Chapter 1226

With a name, you can report your household registration and finish it. Their family is truly complete. No one will want to take this matter, criticize the birth of triplets, and make triplets sad.

Zhai Sheng spent more time in the army than at home. In addition, when Qiao Nan was pregnant, it was clear that they were pregnant when they were in Pingcheng.

In addition, the triplets were born prematurely.

In this regard, some rumors against the four of Qiao Nan's mother and son are always talked about by others.

His child is so small and doesn't understand anything. He has been maliciously speculated and slandered by others. As the mother of triplets, Qiao Nan is naturally in such a bad mood that he would like to pick out all the gossipers and clean them up.

Fortunately, after the name of triplets was determined, Qiao Nan was so worried about triplets that he settled down when he saw that triplets were in the same household register as himself.

This is not true. Even in front of Qiao Dongliang, Qiao Nan could not help talking about the registered permanent residence of the triplets. Qiao Nan's voice was still full of joy. She was very happy to explain to her parents that the triplets had settled in Zhai's house.

In the future, no matter who comes, you can't do anything to Sanbao. You can use Sanbao as a Feller.

Qiao Nan's warning has nothing to do with Qiao Dongliang. What she said was directed at Qiao Zijin.

Qiao Zijin laughs very naturally, as if all of Qiao Nan's tone is not good, only for himself: "really, that's too good. The name of triplets is very good, very good. It seems that in the future, if I get married and have a child, Nannan, I will ask you for the experience of naming the child. You must not refuse it. "

Qiao Nan took a sip of tea and smiled: "what I said I took none of the names of the three treasures. The name of Dabao and Erbao was decided after a long discussion between the old man and my father-in-law. The name of Sanbao is the simplest. Shifu opens his mouth and gives Sanbao an excellent answer. Seeing that Sanbao seems to like the name given to her by her grandfather, I don't want to be that bad guy, just shout. Dad, this picture... "

"Don't worry, I'll take it." Qiao Dongliang looked at the picture in his hand with great treasure. The three children in the picture were close to each other. The subtle features of their eyebrows and eyes can be seen to show the obvious similarities among the three children.

These are his three little grandsons. They are very good-looking. They are smart at first sight. When they grow up and study, they will surely come back with outstanding achievements like Nannan.

With such a good mother, how can three children not be good?

Qiao Dongliang took out his wallet and put the pictures of triplets into it very carefully. He was afraid that the pictures would be scratched by the wallet and the faces of the three children in the picture would be scratched.

This picture is a wallet photo. It's just in Zhai Sheng's wallet. After entering Qiao Dongliang's wallet, it's naturally just right, without any trimming.

When the photos of his grandson were put into his wallet perfectly, Qiao Dongliang smiled with relief. Instead of putting the wallet in his pants pocket, he put it in his own clothes pocket, which is close to his heart.

It's easy to see that Qiao Dongliang really likes the three grandchildren of triplets.

Facing a series of actions of Qiao Dongliang, Zhai Sheng and his wife couldn't say a word. They didn't know whether they should sympathize with Qiao Dongliang or not.

Poor people, there will be hateful, the ancients do not deceive me.

Qiao Nan secretly breathed a breath, and could only say that all these things were brought by her father himself, and nothing special.

"Old Joe, how many dishes are you going to cook today?" Zhai Sheng's gifts have been counted. When Ding Jiayi reappeared, her smile was more sincere than before.

She also thought that the dead girl would be stubborn to the end with her. She would not give her face at all. Even if she reluctantly came back this time and took the things back to her mother's house, they must be worthless things in addition to their appearance.

Who knows

Hum, that dead girl is clever.

If she wants to save money on the things she carries back to her mother's house, she is sure that her life in Zhai's house will not be better.

"I've bought all the dishes. It's too late to cook them now. Nannan, are you hungry or not? Dad will burn it for you now? " All Qiao Dongliang's actions are based on Qiao Nan's wishes.

Qiao Nan leaned on Zhai Sheng: "Dad, don't worry. I didn't come back long ago. I was a little dizzy. I'm not hungry yet."

Zhai Sheng shook Qiao Nan's hand: "you haven't eaten anything all day today. For the sake of your health, and after you go back, you have to take care of Sanbao. No matter how uncomfortable you are, you should also eat a little to supplement your physical strength. I really want to be so tired. Let's go back after dinner. You go to bed earlier? "

If it's not cooked now, I'm not sure when the meal will be served.

When the meal starts earlier, he and Nannan finish the task earlier, so that they can return to their own territory, so as not to feel uncomfortable.This time gives the person good facial expression, that is to let oneself be able to extricate earlier.

Qiao Nan smiled bitterly for a while. She was three years pregnant and said that the change was her situation.

She just saw these "mother's family" and was not comfortable and had no appetite. She didn't want to eat at the same table with these people. Instead, she said a very pretentious and stupid words.

Since this meal is inevitable, eat early and finish early.

When she came back, she planned to go back to Zhai's family after dinner. Before leaving tomorrow, she said hello to Qiao's family. Then she flew back to the capital with Zhai's brother. Everything was just arranged.

After all, Sanbao is still small and can't be separated from her mother's care.

She has a bad relationship with her mother's family. There is no other way but to go back to take care of the children early.

She went back early. After knowing the situation, no one could say "no" to her. At the same time, Zhai family should not be implicated. In this case, Zhai family's reputation would suffer a little loss.

"Nannan, Zhai Sheng is right. Sanbao is so small. You have to take good care of your body before you can take better care of Sanbao."