V1.Chapter 457

Wang Jianhua and Xia Ziyu are looking at her. Xia Xiaolan can't feel it at all, okay!

With so many people in the alley, the streets have long been closed, and the honor guard is still in the final rehearsal. It was pulled to this place by the school bus at 2 a.m. to prepare, and the formal team performance was at 10 a.m.

The middle few hours can't be wasted. We must seize the time to continue rehearsal.

Someone is shouting with a horn:

"Listen to the guard of honor of Huaqing. After the leader of the national flag, the party and the year, it's you! The ceremony officially starts at 10:00. After Huaqing's guard of honor is Jingda. According to our usual training steps and movements, now let's go again. Don't relax. Just think it's a formal performance... "

No one really dares to relax.

In October, even the maple leaves of Xiangshan were dyed red in the capital, which was cool in autumn, especially in the early morning.

But at this moment, no one will feel cold.

Everyone's heart is warm.

Huaqing's guard of honor is almost the most advanced, and it is conceivable that it has received much attention.

Look at the action of the honor guard, which makes the parade very amateur. On one side, there is strict discipline, but on the other side, there are chattering people from several schools running around. Xia Xiaolan was standing on the side of the first row. This position was great. The teacher in charge of Hua Qing considered it for a long time before finally determining that Xia Xiaolan was standing here.

There is no need to say the long view, but those who stand in the outer circle of Huaqing are guaranteed to shine in front of people!

The person in charge of the team of Beijing University looks depressed. Isn't that too clever?

Where did Hua Qing come up with so many male and female students who can't find fault with their height and temperament, especially in the first row? They are all beautiful girls. Plain and plain, without makeup, the breath of youth came to my face. The students in white clothes and trousers had all their vitality.

It's a bit of a foul. It's all brother colleges. Who doesn't know who's behind it.

How could the person in charge of Beijing University think that in order to make up so many "facade responsibilities", Hua Qing did not let go of the 84th freshmen who had just entered the school. He directly pulled them out of the military training camp and could be sent to play after running in.

have stage fright?

It doesn't exist!

The responsible teacher brainwashed them again and again: you are the best. To show the style of Huaqing students, no one is better than you. This is pride and a gift for the 35th anniversary of the motherland!

Yishui's long legs, no hunchback, no collapse of shoulders, wearing a unified white library, standing there neatly is a pleasant scenery!

Give gifts to the motherland and let the people all over the country see how prosperous the new generation of college students are!

The teacher moved himself and the students were very excited.

Xia Xiaolan knows where she is standing now. Don't mention how envious Yang Yonghong, the boss of the bedroom, is.

Envy is not envy. The boss asked her to cheer up and don't lose the people in 307 bedroom!

This is also the expectation of girls in the Department of architecture for Xia Xiaolan and Ning Xue. There are not many girls in our department of architecture, but the quality is high. More than 20 girls were selected in the 84th session, and the Department of architecture accounted for two. What do you want? You know, there are only 15 girls in the Department of architecture!

In the honor guard, there was Shan Yujun, who was receiving freshmen.

Sister Shan has long participated in training. Her position is also on the periphery, but not in the outermost row. Sister Shan wants to raise a card.

Many people have to raise their cards, a small jigsaw puzzle, and finally put together a big map of the motherland.

Whether they stand in the first row or not, they are equally proud. This session coincides with a grand event. It is the first National Day celebration in 25 years since the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China in 1959. The honor guard is only the guide, and more importantly, the subsequent military parade... Such a grand event is called on them to catch up. Even if they think of it in a few decades, they will be very excited!

Xia Xiaolan also felt something surging in her chest.

It has been brewing since the military training. Plant a seed and take root in the military training. Now the flower buds are ready to bloom. Standing next to her is not Ning Xue, but Liu Huazheng, the flower of literature and art in the Department of economics and management. Liu Huazheng has a slim figure, can sing and dance, and is also very popular among freshmen.

After a round of practice, Liu Huazheng's face was shining:

"Fortunately, I didn't enter the dance academy, otherwise how can I join the guard of honor..."

Xia Xiaolan's cheeks trembled and she didn't want to talk to Xueba. A Su Jing, who loves painting and dreams of the Central Academy of fine arts, came to Huaqing. A Liu Huazheng said that he originally wanted to enter the dance academy, but he also studied Huaqing. He was versatile and smart. Xia Xiaolan was very convinced.

Liu Huazheng is outgoing and romantic. Xia Xiaolan trained with her for three days, which is more familiar than Ning Xue in her class. Ning Xue really doesn't like to talk. Of course, Liu Huazheng knows that Xia Xiaolan can neither dance nor sing. Liu Huazheng is disappointed. She also wants to take Xia Xiaolan to join the school's literary troupe. The art troupe consists of military band, folk band, accordion team, chorus team, dance team and drama team. However, Xia is really not good at one.

Speaking of it, she is also a sales background, but she has never met President Xia in the entertainment of singing K in a private room with the customer. She doesn't look good. The customer has never asked for this.

She has nowhere to learn.

It's not easy to study. Should aunt Biao send her to the children's palace to learn talent?

Xia Xiaolan hasn't been so greedy.

After the final rehearsal over and over again, the day slowly dawned. The scattered parade team was gathered together. The students of several schools even exchanged the bouquets in their hands. The responsible teachers were in a hurry. Can't they learn to be a guard of honor with strict discipline!

Xia Xiaolan and Liu Huazheng straightened their hats. I have to say that being young is good. They are full of spirit after staying up all night.

Liu Huazheng poked Xia Xiaolan's arm. "Look at the parade. Those two people have seen you for a long time. Are you a fellow countryman?"

Xia Xiaolan stood in a prominent position on the edge, basically carrying the parade team. There was no one on the other side. She must have turned her head and talked to Liu Huazheng. Reminded by Liu Huazheng, she finally turned her head to see what fellow villagers, not Wang Jianhua and Xia Ziyu!

These two people also come to Tiananmen Square celebration?

Look at that poor child. It's a pity that the normal school didn't organize a guard of honor. It's going to injustice Wang Jianhua and Xia Ziyu to eat soil behind her.

Regardless of whether Xia Xiaolan is doing well in Huaqing, compared with Wang Jianhua and Xia Ziyu - wait, why does she lower her level and compare with these two people?

Xia Xiaolan smiled at them and was too contemptuous to give one.

Wang Jianhua's roommate wow: "the most beautiful one of the Huaqing team, the girl like a movie star, look here!"

Xia Ziyu was so angry that he almost broke his teeth.

Wang Jianhua thought, how can Xia Xiaolan mix such scenery.

He thought Liu Shan was like Xia Xiaolan before. Now he meets again and finds that Liu Shan's two points are similar, which is also his imagination.

Xia Xiaolan is so good that she seems to get rid of him far away!