" Lin Hao shook his head and said, "they can make trouble too much. You have no future with them."

"Who said that?" Qu Xin was funny and said, "you don't know anything at first sight.

To tell you the truth, now there are many people who want to join the guardian group, but they are demanding and not everyone can enter... "