Chapter 476

After Zhang Qianxiu hung up, he sat by the river and smoked a few cigarettes before returning to his house.

As soon as he entered the room, Zhang Qianxiu saw his mother wiping her tears and had to sit down for a while to comfort her.

Hu Jin'e is a traditional woman. She doesn't have many opinions. Before she gets married, she listens to her parents. After she gets married, she listens to her husband. She doesn't have to make any decisions except for some household chores.

Because of this, she didn't know what to do except wipe her tears after such a thing happened.

She will do whatever Zhang Aibing asks her to do.

Zhang Qianxiu said that he would bring her to live in the county for a few days, so she followed her to the county.

But none of these can make her feel better. After all, Zhang Aibing lost millions. Before Zhang Qianxiu started his business, she didn't even dare to think of 10000 yuan, let alone one million yuan.

When Hu Jin'e calmed down, Zhang Qianxiu took her to the market to buy a dish.

In the evening, Ge Qingshan came early. Hu Jin'e was cooking in it, and Zhang Qianxiu was chatting with Ge Qingshan.

Ge Qingshan asked about Zhang Qianxiu's school. After knowing that Zhang Qianxiu was going to run a national college, he pondered for a moment and said, "if we don't have a national college, it's the root of our nation and the unity of a nation. When foreign enemies invaded, it's not because we all shed the same blood, but because our culture is the same, We have the same sense of identity. "

"If you want to do this, only a country can't do it. You need a culture."

"As long as people in our country recognize and understand our Chinese culture and history, they will never forget their roots, no matter where they are."

"Moreover, there are many principles in Sinology about how to behave and how to behave."

"But anyway, the times have changed. These things alone can't change our country. In the final analysis, we still need science and technology. If we are backward, we will be beaten. This is our personal feeling in the last 100 or 200 years."

"Sinology can be done, whether it is to let everyone know the deeds of celebrities, know the history, and abide by the moral steel wheel, in fact, it is to let everyone know that they are the descendants of the Yellow River, that they are the people of this country, and that they understand the truth of being a man and doing things."

"To put it bluntly, besides the role of literature and moral guidance, the greatest role of Sinology is to gather people's support for the country."

Zhang Qianxiu was stunned. He didn't think about it at all. His purpose of doing Sinology was to see he daoxun's yearning, Su Yuwei's proposal, and his respect for Sinology.

But is it not the reason why the ancient court gathered the people's hearts for the country?

Any country is afraid that the people's heart is not toward itself. When a country is not toward the official, there must be something wrong with the country, because ordinary people are against the official!

Now when GE Qingshan said that, Zhang Qianxiu immediately realized that Sinology was actually a good way for the government to win people's hearts.

The official represents a certain continuation of Yanhuang in China. Even those who don't know the history all know that we are the descendants of the Yellow River. As long as we have this sense of identity, not to say that all people will agree with it, but most people will not oppose the official. No one will oppose the official. It is a continuation of our Chinese people's past dynasties, a dynasty, We are in this dynasty.

Therefore, it is very useful for the government to gather the support of the people to publicize Chinese culture.

Zhang Qianxiu wry smile: "master, I did not think about this."

Ge Qingshan said: "when I taught you Confucianism, I said that Confucianism, Taoism and even all schools of thought have their own strong points. The reason why Confucianism can be carried forward is that it is suitable for the rulers of all dynasties to rule the world. Therefore, in history, most dynasties and emperors carried out Confucianism. Of course, a small number of them tended to Taoism, and later there were those who devoted themselves to Buddhism, But Confucianism is the mainstream. "

"Anyway! It's OK to do Sinology, but don't be too serious. Sinology is too complex to be popularized. The ancients studied hard all their lives and couldn't get a thorough understanding of it. Now they attach importance to technology and science and don't have much time to study it. It's OK for some people to study it. At that time, I taught you Sinology with these in mind. It's impossible for many people to study it in the future, I'll teach you. "

Zhang Qianxiu said: "I know that. I talked with Weiwei about it. In the future, the Chinese Academy will do more research on it, and then make all kinds of books, TV dramas, films, documentaries that are easy to understand and respect history."

"At that time, it will be convenient for publicity."

Ge Qingshan nodded slightly: "this is OK. You can do it. If you really make something, I can tell you about it and allocate some funds to your colleges."

Zhang Qianxiu knows that funding the national college alone means that the government wants to use it to win over the people. This kind of thing seems to have little impact. When people become more and more aware of history and become more and more proud of China, their recognition of the government is likely to be higher and higher.

Zhang Qianxiu said with a smile: "master, you have to speak anyway. Our other colleges also allocate some money?"

Ge Qingshan glared at Zhang Qianxiu: "you are not short of money. You still have a lot of money borrowed from the Soviet Union, don't you?"

Zhang Qianxiu was stunned: "master knows?"

