Chapter 437

Zhang Qianxiu couldn't help sighing in his heart. He always thought he was ready, but in fact, there were too many problems.

Zhang Qianxiu said: "rice is calculated at 420 yuan per ton. Now, how much is the profit?"

Zhang Qianxiu bought these grains at a low price, but he could not give Zhonghe grain and oil according to the price he got from waleri.

It's not that Zhang Qianxiu is stingy or something. He thinks that Su Yuwei is right. He can't always give them subsidies. Instead, he should let them fully adapt to the changes of the market economy.

Moreover, the accounts of each company must be clear. If they don't have any subsidies, they can't calculate the real profits of the company.

Huang en Quan's arithmetic is average, but after so long in business, he knows a lot about the grain industry.

Soon, Huang enquan and Liu Biao worked it out together.

Liu Biao handed the result to Zhang Qianxiu: "boss Zhang, the profit is 84600."

Zhang Qianxiu took a look and said, "is labor, water and electricity, loss and so on included?"

Huang en Quan quickly calculated again and said, "there are more than 69000."

Zhang Qianxiu said, "what about the freight?"

Huang enquan was confused: "we don't know how much freight."

Zhang Qianxiu thought for a moment and said, "count 50000!"

Huang enquan was stunned: "then we'll make nineteen thousand."

Zhang Qianxiu asked again: "there are two missing. 50000 is just the freight of the train, but the cost of transportation from the city is not included."

"What's more, these woven bags are for money."

Huang enquan calculated for a while and said, "I lost more than 10000."

Zhang Qianxiu was not surprised by the result: "this is normal. We have lowered the price. If we wholesale at the price of 46 cents, we will make a profit."

"That's another problem I'm going to talk about today. In the future, Zhonghe grain and oil will be responsible for its own losses and profits."

"That is to say, no matter where I get the rice for you, it will be put into storage according to the normal market, and Zhonghe grain and oil will give me money."

"In the future, we'll be a separate company. No matter who we do business with, even if we do business with Yihua printing factory, Wanhui and Dongtai, you should fight for your own interests. If you want to do it upside down, you won't do it. Let them find it outside."

Huang enquan puzzled: "brother Xiu, those are your factories."

Zhang Qianxiu said, "it's the same with my factory. You supply them at a loss. They get low-cost raw materials. They make money and you lose money. That's why you give profits to other factories? How can I judge which factory makes money and which factory has problems in the future? "

"In the future, even if I make a match for you, your management should properly safeguard the interests of the company they manage. If I make a match for you, I will certainly leave a little profit for the supplier, but the profit is relatively small, but it is not impossible."

"What's more, I'll arrange a financial manager at that time. At present, Zhonghe grain and oil is still making small trouble, but our goal this year is to occupy more than 30% of the free economic market in Xiaojiang province."

"At present, we are not good at Zhonghe grain and oil. We will improve the Department within three months."

"Business department, personnel department, warehouse, production department, finance department, administration department and logistics maintenance department should be improved."

"If the logistics maintenance is redundant, it will be merged into the administration department."

Huang enquan was embarrassed and said, "brother Xiu, where are so many of us? And we have a warehouse now. "

"So I'll give you three months." Zhang Qianxiu said: "the second warehouse will be built soon. After it is finished, the office building will be built immediately."

"If you can't, just build a simple office first."

Huang enquan hesitated for a while and said, "brother Xiu, brother Biao and I are engaged in business and business management. It's OK to have a look at the warehouse. We haven't done anything about personnel and finance."

Zhang Qianxiu took out a long prepared information, put it on the table, and said: "this is written by Weiwei. How many kinds of company structures are there, and what can be involved in each department? You two should figure out for yourself. In the future, you will be the top management of Zhonghe grain and oil. You should understand all these things."

"After the design is finished, show it to me, and make it in three days. Is there any problem?"

Huang enquan and Liu Biao looked at each other, Liu Biao asked: "then... What about our business?"

Zhang Qianxiu said, "just let the business go for the time being and maintain the existing business. I haven't made it clear inside myself. The bigger the business is, the bigger the problem will be."

When Zhang Qianxiu spoke, Huang enquan and Liu Biao could only respond.

A meeting lasted more than two hours, but there are still many problems that have not been clarified. After all, the problem of Zhonghe grain and oil is still very big.

After the meeting, Zhang Qianxiu patted Huang enquan on the shoulder, smoked Huang enquan and Liu Biao, and said, "brother Liu, brother enquan, today I speak a little too straight, you don't mind."

Liu Biao said quickly: "it's OK! After all, it's all business. It's better to be clear. "

Huang enquan also said: "brother Xiu, we understand that after all, business is not a game."

Zhang Qianxiu said: "that's what I mean. In the future, work belongs to work and friendship belongs to friendship. We can't be too emotional in our work. Everything should be done according to the rules. No matter who is wrong, we should deal with it according to the rules."

"As the saying goes, there is no square without rules. Even if I make a mistake, it's the same."

Huang enquan and Liu Biao both feel Zhang Qianxiu's determination. If Zhang Qianxiu says so, he won't let the company go without rules in the future.

After chatting with Huang enquan and Liu Biao for a while, Zhang Qianxiu had to go to Dongtai cannery.

