Chapter 495

Zhang Qianxiu for this news, or very excited: "if you can really join that is really great, thank you master."

Ge Qingshan gently smile: "this is not me to help you, you fight for it, thanks to Tian Shuyuan's several reports."

"I know the news. The country knows about my relationship with you, so it made a special call to ask me about my specific situation. I just told them the truth."

Zhang Qianxiu sighed and said, "I didn't expect Tian's reports to have such great benefits."

Ge Qingshan said, "don't look down on others. In those years, the United States had to ask him to go abroad at a high price."

"Moreover, he has the strength to join the two academies. When he elects academicians next time, his evaluation is almost certain."

"If it were not for his influence, his reports would not have attracted attention."

"You can thank them when you arrive."

Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of sciences are simply the ceiling of academic and scientific research, the most top-notch existence.

Zhang Qianxiu nodded with a smile: "it must be."

Ge Qingshan and Zhang Qianxiu talked for a long time, mainly because Ge Qingshan told Zhang Qianxiu again.

Zhang Qianxiu also heard that GE Qingshan was particularly afraid of going astray.

June 13 of the lunar calendar.

Zhang Qianxiu received a call from belfshka.

Belfshka still wanted to translate. After getting through the phone, belfshka said a few words first. His translator said on the side: "Mr. Zhang, I have good news to tell you that I have applied for the loan again, but now the devaluation of Lu Yuan is a little severe."

Zhang Qianxiu asked, "how is the exchange rate of Lu Yuan now?"

"Exchange one meter yuan for 216 Lu Yuan." "It's crazy," belfshka said

Zhang Qianxiu didn't expect that the price would be devalued so soon. You know, when he borrowed the first sum of money last year, 1 meter yuan could be exchanged for 1.8 Lu Yuan, and now it can be exchanged for more than 200 Lu Yuan.

If a person had one million Lu Yuan at that time, he could have exchanged more than 550000 yuan, but now he can only exchange more than 4000 Lu Yuan.

On the other hand, if you use the same Lu Yuan to repay, you can get more than 555000 yuan by borrowing one million Lu Yuan and changing it into rice yuan. Now, as long as you change that 5000 yuan into Lu Yuan, you will get 1.08 million yuan. One million yuan is the principal and 80000 yuan is the interest, which is equivalent to making 550000 yuan in vain.

Zhang Qianxiu did that at that time, but he knew that Lu Yuan would fall in time.

As long as the United States has been suppressing them, their Lu Yuan will not rise, and it will be even less in ten years.

Zhang Qianxiu also couldn't help laughing: "Mr. belfshka, I'm totally lucky. I'm very sorry for what happened to your country."

Belfshka and Valeri are not patriotic, otherwise, they would not do such a thing.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang, and I feel the same pain," belfshka said with an affectation

Zhang Qianxiu asked, "Mr. belfshka, how much has the loan come down this time?"

"220 billion." Said belfshka.

When Zhang Qianxiu heard this, he was also startled: "so many."

"The money is no longer valuable now, but I was surprised to get so much money and things went very smoothly," berfshka said

Although Lu Yuan is not worth money now, 220 billion is not a small amount.

It's just that belfka didn't know that he was able to apply for so much money because someone was behind his back.

Of course, getting through relations is not for belfshka, but for Zhang Qianxiu.

Zhang Qianxiu calculated that the 220 billion yuan is just one billion yuan. When converted into domestic currency, it is probably more than five billion yuan.

However, some of them have to be used for operation. The management of the Soviet Union risked to lend him so much money that they could not work for nothing. It would be nice for Zhang Qianxiu to get about three billion Chinese yuan.

Zhang Qianxiu said: "anyway, it's hard for Mr. belfshka."

"This sum of money is still given to me according to the previous operation. All the funds used for operation are deducted."

Belfshkarang said with a smile: "OK, I'm very happy to cooperate with Mr. Zhang. I hope I have another chance next time."

