Chapter 243

When Zhang Qianxiu arrived at Shangling village, he daoxun, Su Yuwei, Ge Qingshan and Ji yinyao were holding a candlelight talk, and they all had a good time.

In this age, if ordinary people are changed, there will be nothing to say when chatting with the four of them. At most, there will be a few compliments.

He daoxun, Ge Qingshan and Su Yuwei, the four books and five classics, Taoist and Buddhist classics, Tang poetry and Song poetry, all come with their mouths open. Ji yinyao used to be a lady of a big family. Although they didn't know much about it, they could also say a few words. Life experience is here, and they can also say their own truth.

"Shifu, Lao he, and granny Ji." Zhang Qianxiu said with a smile, "did I disturb your elegance?"

Su Yuwei joked: "it's really a little bit. You're a layman."

As we all know, Su Yuwei's words are a joke, and they all give out a good laugh.

Ji yinyao said: "a man is ambitious. It's better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. It's better to read thousands of people than to travel thousands of miles. Qian Xiu is reading people. We can't reach him on paper."

Su Yuwei said: "Granny Ji, don't flatter him. Now he has a lot of troubles for himself. He can't be so busy."

"If you don't work hard when you are young, you will be sad when you are old." He daoxun said: "when I was young, I worked hard. That's a good thing."

Zhang Qianxiu sat down on the vacant chair beside Su Yuwei and said, "I'm doing nothing."

He daoxun shook his head again and again: "that's not to say. Qian Xiu, you are young, you have a successful career, you are diligent and inquisitive, and you are instructed by such a famous teacher as GE Lao. You will have a bright future in the future. How can you say that you are doing nothing."

Ge Qingshan smile, said: "old he, compared to learning, I am not as good as you, I can teach him, but also some life insights and dead things in books, to say a famous teacher, old he is a famous teacher."

Although this is mutual praise, it is Ge Qingshan's heart.

Although Ge Qingshan read four books and five classics when he was young, he did not give up later, but he was busy with his career in middle age. He did not spend too much time on traditional Chinese culture. Until he retired from his job, he had time to regain his medical skills and traditional Chinese culture.

He daoxun had a rich family and a scholarly family when he was young. He learned more than Ge Qingshan. Although he lived a hard life in his middle age, he never gave up reading.

He daoxun sighed and said: "Ge Lao, the book is dead. I've only read the book of death all my life. When it comes to understanding the truth in the book, I'm not as good as you. What you think and think is the way of life. In contrast, what I understand from the words of sages is not as good as you."

Su Yuwei said: "master, granddad Ge, don't flatter each other. There is no first place in literature. Who can be better than that? Now you masters of traditional Chinese culture are all national treasures. "

He daoxun shook his head: "Weiwei, master, I don't dare to be a master and a national treasure. If I can teach you more, I will be satisfied. In fact, it's a pity. The classics of traditional Chinese learning for thousands of years have gradually become abandoned. No one cares about them. What a pity!"

Zhang Qianxiu had never been involved in such a chat before. Gradually, he found that there were many problems with literati, but their childlike heart was hard for ordinary people.

When we talk and praise each other, we are all concerned about the country and the people, but we seldom discuss ourselves.

In the last life, Zhang Qianxiu and his friends got together to chat, mostly about how to make money, how to get promoted, what happened in the company, and so on; Younger is where to play, how to chase girls and so on; Many middle-aged people like to talk about military affairs, international news, stocks and so on.

Ge Qingshan and he daoxun talk about Chinese classics, traditional culture, cultural heritage, national beliefs and national beliefs. They are all high spirited. They are excited to say that they want to take swords and armour to the battlefield, open up territory for the country, defend one side of the country, and chant: "the yellow sand will wear gold armour, and the Loulan will never be returned."

In his words, what he regretted most was that he failed to join the army because of his family's dissuasion.

Although this kind of thing is very empty, I have to admit that chatting with them can easily arouse a person's national feelings and patriotic feelings.

This even reminds Zhang Qianxiu of a famous battle, that is, the "battle of cliff mountain", in which Lu Xiufu jumped into the sea and killed himself with the little emperor Zhao Min on his back, and 100000 soldiers and civilians died together.

Zhang Qianxiu didn't know exactly what this battle was like, but he also learned a lot from GE Qingshan. Sometimes he had to admit that the "stupid" spirit in the minds of many ancient people has disappeared.

It was more than ten o'clock in the evening when I left from he daoxun's house. Now people go to bed early, and it's already late.

Although he daoxun's health is not good, but he did not have the opportunity to talk about this for decades, oh, we are happy, still not enough.

Back in the county, Zhang Qianxiu asked, "master, why don't you come and live with us? I have rooms there, too. "

Ge Qingshan gently smile: "no, I'm strong and painless now. I'd better live by myself!"

Ge Qingshan's health is really very good, Zhang Qianxiu did not force: "that's OK!"

"Get up early tomorrow and I'll start teaching you some boxing." Ge Qingshan warned.


Zhang Qianxiu drives Ge Qingshan to Shude hall and goes home with Su Yuwei.

