Chapter 552

The blind man can't help clenching the hammer in his hand. He has a natural power and deep internal skill! But such a big stone, if he comes, can hold on for a moment at most! But a man is holding up the boulder!

Although he can't see it, the turbulent internal force in his mind is as dazzling as the color of fire! There's a fire burning under the boulder, it's getting worse!

"Palace Palace with foam... "

Snow color glared at his eyes and said these words silently. He had been scared to be silly and forgot to hide. But the blind man was waiting for him. He had no time to pay attention to him!

The blind man's hand holding the hammer was sweating. He felt that the man Seems to be a Lian's daughter?! Why did she suddenly become so fierce?! The only explanation is that she took the poison!

Gong Yimo has no reason at this time! Her eyes were bloodshot! I can't see the whites of my eyes, except that black is red!

Just now she received the stone gate into the space, and the moment when the huge stone was pressed down outside! Hold the boulder with one hand!

Yes! One handed! She alone, with one hand, supported a huge stone about eight meters long! And the other hand holding a person, let her now has no reason! Holding his hand is only a little tight, not directly strangled him!

Palace discerns the hand blood vessel that sees palace to foam to burst! Almost burst!

She knelt on one knee, and her internal force was transported to her hands like the tide! But even so, Gong Jia seems to hear the sound of her broken bones! The bones of her whole body seemed to be breaking, and she quickly recovered under the powerful medicine!

The pain of destruction and remoulding makes her face full of energy channels, which at first glance looks like a ghost!

The corners of her mouth kept bleeding, and she was supported by a force of will!

Hold on!

She had stood up, but the huge stone falling from the top of the mountain hit the stone she raised, which made her feet sink into the soil, and she knelt down on one knee!

Blood and sweat dripping She suddenly raised her head! Give a shriek!

Then he stood up again in the incredible eyes of Gong Zhi! All in one, overthrow the boulder!

The boulder rolled away, the foot of the mountain lost its support and collapsed again! In the dust, the rumbling sound deeply stirred the nerves of all!

The blind man didn't step back, his heart pounded! He knows, even if Gong Yimo is still alive! Just like that, she will be seriously injured and dying! If you don't kill her now, when she recovers from her injuries and becomes mad again, no one can stop her!

Once the Gu poison breaks out, if you want to stop it, you have to exhaust yourself! Just now such a big movement, the palace is definitely exhausted with foam!

Snow color in the heart secretly rejoices unceasingly, has had better take her opportunity than now? When she and the blind were both defeated, he killed the blind again, opened the treasure with the blood of palace foam, and got the stone heart! Then he has an invincible killer!

Think of the power that destroyed the sky and the earth just now! Is that really what people can have? The heart of snow is pounding and jumping, that's the power he pursues all his life!

The dust disappears, the palace holds the palace with foam, and the whole body is covered with blood!

Her blood vessels burst! Then Gu poison is frantically repairing her body! Even if all her organs hurt! But there is still a kind of maniacal murderous spirit running in her blood!

By this time, the blind man had found her, and he swung a hammer! The palace, kneeling on the ground, seized it with foam!

"Sister Huang..."

For the first time, Gong Qiao watched her hurt to this extent, but he didn't feel his lower body, and the power of medicine in his body disappeared a little bit. He was held by her as if he were a waste man, and was carefully held by her who was crazy.

Maybe she didn't understand why she was holding such an obstacle, but there was a voice in her heart telling her Don't let go!

The blind man felt that she was seriously injured, and she seemed to take too much poison, so that the superfluous medicine was tearing and repairing her wound! She's in pain! The blind man can feel it. She's mad with pain!

Two people scuffle together! Originally, Gong Yimo could easily kill the blind man, but somehow, she held a man firmly in her hand and refused to let go even when she died

Snow heart shocked! He is sure that Gong Yimo has no sense now. Why is he still holding Gong Zhi? And Gong Jian Is he still alive?

Gong Qian is still alive, but he hates to die!

Gong Yimo's wound was torn and repaired. The hot blood fell on his face and burned all the way to his heart!

He is still so useless. He let sister Huang sacrifice for him again and again. He is still too useless!

But Gong Yimo is crazy now! She couldn't hear Gong Ji calling her! All she knew was that she had a terrible pain in her body! She will tear up the living! Let them also experience the pain!

The blind man gradually lost his support, but he also felt that the power in Gong Yimo's body was fading. Right, when she escaped, she had hurt her internal organs! After fighting for so long, she should be exhausted.

When the blind man was relieved, Gong Yimo gave a strange smile.Her black hair is calm and automatic. The white clothes dyed with blood are burning like a fire!

The next second, the blind man felt his hammer was caught by her hand! She snatched the blind man's weapon! Use your hand! The dark gold handle of the hammer is broken into two sections! Next second, he is kicked by palace with foam! Spit out a mouthful of blood!

Seeing the palace approaching with foam step by step, she hesitated because of the injury, but the eyes full of evil spirit stared at the blind man straight, which aroused a shiver on the blind man!

The blind man clenched his teeth and suddenly shouted, "snow dog! If you don't come out, she'll kill you after she kills me! "

Snow color also thinks that Gong Yimo has more power now. He is not an opponent, so when he hears the blind man's words, he doesn't hesitate very much and rushes out in a moment!

Gong Yimo feels that someone is looking for death, and grabs directly at the snow color! But how insidious is the snow? He is only a Feihuang move, the real killing move is towards the palace in her arms!

Palace to foam a Leng, subconscious protection of the palace discernment, so be bloody a palm hit on the ground! The blood drips on palace discernment, the palace discernment hates to die at this moment!

"Leave me alone..."

Leave me alone! Let go of me! Just kill them!

But his voice Gong Yimo couldn't hear. Instead, he said to the blind man with some pride, "see? Attack the man in her arms!"

The blind man stood up, nodded, and they went to stir fry the palace with foam! And this time, they all put the target of attack on Gong Zhi. Gong Yimo subconsciously protects Gong Zhi every time, so that those attacks fall on him!

How deep emotion is it to protect another person subconsciously?

Hit to the back, palace with foam is almost two people are pressing to hit!

One of them wants to protect the treasure, the other is greedy for the palace! They only want to defeat Gong Yimo, deliberately attack Gong Xie, and then watch Gong Yimo block him with his body!