Of course, belfshka is very happy. He can get nearly 100 million meters by himself, and there are still hundreds of millions of meters left for others.

As long as you get the money, belfshka will be able to go abroad and live a life of local tyrant.

It's true that Zhang Qianxiu takes the most money, but he has to bear the risk when he finally wants to pay back this sum of money. No one knows what will happen to Lu Yuan in a few years. If Lu Yuan rises to 1 meter yuan in a few years to exchange for 100 Lu Yuan, Zhang Qianxiu's repayment of principal and interest will be astronomical.

Although the Soviet state is very dangerous now, no one knows whether it will turn over in a few years. After all, the size of the Soviet state is here.

They don't have to worry about paying their debts. The money they take is their own.

Zhang Qianxiu talked with belfshka for a while, and then hung up.

After hanging up, Zhang Qianxiu began to worry about how to spend the money again.

If you want to invest in research chips, it's not enough. It's just billions. It's absolutely impossible to catch up with and surpass the United States and Japan.

But to invest, the more we do now, the more difficult it is for Zhang Qianxiu to do.

Now Zhang Qianxiu has a profound understanding of why there are not a large number of enterprises in this era, even state-owned enterprises.

At present, the domestic market can't support a big company at all. We have to do foreign trade.

To import is to collect the wool of ordinary people in China. It can make a small profit, such as millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions. But the money is not enough to support the development of chips.

We have to export!

Now it's necessary to go to Pengcheng. That's the starting point of domestic export.

Zhang Qianxiu immediately picked up the phone, called Tian Shuyuan, Wang Liangde, an Baoyang, Huang enquan, Qi panman and others, mainly to arrange work, and then told them that he was going to Pengcheng.

In the evening, when Zhang Qianxiu and Su Yuwei were sitting on the balcony reading a book, Zhang Qianxiu said: "daughter in law, I'm going to Pengcheng these two days. I don't worry about anything else. I'm afraid that Luo Dewei and them are dishonest."

Su Yuwei said: "with Wang Qiang staring at them, it should not be a big problem."

Zhang Qianxiu knows that Wang Qiang and Kong Wan'er are very capable, but this kind of thing is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If they make a mistake, Luo Dewei and Luo Dewei will not change their mind and make trouble. In addition to Su Yuwei who has learned some martial arts and has certain self-protection ability, Zhang Aibing and Hu Jine have no such ability at all.

Su Yuwei said with a smile: "if there is any accident, even if you are here, it can't stop anything! You can go to Pengcheng with ease. I'm here. "

"I'll take care of my aunt."

Zhang Qianxiu sighed and thought Su Yuwei's words were reasonable: "OK!"

"Before you go to Pengcheng, you'd better see your uncle!" Su Yuwei said: "now this matter has been solved, aunt has been living in the county, uncle alone at home, you do not know how the situation."

Zhang Qianxiu was silent for a moment and said, "if you don't go back, let him think about it for himself."

"My father's thought, we should teach him some lessons, otherwise, we don't know what will become in the future."

Su Yuwei didn't give much advice: "OK! I have time to go to your house to see the situation of my uncle. When you go to Pengcheng, go to see my sister. She seems to be preparing to do business with others recently. He seems to be short of money! "

Zhang Qianxiu was stunned for a moment and asked, "what business is he going to do?"

"It takes a lot of money to make a part. The main thing is to supply it to their current factory." Su Yuwei said: "they now have thousands of people in this factory, which is owned by Xiangjiang boss."

"Their landlady is in charge. She likes her sister very much, so she takes good care of her sister."

"My elder sister has calculated that as long as she has orders from the factory, she can make tens of thousands of yuan a year by opening a factory with 20 or 30 people. If she wants to develop some more businesses, she still has a bright future."

"My sister has the ability and momentum now. As long as you give him some time, it's estimated that she can really grow up."

Zhang Qianxiu doesn't know more about Zhang Lanmei than Su Yuwei. He joked: "you two don't have to say anything. I don't know."

