Chapter 877


Gong coco smiled smugly. She swept aside and even broke a wooden stand with a vase in her hand!

The wooden frame porcelain is broken, Jiang Shangke's eyes are slightly open, and Gong coco pretends to clap hands easily and says, "have you seen it? Even if there are many enemies, even with the same face, but I'm not good at bullying! "

"Is it?"

Jiang Shangke suddenly pulls out a black thing. Gong coco hasn't seen it. He looks at it curiously and points to the wall beside her.

Just listen to the bang!

Gong coco finally can't maintain the demeanor of a superior person, and squats down with a scream!

This Is it a gun?

She was in a panic!

How could she forget that the world she is in now has not only the cell phones and cars that my mother said, but also guns, guns and weapons to destroy the sky and the earth!

What to do If she is found to be different, not my race, she will not be killed, right?

Jiang Shangke saw that xiaocute was finally at peace, thinking about the gun, youyou said.

"You are so strong, it seems that you are not cocoa, but you look like cocoa. It's obviously strange," he said! who are you? What's the purpose? "

He said so, pointing to himself all the time.

Gong coco thought of her before, almost did not see the bullet's trace, the bullet had already sunk into the wall, such speed, she was not sure that she could avoid every time.

And whether the dead girl really has many enemies, she is not sure whether those enemies also have such powerful weapons. If they look like each other and suffer from the disaster of innocence, she will die of injustice!

The most important thing is that the man in front of her has a gun in his hand. She'd better stay away from the sharp spot.

The eldest princess can bend and stretch Just try to treat him as a brother!

So in a very short time, Gong Coco's face changed. She blinked. How innocent it would be, how lovely it would be. Finally, she said shamelessly with a sweet dead man's unworthy smile.

"Husband, what are you doing? I'm kidding you. You just scared me! "

"Husband?" Jiang Shangke thought it was interesting. Seeing her face changed, he said, "are you kidding? But my wife doesn't have the strength to break the wooden frame easily. "

Gong Coco's smile congealed for a moment, but she soon showed an expression of grievance.

"No! It's this shelf that's in disrepair And I'm not at all relaxed! Look, my hands are swollen! "

She's really right about this. As a princess with golden branches and jade leaves, when did she have her own hands? The hand must be swollen.

Jiang Shangke saw that her hand was really swollen. Fortunately, she pretended to be so light.

Gong Ke can see that the gun is still pointing at him. He moves over with a small step and takes out his mace to father, mother and brother!

His eyes are full of tears. He looks at Jiang Shangke with a little bit of red lips. "How do you Point this at me? They said they were joking with you. "

Jiang Shangke's heart jumped twice, damn it! Don't she know that when she looks at a man with such an expression, he will really want to ravage her?

Jiang Shangke left his gun on the dining table, and with a pull of his hand, he took the poor man who was selling miserably into his arms.

For the first time and men so close contact, Gong coco is tense up!

She had a bad idea in her mind. Now the gun is on the table, and this person is beside her. She just needs to reach out

Her hand was caught!

Jiang Shangke saw a red swelling on her white and soft wrist, and a trace of pity flashed in her eyes, but she threatened the little rabbit maliciously in her mouth.

"Coco, I'm the only one who can protect you. Don't be capricious and want to run away from home? As long as you go out of this door and say that you are not my wife, Jiang Shangke, you will be taken away by those people next second. They will not treat you so gently as I do. "

Jiang Shangke's words make Gong Coco's heart suddenly go out!

She even thought that she would not wait for this man to find his wife's body, so that everyone knew that the girl was dead. She was just a passer-by who looked like her!

In this way, she shamefully continued to be cute.

"My hand still hurts, my husband. How about you blowing?"

Her sweet and tender voice makes Jiang Shangke breathe tight! Eyes dark, he really holding the hand of palace cocoa blowing, and pinched twice.

I don't know what the eyes of those people are. The rural born palace coco may have such smooth and tender skin?

In addition to the natural beauty of the skin, it also needs to be pampered with precious external things day by day, in order to maintain such a fragile skin.

She is much more beautiful than Gong coco. Her eyes are bigger than her, her eyelashes are longer, her nose is higher, and her mouth is smaller. Although there is not a lot of difference, the difference between them is not a little bit, and then the temperament that is inadvertently revealed. That is the dignity and pride that can only be raised by the real high-ranking people. Therefore, he didn't regard her as an agent or anything else at the beginning, instead More curious about her."Ah!"

Gong coco suddenly exclaimed, because Jiang Shangke picked her up!

"What are you doing? Where are you taking me?! " She was very alert and stared at Jiang Shangke. She ran away as soon as something went wrong.

Jiang Shangke chuckled, "take you to the medicine."

When he went upstairs, the people outside dared to come in. Before they heard the gunshot, they thought the young master killed his wife! Now it seems that it's OK again, and the feelings between the young master and his wife seem to be better. It's really incomprehensible.

When she arrived at the bedroom, Gong coco was curious about the low-key and luxurious decoration. Although the things here are not as beautiful as big Yu, they have different flavors. She still likes them!

If only my brother could see it, then we could learn the advanced technology here and go back to benefit our country better!

The poor girl didn't realize how dangerous it was for her to live with a man now.

As expected, Jiang Shangke took the medicine and wiped it for her. It's good. It won't hurt once it's put on, but it's cool. It's really a good thing.

After wiping the medicine, Jiang Shangke got up and saw that Gong coco wanted to pretend to be ordinary, but he couldn't help looking around. He thought it was funny. His beautiful eyes were full of stars and filled with curiosity.

He could not help rubbing her head. Gong coco looked up at him accusingly. Only his brother could rub her head!

Jiang Shangke held back his smile and frowned, "what's the matter? We are husband and wife, you seem to be very disgusted with me? "

Gong coco was shocked and almost forgot that she is now taking the place of others!

She said sorry to the girl and then said, "no, I'm just a little tired..."

Jiang Shangke slightly hooks his lips.

"Tired? Then wash and sleep. "