Chapter 869

Dragon, covered with treasure.

Especially for Lin Hao, who has inherited some of the secrets of the Dragon hunting family, there is absolutely no place to waste on the dragon.

It took them three days to complete the autopsy of the three legged oolong.

Get 100 drops of real dragon blood!

With these 100 drops of real dragon blood, you don't have to worry about refining the real dragon blood of dragon pattern blood Gang after breaking through Yuanying.

At that time, he will have 111 dragon pattern blood Gang, and it's nothing to shake the God friar in the front.

Gain ten barrels of ordinary dragon blood.

Ten barrels of dragon blood, supplemented by some common medicinal materials, can refine at least a thousand dragon blood pills, which is very good for improving your physique.

Get two longans.

Obtain 10000 dragon scales.

Get three bundles of dragon tendons, a total of 50 miles long.

Get a dragon ball.

Get three dragon claws.

Plus dragon liver, dragon heart, dragon meat, and so on, the harvest is huge.

"Well, I'm finished at last."

"In other words, it's great to really kill a dragon. It's more rewarding than playing boss in the game."

"There is a nine day dragon in the game. There are not many things dead. Unlike in reality, toenails are so precious."


When the last keel was put into the storage ring, Liu Qingcheng got up and twisted his slender waist with a satisfied face.

Man is indeed the creature with no position. At this time three days ago, she was crying and felt that she shouldn't kill a three legged oolong.

Three days later, it is estimated that she will only kill ten such three legged oolong.

Lin Hao didn't say that, but said strangely, "do you still play online games?"

Liu Qingcheng threw out his tongue: "when I was young, I thought it was fun at that time.

But I don't play now. I'm old, ha ha! "

Lin Hao picked his eyebrow, looked at it from top to bottom, and nodded: "it's really old. It's in its thirties this year?"

"You hate it!"

They say they can, others say they can't.

Liu Qingcheng laughed and scolded and said, "what's the matter with your thirties? The best years are spent on you. Aren't you satisfied?

Besides, I can live at least a thousand years now. Are I very old in my thirties? "

"Not old, then you continue to consume it!" Lin Hao smiled.

So he mixed his mouth. Soon, in the narrow space covered by dragon pattern blood Gang, a fire was lit on the ground, and fresh dragon meat was roasted on the fire.

Liu Qingcheng set up a table. On the table were the wine and delicacies that would never be less in the storage ring, as well as fresh spiritual fruits.

Lin Hao roughly counted and left half of the Dragon scales, two bundles of dragon tendons, a hundred drops of real dragon blood, half of the keel and a small amount of dragon meat. The rest were given to Liu Qingcheng.

"It's up to you to decide how to divide it."

"The main purpose is to practice, but try not to waste."

Valuable is really valuable, but the trench is not good.

It's such a precious thing that you can use it to practice. I'm afraid the whole cultivation world can't find such a black sheep.

But in fact, the extent of this group's family failure is not just that.

Although it is very different from the cultivation world, the products on the star continent are actually very rich.

Like a large number of star chalcedony, it is actually the best material rarely seen in the fairy world.

But for these people, they are often worn as ornaments after carving.

Knowing this fact, Liu Qingcheng didn't refuse, and took all the things he gave.

Then she asked, "what's next? Do you want to go to the Kunlun sect site?"

At the moment, it can only be said that it is very close to the Kunlun sect, but it has never really entered the mountain gate.

The area shrouded by heavy rain seen three days ago is actually where the real Kunlun sect is.

Lin Hao looked in the direction of lightning, thunder and torrential rain and said, "go back to Xingchen mainland first, and then go in."

After a good meal, they returned to the star continent through the stars map.

With the help of the star fire existing in the void, combined with precious materials such as star sand, Venus and chalcedony, he refined all the Dragon ribs and scales on his hand.

Because the heaven and earth is equivalent to God, the long refining process did not last too long.

It was finished in just one day!

Fifteen pieces of dragon scale treasure armour!

Two broken star Longyin bows!

A set of 64 keel immortal swords!

They are all the best spiritual tools that will not go out of date during the period of salvation or even Mahayana.

In particular, the set of 64 keel immortal killing swords can be compared with immortal weapons.

In view of the fact that the current cultivation couldn't activate these spirit tools and exert their power, he put layers of prohibitions on these spirit tools.

The function of prohibition is to seal the ability of the spirit device itself and reduce the use requirements.

With the improvement of the user's strength, the prohibition will be lifted layer by layer until all the power of the spirit tool is released.

He doesn't have all these things.

In addition to a broken star Longyin bow and a set of 64 keel killing immortal swords, the rest were handed over to Liu Qingcheng.

They came out of the sky and stars map and soon came to the place of thunder and rainstorm in the middle of Kunlun market.

There is no danger!

The world in the rainstorm is in ruins, and there are no creatures and animals.

But there are many things.

Broken magic weapons and metal classics can be seen everywhere in rubble piles, collapsed palaces and dilapidated courtyards.

As the origin of immortal cultivation, this is indeed a treasure land.

If you can come here through the heavy blockade outside and escape the pursuit of the three legged oolong, the harvest of this trip is enough to make people ecstatic for any immortal friar.

Lin Hao doesn't feel much!

Along the way, Liu Qingcheng collected many ancient books and magic weapons, and he also roughly studied them.

The conclusion is that although there are some differences between magic weapon refining and skill method, there is no essential difference.

In this way, these things are of no value to him.

On the contrary, it has been ravaged by rainstorm and lightning for tens of thousands of years. Some materials here are very good.

Like lightning wood!

The lightning wood that has been struck by lightning for tens of thousands of years and still survives tenaciously is called Wannian lightning wood.

This 10000 year lightning wood perfectly integrates the two attributes of thunder and wood, so it ranks among the top refining materials in the cultivation world.

A spirit weapon refined from lightning wood for thousands of years is not only powerful, but also can help friars resist the damage of natural disaster.

Once a complete set of flying swords is refined, the power of the sword array combination is doubled, which is no worse than the set of keel immortal killing swords he has just refined.

Because the formation conditions are relatively strict, so in the cultivation world, this kind of lightning wood is rare.

Because of its unique efficacy and powerful performance, lightning wood is often cut off in less than ten thousand years, only a hundred years.

But because of the unique environment, there are many here.

The existing quantity, let alone a set of ten thousand year thunder wooden swords, 180 sets are not a problem.

Although Lin Hao doesn't care about these things from his perspective, since there is, it's unreasonable not to take them.

So their work soon turned into cutting trees