Chapter 101

He said calmly, but the tone was very dangerous, showing the majesty from the emperor.

The palace looked up at each other with foam, and said in a loud voice, "nature! I came to tell you! "

Her words made everyone look different, and Gong Sheng was silent for a moment and looked at so many people below, coldly.

"Who are you going to sue?"

Palace to foam a smile, look tired, but the action is very light bow a worship.

"There are three complaints from the women of the people. I hope your majesty will decide!"


It seems that she is not afraid of the cold imperial power. Gong Yimo looks at the people on the city wall. They all look at themselves covetously, as if what she is about to say is not words, but blade.

The sky was overcast and heavy, with large dark clouds converging, as if it was going to rain. The winter solstice wind was sharp and cold. Gong Yimo took a deep breath and said calmly.

"First, the emperor!" Her eyes fell behind the minister, and those princes of different ages only glanced at her faintly, seemingly disdainful.

"Since the construction of the canal has been effective, there have been countless people who have secretly made obstacles! In particular, the clans behind the princes move frequently! We are all at the front, working hard, day and night! But there are so many people who don't want to leave your Majesty's sight to invite favor, but also want to get something for nothing. What they have done is disgraceful! "

She didn't point to anyone, but the disgusting tone made many people in the audience tremble.

But at this time, the common people are watching, so even if those princes are not angry again! I can't show it. I'm afraid that when I open my mouth at this time, I will be remembered and criticized by the students below, so I can only stare at Gong Yimo mercilessly!

When the emperor heard this, he couldn't help thinking that in the past year and a half when the crown prince had built the canal, the emperor and his concubines had run on each other secretly, and the pillow wind from time to time made them unable to refute. If it wasn't for his hard line support, I'm afraid the canal would only be half built now.

Thinking of this, Gong Sheng was disgusted with those people for no reason.

"Second complaint from the women! Tell the minister! "

Without waiting for Gong Sheng to react, Gong points to those people on the city wall with Mo Nana's slender jade. His face is pale and he sneers.

"The prince was almost killed when he was assassinated, but when it reached his Highness's ears, it seemed that the prince deliberately pretended to be assassinated in order to avoid returning to Beijing.

However, his majesty issued three orders to force the prince to return to Beijing, so that the prince almost died on the way!

As a minister, he doesn't think about how to benefit the people, how to develop and innovate. His pattern and vision are as limited as that of a woman in the backyard to compete for favor, frame up, get rid of dissidents, and what he does is to read the book of sages in vain! "

She sneered in a cold voice, her words beating in people's ears! Some of the ministers around the emperor were ashamed, some were blue and white, and even more popular!

"It's bloody! You argue for the prince, but you want to exonerate him! Only then dug out has "constructs the canal person long Ze world" the copper tripod, after a step said to be assassinated near to die! Who knows that the prince was not blown by the villains around him, but floated by the prophecy of "Zeshi" before he did anything against the purpose? "

Some ministers stared at Gong Yimo maliciously, "you said in your voice that the prince is in danger. Isn't this still a good return?"

His meaning is obvious, that is to say, Gong Che pretends, and Gong Yimo is here just to give Gong Che the guilt of treason.

Gong Yimo laughs!

"Your Majesty Do you think so? "

Gong Sheng's lips moved, but he didn't open his mouth. According to Chang Xi's report, he may have wronged the prince, but the giant tripod was like a thorn in his suspicion.

"The man who built the canal, Longze the world..." Gong Yimo touched his chin and burst out laughing, "you Do you want me to be a female emperor? "

This sentence is simply treacherous, up and down all take a breath of cool!

Without waiting for Chang Xi's bold shout, Gong Yimo made a circle on the deck. She looked at herself and wondered.

"I don't know that I have the gift of being king."


Gong Sheng's face is blue and iron. He hammers the Siege! Who gave her the courage to say such things in front of the world?! He even wanted Chang Xi to kill Gong Yimo, so that she would not continue to bewitch people!

But the palace looked up at the emperor doubtfully, "isn't it? Your majesty, don't you know that it's my idea to build a canal? "

His words made Gong Sheng choke, and Gong Yimo sneered at the minister who had just spoken. "But he didn't say, 'the canal builder' is Longze the world?"

Is not her prophecy, then, as the chief minister who made and planned this matter, referring to her?

Some officials immediately refused to accept it, and Zuo Xiang jumped out and said, "you don't have to bewitch people to wash the white for the prince anymore! How many people have won the crown prince's support in building the canal? These people under the gate are evidence! He is not only a canal builder, but also a supporter of the people. How can the prophecy not refer to the prince? "Finish saying, he is conscious of aphasia, but he has no time to add something to cover up one or two, Gong Yimo glances at him and laughs arrogantly! Her laughter spread far with internal power! It's disturbing.

"Then you are wrong!"

Palace to foam finish, suddenly jumped up, jumped to the front of the pillars between the bars!

The wind tore at her long hair, which made her look like flying, but she stood so straight again! The whole body seems to stretch out endless strength from the spine! Stand on top of the bow!

Many people screamed out for fear that she might fall down, but Gong Yimo laughed up to the sky, turned his sleeves over and raised his arms!

"You can see it! These people! It's all because of me! I'm the one who built the canal, and I'm the one who won the hearts of the people! On the merits of the state, on the reputation of widespread! My palace is here with foam! Who is fighting for the peak? "

Her words are like a thunder, and her momentum is tremendous! Let a lot of people be flustered to, more give birth to the feeling of surrendering fear!

Just like the tide of responders!

All the students and the common people knelt down and shouted piously.

"Swear to send for the princess! Never give up! "

"Never give up!"

It's just like swearing, which makes many people on the wall admire and admire her. Even those who hate her are convinced!

Is it just that Gong Yimo is crazy? Even in order to get rid of Gong Che's sin, he shouldn't try to take such a deadly sin to himself.

He saw Gong Sheng with his own eyes. Gong Sheng was deeply shocked and scared. He didn't think that a woman can not only get the gratitude of the common people, but also the recognition of so many students!

These scholars, what they despise most is women. Why does Gong Yimo have such appeal and charm and let so many students bow down for her?

He looked at Gong Yimo deeply.

But there was a slight tremor in the voice.

"And the third charge?"

Gong Yimo's line of sight is opposite to his instant. On his face, which is obviously still small and tender, there is sadness that is out of line with him and deep into the bone marrow

"Third, I will tell your majesty!"