Chapter 854

"What can I do? I feel stupid." Gong Yimo laughs at Gong Che without hesitation.

Gong Che sees her smile, her eyes are bright in the dark, which makes his heart melt. Where else can he care?

Two people sit on the bed, Gong Che eyes obsessively reached out to touch her hair, is happy, is sad.

He is very happy. Mo'er cares and likes him so much, but he is afraid. Because he thinks that he stole this happiness, he doesn't want Mo'er to see Gong Cho. He can't do it once.

"MOR, what should I do with you?"

Gong Che's face is like jade. In the light, Gong Yimo can see his soft eyes, which are like ink. He is focusing on himself.

Gong Yimo smiled and leaned over to pinch his face. "You don't have to think too much. I'm good to you. You're good to me!"

Gong Che's face flashed a trace of complexity.

"If one day, other people treat you well You... "

Gong Yimo reaches out his hand and knocks on his forehead, picking his eyebrows slightly!

"What are you thinking? I You are already there! "

She said so frankly, but he was worried too much.


Gong Che is very grateful to hold her in her arms. It's a kind of happiness that makes people tremble with sweetness that she can let him embrace freely.

Thousands of words can not express his joy and fear, he only had to hold her harder!

Gong Yimo lets him hold her tightly and finds that Gong Che is really sticking to her more and more.

But in such a sweet and warm moment, Gong Yimo felt his body trembling slightly. She asked strangely.

"What's the matter?"

Gong Che said in a muffled voice.

"Mo'er We How about a hostel

Palace to foam a Leng.

Gong Che buried his face on her shoulder and dawdled wantonly. "I really don't want to wait."

He was really scared. Maybe only when she became his own woman, he could breathe a little.

Gong Yimo was so angry that he twisted his ears!

She thought Gong Che would say something good, but she was thinking about something bad!

She grabbed Gong Che's ear tip and dragged him away forcibly, angrily saying!

"Think about it when you're ill. If you die suddenly in bed, people think I'm Kraft!"

Gong Che's face was so red that he felt very hot at the thought of it.

"How could it be! I I can do it! " He has made a deal with Gong Zhi, and he will soon be back in good health!

"Hum! Let's wait for you to cure the hidden disease! The man is really a lower half animal, no skin! "

Gong Che is embarrassed by Gong Yimo. He is so aggrieved. His beloved woman is in his arms, but he can't touch it. It's also a test!

What else did he want to say, but he was overpowered by Gong Yimo! She wrapped the quilt and said, "sleep!"

Finish saying, she disregarding a body dirty, press palace to clean to sleep first.

Gong Che is very helpless, a little wronged holding his beloved fiancee.

He is really I really want to

He's been a baby for 23 years I didn't dare to think before, but now I can't move. It's too sad.

In this way, with full of grievances, two people embrace and sleep, soon fell asleep.

The next day, when Gong Yimo woke up, Gong Che had left.

The palace people said that they had prepared the fragrant Soup for bathing, and the palace foam didn't care where Gong Che was going, so they took a good bath first.

When she is half washed, Gong Che comes back.

His mind is rather complicated.

In the early days of today's reign, his father intended to restore his identity. Many people refused to accept him. Gong Zhi took the lead and stood on his side to make him succeed.

Everything goes well. If the father's body is getting worse, he will be closer and closer to that position, and the road will be more and more dangerous.

However, when he saw Gong Yimo, all these things disappeared. As long as she was still there, he could do nothing.

Across a screen, he blocked Gong Che's vision. Hearing the footsteps, Gong Yimo knew it was him and smiled.

"What? Want to come in and wash together? "

That voice can not say hook people, Gong Che a Lin, before those messy thoughts are all empty! He's swiping the screen all over his head!

Mo'er asked me to take a bath together!!!

His nose was a little hot. Gong Che looked up quickly. When he was the last to be timid, he was so timid that his feet seemed to be fixed on the ground.

"No need Mo'er I, I just came to see what you need. "

Gong Yimo smiled softly, "it's true. Come here and wipe my back."

Back rub?

Gong Che was hot and dry all over, but he didn't feel so nervous in the court just now.

"Come on! Otherwise, I'll call someone else? "

"No I'll do it! " How can Gong Che fake such a good thing? He He hasn't seen Mo'er's skin yetFor a long time, he could only hug and kiss each other, which could not be overstepped at all He has been I'd like to have a look and feel it.

Across the screen, a huge bucket, a beauty lying on the edge, showing a large back, that skin white dazzling! Let Gong Che forget the words in an instant, some Leng God's hand to touch.

The fingertip falls on her shoulder, white greasy silk is slippery, Gong Che's Adam's apple is rolling, and she seems to have a suction force on her body. If it's touched, it can't be taken down

Gong Yimo narrowed his eyes secretly and asked, "in the morning, did you recover your identity?"

Gong Che nodded vaguely, her eyes still stuck on her back!

Gong Yimo chuckles, "so, you've got shuiyuncao, and your disease is getting better soon?"

Gong Che paused and said slowly, "one dose can only cure symptoms. To cure them, these water clouds are not enough."

Gong Yimo felt his fingertips flowing and the sound of swallowing saliva, which seemed to ask casually, "so, the man who controls the water cloud grass is equivalent to controlling your life?"

In this sentence, Gong Che is quickly separated from being bewitched. He takes a deep look at Gong Yimo and says, "Mo'er, you can stay, but promise me not to interfere in this matter. I will get shuiyuncao, and I will retreat. Believe me, OK?"

Gong Che finally completely touched the * * of Gong Yimo, walked to her side, reached out and caressed her hair on the temples.

He looked at her with a very complicated look and said slowly.

“…… Just stay with me. It may take me a while to solve this problem. When I'm done with it, we'll leave, roam around the world, and never come again. "

Gong frowned with foam, and finally reached out and held his hand.

"Well, I'll stay with you. If you have any difficulty, I'll help you."

Gong Che smiles softly.

"As long as you are by my side, it's the greatest help for me, Mo'er. I wish I could keep you small in my arms and take you wherever I go."

Palace to foam shallow smile, but secretly remember a person.

Gong Qiao, he has all the water cloud grass in his hand