Su Yuwei said: "you are busy every day, and you don't call your sister."

"It's still early now. I guess my sister is still in the office. Give him a call."

Zhang Qianxiu looked at the time, and it was almost ten o'clock in the evening: "are you still working so late?"

Su Yuwei said: "my sister works overtime almost every day, but she used to only work in hotels. Recently, she seems to be learning English. When he runs a company, another one knows English at the same time, so she stays here. If she doesn't know English, she can ask others."

Zhang Qianxiu couldn't help sighing: "sister's change is too big."

"It's good to change a lot." Su Yuwei said.

Zhang Qianxiu was also happy for his sister.

Zhang Qianxiu always thought that the difference between people is money, relationship, character, occupation, etc; Now Zhang Qianxiu thinks that the gap between people is not that. The biggest gap is actually cognition.

Zhang Qianxiu has always thought that people will be divided into circles and stages. It is the high class who despises the low class. In fact, it is not. Many high class people do not despise the low class people at all, and they are willing to chat and talk with the low class people. However, people of two different classes can not find common ground and can not talk together.

It's like a mathematician with an annual income of one million and a businessman with an annual income of one million. They basically don't form a circle. Their incomes are almost the same. The difference between them is that they have no common ground.

Businessmen say that interpersonal relationships in business are difficult to deal with. Mathematicians say that Hodge's conjecture is not true at all.

If a fund manager is friends with a factory worker, and the fund manager wants to talk about building a warehouse, the worker doesn't even know what it means to build a warehouse. The fund manager has to explain what it means to build a warehouse, and the worker can understand it. If they have a deep conversation, they have to explain all kinds of terms, and their conversation is a cost, so their knowledge structure can't make them chat happily, It has nothing to do with emotional intelligence, and it has nothing to do with communication skills. Fund managers can talk with people who understand.

The biggest gap between a doctor and ordinary people is not knowledge, but methods and habits to solve problems.

When ordinary people encounter a question they don't understand, they always ask others. Check Baidu, even if they can't find the answer; When a doctor encounters a problem, he will try his best to find out his academic papers and foreign materials.

It can be seen that ordinary people tend to follow others' advice, and doctors tend to be authoritative and well founded. When ordinary people encounter problems, they will never read papers. Even if it is a very important problem, they will never turn papers.

This difference is caused by working environment and learning environment.

It's not that everyone should look up papers like those engaged in research. It's just that some successful people are more rigorous in solving problems when they encounter problems.

Of course, there are jobs in the world that depend on flattery and relationships. This is the unfairness of the world. Moreover, the world is inherently unfair. People who are entangled in this will get into the corner.

We may not find a completely fair environment, but we can find a relatively fair environment to work hard.

If life is a high-rise building, some people are born in high-rise buildings. What they have to do is very simple, as long as they don't fall down. But if people at the bottom want to go up, they have to pay more and climb up one layer at a time.

But in this world, the more high-level people and resources there are, the easier it is to climb up; The more people at the bottom, the less resources they have. They have to do their best to climb up one level.

Want to go beyond the class, let yourself have a tolerant heart, accept the unfairness of the world, because you never complain that you live better than beggars, you only complain that you live worse than the rich.

Keep a learning heart, learn at any time, learn new skills, learn good habits, learn from those who are better than you.

As long as people don't die and keep a tolerant and learning heart, they will come out one day.

Zhang Qianxiu admired Zhang Lanmei in his heart. He felt that if he were Zhang Lanmei, he would not be able to do that.

Because Zhang Qianxiu went to university in his last life, but he didn't live as well as Zhang Lanmei. In this life, Zhang Qianxiu didn't give Zhang Lanmei anything, just gave her a chance to go out.

With Su Yuwei's encouragement, Zhang Lanmei studied, made progress and persevered.

Zhang Lanmei has been doing this for more than a year. Her achievements are absolutely dazzling. Zhang Qianxiu is a special case.

Zhang Qianxiu stood up and said, "I'll get the phone and call my sister."