Chapter 857

Gong Che's face was frozen. When he waved, all the people backed away. Only he came forward and said seriously.

"If you come to visit without hesitation, are you alone? It's just that someone stabbed him in the dark. They came after him alone. Someone saw him enter the prince Qi's mansion..."

Palace discerns to smell speech to pick eyebrow slightly.

He scanned Gong Che's eyes carefully, and then, with a tick of his finger, someone came forward to listen to the orders of the marquis.

"Deqing, what about the little mouse who used to sneak into the mansion?"

The shrill voice of Gong Zhi at night is more and more strange. Deqing is the steward of the Royal Palace of Qi, he said respectfully.

"Prince, Prince, there was an assassin who broke into the mansion just now. He has good martial arts and sensitive lightness skills. He will leave when he steals something. The only thing I can do is to make a killing order. He has been shot dead by random arrows. The body is in the backyard. He is going to be dragged out and buried in the morning."

At that moment, almost everyone heard something breaking.

Gong Che looked at the housekeeper incredibly. In the light of the torch jumping, his face was bloodless!


Gong Che's voice is almost inaudible

This is a joke. How could Mo'er die? How could she die?

Gong Che wants to laugh, but he can't laugh. Mo'er's martial arts in this life are far less than that in the last life. And there are so many strange people and scholars in Gong Ji's hands, Mo'er may not be their opponent

But is it possible?

If Mo'er is really dead

If she died for him!

There is a trace of fishy sweetness in his throat. Gong Che suddenly rushes into the palace of Qi!

His leg hurt in the body, can not make the force, but his eyes red terrible! The momentum is so powerful that no one dares to stop it!

Gong Zhi also finds that Gong Che's situation is a little strange. He looks blue and takes Gong Che to the back yard automatically.

It seems that the dead man is not an assassin, but a very important person for the prince.

His death will not lead the prince and the prince to become enemies? Deqing is afraid.

Gong Zhi also thinks it strange. He has always doubted Gong Che's motive. He wants nothing but water, cloud, grass and freedom. For these reasons, he is willing to be his own shield and promise to give everything to each other when it is done.

Seriously, it's only a saint who can give without paying back, right?

But Gong Zhi is not afraid. No matter what plan Gong Che has in the end, he believes that he will definitely win.

But now, Gong Che even shows such expression for an assassin, as if the sky has collapsed! This is really strange. Isn't Gong Che always warm and gentle? In the past, it was to take care of the prince's manner. Now it is true that Mount Tai collapses on the top of the mountain, but his face does not change.

Who is that man? He can make him lose his temper

Gong Che has never walked such a long road. From the front door to the backyard, he limped, his eyes only focused on the front, but the road seemed to have no end, and the darkness extended to the deepest abyss.

In the enchantment, he has figured it out.

If Mo'er is really dead

He will kill his enemy and then die with her.

He crossed a time and space, not in order to get the beloved and lose her again, such a life is meaningless.

But the one he expected to die was not her. She was not so fragile. She would never let people down.

Soon, the backyard arrived. In the middle of the yard, a straw mat was wrapped with a small body. His pupils shrank, but he was afraid to come forward.

Deqing saw Gong Che's appalling face and was slightly shocked. He thought over his words and said softly.

"Your Highness, this is the assassin who was forced to rush before. Because he was shot dead by a random arrow, his death looks terrible. Your highness had better not go further..."

But before he finished speaking, Gong Che went to the body and squatted down. He felt trembling and wanted to open the mat.

At this time, Gong Qian did not know when to follow him, he asked coldly.

"Brother If this person is really what you are looking for, what will you do? "

He has a dignified look, because Gong Che's appearance at this time is too abnormal. The man who is full of sadness, obstinacy and ruthlessness can't see the ordinary gentleness at all, just like Changed a person.

Gong Che, half kneeling on the ground, hears the words. His back is straight and his fingers are heavy.

I don't know if it's so tense that he even smiles.

Without looking back, he said only four words, "never die."

If Mo'er is dead, what if his opponent is palace chooser? Those who hurt her should die. Only death can calm his pain!

Everyone took a breath of cold air, because they never thought that one day they would hear four words "never die" from the gentle prince!

The fog was heavy at night, and it was cold and condensed, which made it difficult to breathe.

Everyone was silent. Just as Gong Che was about to open the straw mat again, Gong Zhi suddenly sneered."Well, you don't have to uncover it. I can guarantee that the dead man is not the one you are looking for."

Gong Zhi's words are like a ray of light, which makes Gong Che feel desperate!

He turned back very quickly and stared at him closely!

"Why do you say that?"

The palace was full of laughter.

"It's the only one that can make you so You want to go away with her wife? The dead one is a man. "

Gong Che is surprised and quickly opens the mat. The body is terrible, but he is really a man!

The joy of soaring to the sky makes Gong Che forget his reason! He did not find that Gong Zhi had noticed Gong Yimo. He was full of joy, as if he had been reborn again!

Mo'er is still alive! She's alive!

Gong Che gets up and is ready to go to other places to find Mo'er. At the moment of his mistake, Gong Qiao suddenly reaches out and grabs his arm tightly.

In the weak light of the torch, two people with the same beauty and no casting stand together. The colliding sight almost intersects and sparks!

"Is she the reason? Is your selfless reason to help the king? "

Gong Zhi asked in a low voice, as if he was very interested in Gong Yimo!

Gong Che stretched out his hand and opened his finger a little bit.

"Anything can be touched, but she is my bottom line."

Now that he has been discovered, Gong Che doesn't need to hide any more. He looks at Gong Jian seriously, and there is complexity in his eyes that others can't understand.

"I know. You don't understand why I helped you. Now you know? Because she wants to be free, she likes the Jianghu, so I need a healthy body and go with her! You want Jiangshan, I'll help you, because Jiangshan is nothing compared to her! "

The words that throw the earth and sound, let palace discern in the heart tiny shock! Men are born in the world, and it should be innate instinct to make contributions!

But Gong Che, for a woman, doesn't even look at the mountains and rivers?

Funny, he is really more and more curious about that woman.