Zhang Qianxiu still has a lot to do. After he's done, he has to go to the north and Pengcheng. The earlier things here are handled, the earlier he can leave.


In Dongtai Cannery, Zhang Qianxiu has already called an Baoyang. He wants to come to a meeting and ask him to get everything ready.

When Zhang Qianxiu came, the main responsible persons were already waiting.

As soon as Zhang Qianxiu entered the conference room, everyone gave him new year greetings.

Zhang Qianxiu took out the red envelopes that he had prepared early and sent one to all the people present. The red envelopes given to these people were quite large, 61, and there was still a bag left, each of which was five yuan.

Zhang Qianxiu handed the bag to Han Mingxu, who was in charge of personnel management. He said, "go and arrange for one person, one person in the factory, and take back the surplus to me. If you are not here today, you don't have to give it. People who take the red envelope have to sign it."

Han Mingxu should be a, with a red envelope to arrange people.

After all, Zhang Qianxiu asked, "are you ready?"

"Ready!" An Baoyang said respectfully.

"Well, the meeting!" Zhang Qianxiu sat at the top of the table and said, "Xu Yichun, give us the financial report of last year."

Xu Yichun is the financial manager of Dongtai Cannery, in charge of finance.

Xu Yichun first gave Zhang Qianxiu a piece of information, and then said, "boss, last year, our total turnover was 1.38 million, and our net profit was 154965 yuan."

"Among them,..."

With finance, these things are much clearer.

When Xu Yichun said that, Zhang Qianxiu was also looking at the financial statements and occasionally asked a few questions.

When Xu Yichun finished, Zhang Qianxiu looked at Zhou Jun: "manager Zhou, what's the situation in the workshop?"

Zhou Jun stood up and said, "boss, after you advertised one set, our order volume soared. We immediately got all the temporary workers back, but the output was still insufficient."

"Now even if we continue to add people, it's useless. We don't have enough equipment. We have two shifts to cook fruits and disinfect them. We work 24 hours a day, but the output still can't keep up."

"If the order volume is always like this, our factory will have to be expanded."

Zhang Qianxiu nodded slightly: "this is no problem, general manager an!"

An Baoyang immediately stood up.

Zhang Qianxiu thought for a moment and said, "discuss with the business department, forecast our business growth, and then draw up an expansion plan. After that, show it to me."

An Baoyang replied, "OK, boss!"

Zhang Qianxiu looked at Dong Maoxue and Guo Jiaping and said, "are you two still group leaders?"

They nodded.

Zhang Qianxiu looked at an Baoyang again: "so long, why not appoint a person in charge?"

An Baoyang explained helplessly: "boss, at the beginning, both of them couldn't keep up with the business rhythm of the factory. They couldn't do it by themselves. Later, the problem should not be big."

"During the Chinese new year, orders suddenly increased, and there are some orders outside the city or even the province."

"We have no experience in making these orders, so we can only let them continue to manage the business department together."

Looking at Dong Maoxue and Guo Jiaping, Zhang Qianxiu asked, "one person will come up sooner or later. Do you two have the confidence to undertake the work of the business department alone?"

Dong Maoxue and Guo Jiaping looked at each other and finally nodded: "yes

"Yes Zhang Qianxiu said to an Baoyang, "after the meeting, choose one to come up and the other to follow me. I have other plans."

"All right!" In fact, an Baoyang's heart is also very tangled. Who is better to stay.

Both Guo Jiaping and Dong Maoxue have good abilities. Guo Jiaping's ability to deal with unexpected problems is relatively strong and steady; Dong Maoxue has a strong ability to expand business.

Two people together, are complementary, business, there will never be any problem, now transfer one, can really let an Baoyang tangled.

Zhang Qianxiu continued to ask Guo Jiaping and Dong Maoxue, "how much do you think our factory's turnover will exceed this year? Each of you write a mental prediction. Let me see. "

Each of them wrote a number to Zhang Qianxiu.

Among them, Guo Jiaping wrote five million.

Dong Mao learned eight million.

After reading it, Zhang Qianxiu tore off the two pieces of paper and said, "this year, the business will reach 10 million. Not to mention the promotion of our canned food to the whole country, the whole province must have it."

"You two, no matter who comes up, when you take over, immediately start the matter of outward expansion."

An Baoyang, Guo Jiaping and Dong Maoxue were all surprised.

An Baoyang said: "boss, in the market of the whole province, our biggest problem is transportation. If we use trucks, many cans will be broken. After all, they are made of glass."

Zhang Qianxiu knows that later, the transportation was all high-speed and cement roads. Now there are no high-speed roads, and there are not many cement roads. There are many bumpy roads to cross the city. Things like cans, which are glass bottles, are easy to break.

Zhang Qianxiu said faintly: "then find a way to solve the problem, from the glass bottle, packaging, packing, I don't care what you do, every city in the province this year, must have our cans."

Everyone was silent.

Zhang Qianxiu continued: "there is another problem, that is, the capital of the factory. The money for advertising this time is from me. The factory enjoys the benefits, but there will be no such thing in the future. The advertising will last until the end of this year, and there will be advertising next year. You have to make your own money to advertise."

"In short, I'm not going to spend another cent in the factory and be responsible for my own profits and losses."