At home, Su Yuwei said, "I want to take my grandfather over to live for some days."

Zhang Qianxiu had no opinion: "yes! When I have time, I'll go to jiuniuao

"You don't have to go. I'll go myself." Su Yuwei said: "you go to pick up my grandfather, and then the villagers will have to chew their tongue."

"Are you afraid of that?" Zhang Qianxiu asked with a smile.

"I'm not afraid. If my mother listens to those people in the village, she will be nervous again." Su Yuwei said.

Zhang Qianxiu can understand this. His parents have been forced to do nothing before.

"That's fine!"

Because they came back late and had to get up early tomorrow, they did not continue to read after washing.

The next day, Zhang Qianxiu woke up early in the morning and washed well before 5:30.

Washing time, but it is suyuwei to wake up, suyuwei simply also follow to get up to exercise.

When they arrived at Shude hall, Ge Qingshan was ready.

"Is Wei Wei going with you?" Ge Qingshan asked with a smile.

"Exercise." Su Yuwei said: "I'm also curious about what Wushu is like."

Ge Qingshan said with a smile: "in fact, martial arts is not as good-looking as everyone thought."

"Let's go then!"

Still as usual, but today with Su Yuwei, the speed is slower.

After all, Su Yuwei's physical fitness is still behind.

On the mountain, Su Yuwei is very tired. Ge Qingshan is still at ease. Zhang Qianxiu gasps a little. Compared with before, he has made great progress.

Su Yuwei couldn't hold on any longer. She sat on the ground to have a rest.

Ge Qingshan began to teach Zhang Qianxiu boxing: "Qianxiu, our traditional martial arts is not something that can go to the hall. Ancient nobles and some literati wanted to learn six arts, but not many of them learned boxing."

Zhang Qianxiu can probably think of this point. In ancient times, no matter noble or literati, they would not charge even if they went to the battlefield. At least a few people would charge.

Ge Qingshan thought for a moment and said, "do you know the real source of Wushu?"

Zhang Qianxiu was stunned and shook his head: "the master said it before, but it's not very clear."

Ge Qingshan said: "martial arts, in fact, the real source is the ancient army."

"The most direct killing skills are honed by the army's daily fighting. Later, in order to facilitate combat, it was basically a group of several people in a small team to attack."

"There are some retired soldiers who return home with their killing skills, either to survive or to teach their children and grandchildren in their spare time for self-defense."

"Because these killing skills are combined by many people in the army, but in the hands of ordinary people, they are all fighting alone, so they need to be improved and become traditional martial arts."

"The core of martial arts is actually the combined strangling skills of the army, rather than fighting alone, just as it is written in the story book."

Zhang Qianxiu asked suspiciously, "what about Taijiquan and neijiaquan? These are almost completely different from the killing techniques of the army. "

Ge Qingshan explained: "Taijiquan is extremely fierce. It's not outstanding in the real killing skills. In fact, Neijia boxing is the product of the combination of these boxing skills and Yin Yang and five elements."

"In fact, it's not as mysterious as in movies. Although it's unique, it's not necessarily better than other boxing techniques."

"In the future, people who practice martial arts basically go to the dart shop to be escorts, or to guard homes for the rich. They are all human beings, and they also have to eat. If they are like many martial arts novels, wandering in the Jianghu and forming gangs, how can they live? How do they eat? "

"Moreover, when a group of people who can kill people gather together, the local authorities will not be very reassured and will suppress them."

"After the founding of the people's Republic of China, the real spread of martial arts is to prevent a group of people who can kill people from gathering together and doing things that affect social stability."

"Compared with the loss of martial arts, social stability is more important for the country."

"Another point is that the high-intensity cultivation of martial arts has a great influence on people's body and bones. Often fighting for life will leave many hidden injuries. Therefore, the real martial arts masters are only a few who live a long life."

Zhang Qianxiu suddenly thought of Yi and asked, "what about Kong Zhiwen?"

Ge Qingshan said: "he has learned the skill of killing people. In fact, it is not difficult to kill people. We can all think of it as the weakness and fatal point of attacking people. The essence of martial arts is to hit the opponent's fatal point the fastest, the most accurate and the most ruthless."

"So martial arts is not good-looking. It's obvious that you can solve the problem by thrusting your eyes. You have to put on a showy posture again. It's no different from looking for death."

"Kong Zhiwen, in fact, is a kind of modern investigation, anti investigation, hot weapons, martial arts and other comprehensive training. If the terrain is complex enough, martial arts experts can't be their opponents."

"One bullet can solve the problem of the so-called martial arts experts, and the investigation and anti investigation ability of martial arts experts is not as strong as them."

Zhang Qianxiu still had some disappointment in his heart: "master, martial arts is useless."

Ge Qingshan said with a smile: "it can't be said that after the promotion of martial arts among the people, especially in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, a lot of martial arts masters emerged. If they were put in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, these martial arts masters were at most a house guard or an escort."

"But these martial arts masters have integrated the spirit of our nation into martial arts."

"Do you want to see the real martial arts?"

Zhang Qianxiu nodded: "I want to..."