V1.Chapter 81

Even without grandma Yu's rules, so many people can't live in the house rented by Xia Xiaolan.

Liu Fen stayed at home and Xia Xiaolan went to the hostel with the others.

Xia Xiaolan finally figured out the reason why Liu Yong and Zhou Cheng appeared together. Although Zhou Cheng said it lightly, Xia Xiaolan was scared into a cold sweat in such weather.

If Zhou Cheng and Kang Wei didn't just pass by and didn't save each other, would her uncle lose people because of too much blood loss?

When Zhou Cheng and Kang Wei beat away the hooligans for her, Xia Xiaolan was grateful, but she was not so grateful.

Female chastity is very important, but Xia Xiaolan can't die if she is really treated by hooligans. Her uncle has a life. He doesn't even have a life. No matter how much hope he has. No wonder Zhou Cheng said he would go to Yangcheng and cancelled it temporarily. At that time, he was afraid to guard her uncle in the hospital of Shanghai stock market.

Xia Xiaolan is really grateful.

She said "thank you" three times in a row. Her voice was not loud. Anyone could hear her emotional excitement.

"Xiaolan, it should be."

Even if you are a stranger you don't know, Zhou Cheng must help in that case. But if Liu Yong hadn't saved the person, Zhou Cheng would have sent the person to the hospital and paid the medical expenses in advance. Liu Yong was injured. Zhou Cheng had to stay and take care of him personally to make sure that Liu Yong was not in serious trouble.

He is not obliged to do so, he is willing to do so.

Because of Xia Xiaolan, he had a fetter with Liu Yong, who couldn't beat eight poles. Zhou Cheng was happy to do all this.

Whether he was mean or selfish, Liu Yong was badly hurt. Zhou Cheng saved him and thought it was God's will. Xia Xiaolan's injured uncle can be found on the way. Who dares to say that Xiaolan is not his destined daughter-in-law?

Zhou Cheng looked at his daughter-in-law with joy all over his pores.

His performance was too obvious. Li Fengmei was absent-minded and felt it slowly.

Look at Xiaolan?

It's not surprising that she hasn't seen any young student hate Xiaolan.

The young man is energetic and has the grace of saving Liu Yong's life. Li Fengmei's first impression of Zhou Cheng is very good. Chen Qingdan is also very excellent. It seems that he is not enough to compare with Zhou Cheng. People are from the appearance Association. Anyone who chooses a daughter-in-law and a son-in-law doesn't like good-looking people. Even in the 1980s, the young man was a talent. The family was poor and didn't worry about finding a wife.

At least Liu Yong followed others for several days. She should know something. Li Fengmei plans to cross examine them carefully in the evening.

Xia Xiaolan simply opened a room in the guest house.

She is going to Yangcheng tomorrow. All the tickets are booked. Liu Yong suddenly gets hurt and comes back, disrupting the plan. Xia Xiaolan is struggling to return her ticket. She needs to have a good talk with Liu Yong - Xia Xiaolan still doesn't know that Liu Yong is engaged in smuggling, but she almost lost her life when she went out. Her uncle's way of making money is really dangerous.

Although some later generations have joked that it was easy to make a fortune in the 1980s and 1990s, and all the ways to make money were written in the criminal law, the joking title belongs to the joking title, which also shows that a group of rich people who made a fortune early had gray means... Gray or not, it also depends on the degree. The business chosen by her uncle is obviously fatal.

If you're not afraid of losing money, you're afraid of death.

If you lose your life, everything is really gone.

Let my uncle take a stake in a clothing store. She sells women's clothes and my uncle sells men's clothes?

Her uncle is not a person who can be trapped in one place, and Xia Xiaolan herself will not always resell clothes.

She thought a lot and tossed and turned for a long time before she went to bed.


Separated by a wall is Zhou Cheng's room and Kang Wei's room. Zhou Cheng can't sleep either.

"Kangzi, I'm going to stop after this trip. What do you want to do on this road? Let's discuss it."

Kang Wei turned up from the bed. "Brother, I listen to you. Do what you say."

"Don't get excited. I don't want to break up the partnership, nor do I really want someone to come to our business. It's uncle Liu who touched me a lot. You can get more profits by running your own business, and you can see how dangerous the road is. You're not so lucky every time. "

Road robbers want to rob smugglers. Smugglers eat black each other. Liu Yong is fighting for money with his life.

Road robbers also rob their cars. Goods worth long-distance transportation can't be worthless. How much is a whole car of cigarettes worth?

Even if this kind of thing is robbed, it's easy to do it!

Zhou Cheng is very arrogant, but he won't drive a sports car with Kang Wei all the time.

Kang Wei is not as careful as he is, and his physical quality is far worse.

Kang Wei is still the sweetheart of the second elder of the Kang family. Look at how sad and anxious Xiaolan's family are today. Kang Wei had a mistake. Grandma Kang Wei must not live.

Zhou Cheng wants to pull Kang Wei, but he doesn't want to take him to jump under the cliff.

Kang Wei was silenced by Zhou Cheng.

This road is really profitable. Every box of cigarettes is a regular product. They either smuggle or change the fixed rationed cigarettes in each region, and pull the cigarette brands that are not easy to sell in the Shanghai stock market to southern Henan Province. Those in southern Henan take them to the capital and toss them back and forth... Well, it's not smuggling, it's definitely taking advantage of the policy.

Like Kang Wei, it doesn't matter if he takes advantage of the loopholes in the policy. Even if he has to be investigated one day, it may turn into a small matter for the sake of his father who died in the war of resistance against Japan. Zhou Cheng is different. Brother Chengzi has a great future. Will there be a stain in the file?!

Kang Wei shivered, and his mind, dazzled by great interests, finally began to cool down:

"Brother Chengzi, let's stop."

Kang Wei's timidity, sometimes a weakness, sometimes an advantage, let Kang Wei know "awe" and become lawless without the doting of his elders. Seeing that he listened to what he said, Zhou Cheng stopped scaring him: "it's not enough to stop. We can continue to do it in another way. Let me think about it."

Kang Wei nodded fiercely. He must think about it. His brain can't compare with Zhou Cheng. He is used to listening to Zhou Cheng.

His grandmother said that if you are not smart, you are not afraid. Just follow smart people.

The conditions of the hostel were good. The five people who stayed in had their own worries, and everyone lost sleep. The next morning, the happiest person was Li Fengmei. There was no doubt that Liu Yong had promised her to take back the remaining capital and never touch the deadly business again in the evening.

Although Li Fengmei loves the wound behind him, she is also happy with Liu Yong's decision.

In November, the temperature in the commercial city was very low sooner or later. Li Fengmei came back to wash her face with a hot kettle. She lived in the hostel for the first time. She was not used to it in the countryside of Qijing village, but she had unspeakable convenience. Hot water and clean toilets are provided at any time. It is said that commercial cities also have central heating in mid November every year... No wonder Taotao is reluctant to go back when he comes to the provincial capital. It is really different from the countryside.

People go up and water flows down. In the past, they didn't think about it. Once the idea takes root in the bottom of their heart, it's not so easy to get rid of it.

"How much capital can you draw back? You say we are like Xiaolan. What business are we doing in the commercial city and how about taking Taotao to the provincial capital to go to school? "