Chapter 405

I'm always glad and shocked! Your majesty means Is it to kill the princess?

His mouth opened and closed, knowing what he should not say as a slave, but he could not help saying, "Your Majesty Do not Do not Princess she, she is innocent! "

"Innocent?" Gong Sheng sneered, "how about innocence? My two sons like her. That's her sin! "

When he said this, he spoke in a quiet voice without any emotion. At this time, he was just an iron emperor, not a father.

It's true that there are many ways to solve this problem, but he knows his two sons too well. They don't look like them. In fact, there are many places with similar personalities, all of them are persistent and exclusive people!

The best way to solve this problem is to die with foam, but it can't be killed by people, and it's better to die without any sound. In this way, even if Gong Che and Gong Xie have a complaint all over the world, there's no way. Can they revive the dead?

"But But... "

Changxi was sweating all over and his face was white. He had lived for so many years. He was loyal to the emperor all the time, but the princess was also his favorite child! Otherwise, he would not have lied to the emperor in violation of the principle before, but told him directly. I just didn't expect that such a thing would happen today. Is it really necessary to kill the princess to solve it?

Gong Sheng sat on the stone beside the river and began to think about it seriously.

"It seems that the poisoning is too obvious to let people catch the handle, but I know that there is a kind of poison. After taking it, the vitality will gradually disappear within a month, and there is no medicine to solve, and there is no trace to check..."

Chang Xi is about to cry. Your majesty, this is a real killing opportunity. Even "Brown poison" has come to mind

"Or kick out two substitutes for the dead. In any case, Mo'er has offended many people over the years, and made an accident, which killed Mo'er to death. No matter how many people take the blame, it is inevitable."

Gong Sheng said such words in a very ordinary, calm and deliberative tone, but he was always surprised. He suddenly stood up and looked at the emperor bravely. Asked earnestly.

"Your Majesty Are you willing? "

Willing to kill Gong Yimo? Don't you have heartache?

Chang Xi interrupts all the thoughts of Gong Sheng! At that moment, Chang Xi was very sure that he saw a kind of emotion called struggle on the emperor's face. His face was gloomy and painful. It was like changing his face. But he finally looked at the dragon river and slowly opened his mouth.

"What are you willing to give up? For the great Yujiang mountain In order to dawn the people, I can't They can't be made to mess about for a woman, causing a lot of suffering! "

As soon as he said this, Chang Xi could only bear more words. He was very clear that compared with the country, a person is too small, even Gong Yimo is not comparable.

"I'll leave it to you." Gong Sheng finally made a decision, "I want 'Brown poison' tomorrow! This matter, cannot let anyone know, otherwise, you go to die

Often happy in the heart of a pain, head down.

"Minion Do as you wish! "

Gong Yimo had a good sleep. When she woke up, she found herself in Taiji hall. It was strange Yesterday so late, the prince brother also sent her to the palace? Gong Yimo rubs his eyebrows and finds that everything last night can't be remembered clearly because of the hangover.

At this time, she felt the itch on her hand. At first sight, it was the monkey!

Because its wild nature is hard to tame now, Gong Yimo locks it beside the bed, leaving it nowhere to go. At this time, when he sees Gong Yimo waking up, squeaking, his eyes show anger with humanity, as if he is very dissatisfied with Gong Yimo's coldness.

Gong Yimo looks at it, then unties the shackles on its feet. As soon as he is free, he immediately grabs it in the direction of Gong Yimo, and is pinched by Gong Yimo. He presses it on the bed, unable to move!

"Little thing, you'd better be honest. I have a good temper, but it annoys me. I don't mind eating monkey brains raw!"

She knows this guy's psychic. She can understand him. Sure enough, she said that the monkey's struggling strength was reduced. Typical bullying?

Gong Yimo smiled, and then came, "you can also leave here, but the most important thing in the imperial palace is the bad guys. When the time comes, you will be caught by others. It's good to keep you. I'm afraid you will be killed by others. I don't know how to die.

It's better to persuade you to be obedient in my hand. At least I will give you three meals a day. "

The monkey could not understand what he said. He looked at Gong Yimo with difficulty and seemed to beg for mercy. Gong Yimo let go and let him go. This time, he didn't make any more trouble, but sat on the bed obediently and looked very obedient.

At this time, the palace people came in, and the chief aunt saw that the little monkey was so clever, and said, "the princess is really capable. When you come, it will be good. It was fierce yesterday. No one is allowed to get close."

Gong Yimo glanced at the little monkey and said with a smile, "is that right? In the future, if you don't listen, just fight. If you fight too much, you will be honest. "

Her words let the little monkey protest in a low voice, turn around and point his butt at her, and ignore her!In this scene, the steward's aunt smiled, "it's really a spiritual little thing. Has the princess given it a name?"

Gong Yimo looked at its fur color. "It's called Xiaohui."

It's the monkey's paw that responds to her!

Gong Yimo was not used to it. He clapped it on the bed and asked softly, "what's the matter in the palace?"

This is a question that Gong Yimo will ask every day when she gets up. Therefore, every day she comes to wait on her to wash and wash, it's her aunt in charge.

The steward's aunt thought for a moment and said, "there's really something. In the early morning, your majesty lost his temper. Many people were severely scolded by your majesty. I don't know why. It's not until the next Dynasty."

As soon as she said that, Gong Yimo looked serious and thought a little.

Gong Sheng is angry most of the time. He doesn't know what happened. How could he be so angry?

On the other side, a minister of Yipin walked beside Gong Qian and asked him the same question in a low voice.

"Lord, you said that your majesty What do you mean? " He is also one of the ministers reprimanded today. He always feels flustered and uneasy.

Gong Qiao, wearing black official uniform, was at the forefront of the procession going out of the palace. At this time, he was just under the court. However, because the emperor had a bad fire, everyone was frightened and afraid to speak.

"It's enough to do your duty well. Otherwise, you don't have to think about it." Gong Qian said coldly, but the man hurriedly called him "yes" and dared not speak again.

Gong Zhi left him and strode out of the palace.

Today, the emperor's anger is not aimed at anyone, but the palace judge feels that this matter is not simple.

As soon as he left the palace, Baisheng met him. He was still a little strange. Why did he stay so long this morning?

"Check one thing."

Seeing that the prince of his family was serious, Baisheng hurriedly corrected his appearance.

"Please tell me."

Gong Zhi is silent for a moment. He wanted Baisheng to check. Today, these people who were scolded have nothing to do with each other in private, but their words have changed.

"Find out where Chang Xi has gone."