"Yes, the people who exchange rice dollars for you have been paying attention to you. Your rice dollars are lying in the Treasury." Ge Qingshan said.

To tell you the truth, Zhang Qianxiu was a little unhappy. The state was so close to him that he had no sense of security. He didn't know about his smuggling. Did the government know about it.

"Shifu, the state has made me feel insecure! I have no privacy at all. " Zhang Qianxiu said discontentedly: "they can't always stare at me!"

Ge Qingshan said with a smile: "what are you afraid of if you don't violate the law?"

"Well... I know everything officially. I have to worry about being peeped after taking a bath!" Zhang Qianxiu complained.

Ge Qingshan chuckled: "it's not as exaggerated as you think. The government only pays attention to your general trend and the cooperation between you and the Soviet Union. The country you do business doesn't care about you, but the international community has to keep an eye on you and the Soviet Union. The government doesn't keep an eye on your fields in the north, schools and factories in the south."

"But the official knows everything about you and Valeri and berfshka."

Listening to ge Qingshan's words, Zhang Qianxiu was a little relieved, but he didn't completely believe Ge Qingshan's words.

Zhang Qianxiu and Ge Qingshan have known each other for a long time, and he has been a teacher for a long time. He still knows Ge Qingshan very well, and the typical national interest is supreme.

If one day Ge Qingshan is to choose between national interests and Zhang Qianxiu, he will not hesitate to choose national interests.

It's not that GE Qingshan doesn't care about Zhang Qianxiu's Apprentice. It's just that in Ge Qingshan's eyes, nothing can match the national interests.

Zhang Qianxiu gently breathed out: "OK!"

Ge Qingshan said, "there's one more thing to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Qianxiu asked.

Ge Qingshan said: "the current situation of the Soviet Union is very dangerous. In the future, the Soviet Union will either disintegrate, fight or continue to decline. But we have some news that the Soviet Union has begun to split up, and many people want the Soviet Union to disintegrate."

"Moreover, there is a lot of internal strife now. One is a reformer and the other is a conservative. No matter who wins in the end, the result will not be good."

"Moreover, Russia has the meaning of independence."

In the Soviet Union, there are 17 member countries whose names are preserved, all of which are "so and so Soviet Union"( Dare not write the full name, in fact, the name of the participating country is followed by a few words in front of the Soviet Union, the last two words of the full name of the Soviet Union.)

One thing Zhang Qianxiu thought of was the "819" incident in the Soviet Union.

That is, on August 19 of this year's Gregorian calendar, there was a political change within the Soviet state. Some high-level officials directly put the supreme leader of the Soviet state under house arrest and abolished a series of reforms being carried out in the Soviet state.

However, the "819" incident only lasted for three days before it was disintegrated. However, this incident shows that there are great problems within the Soviet Union.

In the past, Zhang Qianxiu always felt that this matter had nothing to do with him. He didn't go to the Soviet Union to make trouble. At most, he was just collecting wool in the Soviet Union.

Zhang Qianxiu said, "master, this has nothing to do with me? You don't want me to do something at this time, do you

Zhang Qianxiu was not stupid. He knew that GE Qingshan would not talk about it so easily.

Ge Qingshan said: "now the weapons of the Soviet Union are very cheap. It is still useful for us to get these things back."

"We also have some people in the Soviet Union who can get some things, but if we are caught, we may have problems and have a great impact on the relations between the two countries."

"Waleri has cooperated with you several times. I'll give you the information at that time. You can act as a middleman, contact our people in the Soviet Union, and let him dock with waleri to transport things back."

"As for these things, it's better for you to take over. After you receive them, you can transport them to the place designated by us and take over them."

"There won't be any problems at home. No one will check you, but there can't be any accidents at home and abroad. You and Valeri are responsible for the accidents."

Zhang Qianxiu understood that he was a pot bearer. He couldn't help laughing bitterly: "master, as a businessman, what do I want those things for? If something really happens, the people of the state of Su don't believe it!"

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. The most important thing is that you carry the pot. Anyway, you do it in name." Ge Qingshan said, "if something really happens, we will argue with them and try not to hand you over."

"If you make too much trouble, I'm behind the scenes instigating you. I have two hearts for the country. I want to rebel. Anyway, it's all about telling stories. If I tell the truth, it's over."

Zhang Qianxiu was silent. He really didn't want to touch such a thing.

Ge Qingshan comforted: "if the bickering is not too fierce, we will delay for a long time. This kind of thing, if we delay for a long time, it will turn into a trivial matter. In case of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, this matter will basically be over."

"What's more, the Soviet Union is in a mess at home and has no mind to deal with us. Moreover, the outflow of their weapons is very serious."

"It's really too much trouble. I'll try my best to send you abroad. After going abroad, pay more attention to yourself. As long as the Soviet Union disintegrates, you can come back."

Knowing that he couldn't run away, Zhang Qianxiu said, "then I can't work for nothing."