Chapter 866

After Gong Yimo jumped down, she really pinched a sweat for herself, because the wind below was too much stronger than above. She was swayed by the mountain wind, and her breathing was not smooth. She got used to it for a while, and then she put the rock plug into the gap between the rocks, and then she put the rope through it, and then she fixed it against the rock plug, and climbed down a little bit.

However, the stone wall of the cross-section ladder is too vertical and smooth. Sometimes the rock plug is stuck in several places, but there is no other way. This traditional climbing method is very dangerous.

Finally, she reached the first step.

The ninth step God ladder is really a very high image. It is said to be the place where God ascends the sky. The narrow and long shape is also the appearance of the steps. Each step has different surprises.

The first step is not very big. It's more than 200 square meters. It's a long rectangle. There are no plants on the mountain wall, but there are. Because of the climate, all the strange shapes are not the same as the outside. There are abandoned straw baskets on the ground and nest by nest of bird eggs. Occasionally people come down to collect medicine in this place, so it's normal to have human utensils.

After resting for a while, Gong Yimo went to the second step

In the process, she realized that it was the end of September, but there was a kind of winter chill. Fortunately, she had internal skill to protect her body. For the time being, there was no problem. The wind in the mountain stream became stronger and stronger, making people dizzy.

The second step of the ladder is a concave rectangular stone pit, about 400 square meters. At this time, we have to praise the uncanny work of nature, because such a large long and thin pit has its own circulation, with water, trees and birds, and natural medicine.

Gong Yimo did not stay long, she did not forget, her goal is the sixth level!

But the old man who collected the medicine said that the second floor is the limit, and then the next floor is the hall of the king of hell. When he went down, he didn't see anyone coming up. The palace couldn't take his breath with foam. He really wanted to go down and have a look.

In the middle of the climb, Gong Yimo felt that there was no difference except for the strong wind No, it seems that the sky is darkened. The water vapor is filled here, and the sun can't shine in gradually, but it's pitch dark down.

Palace with foam heart health is not good, the movement gradually slowed down some, she will flashlight hat on her head, feel better.

The stone wall here is more and more smooth. When she gets down the rock plug, she can't find a suitable point, so she has to put two or three rock plugs in one place to reinforce.

Fortunately, she has a lot of outdoor products in her space. These climbing tools meet her needs. She has bought several sets of them for preparation. Otherwise, when she gets here, the rope will not be enough.

Gong Yimo finally reached the third stage. This place, also a rectangular platform, extends towards the mountain wall. It can't see how large the area is, but the plants are very lush.

The nine step ladder is really one step and one step. No wonder there are myths like that.

There are many plants in front of her. She didn't dare to go deep so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. At this time, she finally smelled a faint, sweet and bitter fragrance coming from the cliff. It seems that the flowering period of Muluo brocade has not passed yet. Gong Yimo relaxed and decided to find a place to sit down.

She saw a piece of dead wood on the ground that was not in the grass, so she sat on it.

But as soon as she sat down, she found something wrong. The wood was a little elastic This Especially it can move!

Gong Yimo looks back. Behind her is a snake with a big mouth! And she, sitting on the snake

After Gong Yimo went down, Gong Che ordered people to block this place. Then he was not ready to leave and sat down on a big stone.

But if he doesn't look for trouble, it doesn't mean trouble won't look for him. There's a lot of noise, and someone with a team of private army broke in here.

The first is the sixth prince.

Gong Che glanced at him. In his eyes, it was unspeakable cold.

In the last life, the brother who died in his hand was not without him, but he thought about the reputation of generosity and did not do as well as Miya.

But people who have dealt with it once will only be able to handle it once more.

Liu Xianfei was the son of Liu Xianfei. But Liu Xianfei was killed by him in the year when he left Lenggong. The reason why Gong Qi is still alive is that Gong Ji didn't want to kill him so soon. In recent years, he has been in a mess. Now, it seems that he has become someone else's thug.

Gong Qi's appearance is not good-looking, at most he has correct facial features. At this time, he looks at Gong Che with a grim face. Now the emperor can't live long. As long as he kills Gong Che again, this river and mountain is theirs. At that time, even if Gong Qi has all kinds of abilities, he will have no skills.

"Brother Huang even put a good Zhaoyang hall away. He came here. Here Is it for the convenience of the emperor's brother that I kill people and kill people? "

"For the convenience of killing people and killing people..."

Gong Che said, he sat on the stone, did not get up at all, long hair quietly spread on the shoulder, he looks beautiful and gentle, but there is a kind of strange color.

"Gong Qi, if you dare to do it today, tomorrow morning, if you steal the Treasury and illegally add tax on the land, the evidence will be sent to the father. The father is going to die, but he is not dead. There is still time to deal with your waste."Gong Che's words startle Gong Qixin! What he did was so hidden, and he didn't leave any criminal evidence at all. Gong Che must be deceiving him!

Thinking of this, Gong Qi is flustered and says loudly.

"You are the waste! In the past two decades, you have been a prince in the wind and rain. In recent months, you have made a little progress. You are the only one who dare to take my hand? "

Gong Che just smiled, "do you remember Liu Xuan and Zhang Zhe? Sometimes, if you don't kill them, they will die. They are in their own hands now. If you don't believe it, you can try. "

Gong Qi felt scared. Didn't he find someone to kill those two people? Are his men lying to him?

"Prince, do you want to move or not?"

Asked Gong Qi in a low voice.

Gong Qi thought, anyway, people are here. He might as well go to find someone to confirm, and then make a decision.

So he said in a deep voice, "first of all, I want to see what he is doing here."

"But the master's......"

Gong Qi's face flashed a trace of embarrassment. "I'll take care of him there. You, go to check first. Is Liu Xuan and Zhang Zhe really alive?"

“…… Yes. "

The man retreated unwillingly. At this time, there were only a hundred people around the prince. They could take the prince together. There was no need to work here to avoid the long night.

Gong Che saw that he had stopped, but he closed his eyes, and the two men were facing each other, but they didn't speak. The air around the cliff was condensing, as if waiting for a breakthrough, or the calm before the storm.