Chapter 324

"Brother, I'm starving. Hurry up."

"Good, good. I'll hurry up. I don't tell you that you don't have to wait for me to eat first. I have to wait for me to eat every time. What's the problem?" Although the words said so, but Liu Feng heart or surging a warm current.

But what happened to her sister? She was very honest at home, but every time ye Huang came, she was like a changed person.

Liu Yiyan had already arrived downstairs, and she said, "you think I don't know you. If I don't wait for you to come back for dinner, you don't have to take something to eat at noon, and you won't come back. I don't want to."

Liu Feng a black line: "not to it."

"I don't care when you will come back and when I will eat. As long as you want me to starve, I have nothing to say." Liu Yiyan obviously wants to make Liu Feng eat on time every day. Liu Feng knows that, but on the surface, he has nothing to do.

"When I get home on time, I know." At the same time, Liu's tie is finally released from the left side of the air, and Liu's tie flies over the air.

"Where is the parrot from this room? Call the housekeeper for me. I'm so angry." Liu Feng was frightened and naturally could not lose face. He was ready to spread his anger on his servants.

"The third brother, the parrot is mine, the housekeeper or something," he said

"The parrot belongs to you. I didn't know you had a hobby of keeping small pets. You wouldn't pee anywhere in my house."

This words just finished, leaf emperor and leaf purple at the same time a head of black line.

"Villain, villain." Ye Zijin obeyed the request of the emperor, and only expressed his dissatisfaction with his short and rigid language.

Liu Feng a Leng, smell speech to smile a way: "you this parrot pour has nimble spirit."

Liu's T-shirt just now is not safe to wear on the bottom of the stairs. She should not even wear the light color of the T-shirt and the lower part of the stairs. She should not wear a light blue T-shirt. She should not even wear a light blue T-shirt on the bottom of the stairs.

Why does Ye Huang see it? Because the safety pants are really not big. The T-shirt is knee length, and the safety pants are only a little smaller than the long sleeve T-shirt. When standing and sitting, they can be just blocked by the coat.

This dress is definitely her carefully chosen one.

Three people sit on the table, ye Huang and Liu Yiyan face to face, while Liu Feng sits in the main seat.

"Emperor, you can eat as you like in my house. Ha ha." When ye Huang came to his home, Liu Feng was very happy. Especially in the last two days, he often talked about looking for him. However, there were so many things on hand that he couldn't find time to find him. "Originally, I've been looking for you these two days, but I can't find the time."

Ye Huang nodded slightly: "sister Yi Yan told me, which is why I came here."

During the talk, the servants of the Liu family served the dishes in turn. Although they had been waiting for nearly half an hour, the food was still delicious. The steamed grouper was very popular. There were also sweet and sour sirloin, fish flavored shredded pork, vinegar ribs and Mapo Tofu.

The Liu family is not like the upstarts of later generations. They are especially rich, so they start to pretend to eat Western food every 13 days. Liu Feng and Liu Yiyan are not used to Western food, so the daily food is Chinese.

After all, the feeling of holding chopsticks is comfortable and realistic.

However, this is a bit too rich. At home, it is comparable to a restaurant outside, so that ye Huang can't help but start the rich life of Yiyin.

Now add up, he has 65% of the shares in the Internet bar, and 30% in the supermarket. In accounting, the supermarket should have at least 2.4 million of its own assets, and he is a white wolf with empty hands. At the most, he paid attention, and he did not pay any other price. And the Internet bar, now also like Zhongtian, has the least assets of happy Internet bar In this way, the assets of Ye Huang have tripled.

However, this is far from his expected goal.

Next year, there will be a huge storm. If he can really seize this opportunity, his assets can be increased by at least 20% in two months. This temptation is big enough. What's more, he knows the golden place of the city.

When the time comes, it is only the minimum amount to turn over 20%. Seize the opportunity. It is possible to reach 30% or 40%.

It's just, where to get the money? It's a big problem.

Liu Feng said: "move chopsticks."

The leaf emperor smiles slightly, raises the chopsticks in his hand, to the leaf purple way of shoulder: "small leaf, you eat not to eat."

Ye Zi doesn't like to eat with her present body, which makes her feel uncomfortable. She shakes her head and says, "don't eat, don't eat." Ye Huang raised his eyebrows and said, "this meal is very rich. If you don't eat it, don't regret it."

(I'm not hungry. I don't need to eat at all. What does it have to do with being rich or not?) ye Zibai looks at Ye Huang and ignores him.Liu Feng was stunned: "emperor, you are also very good at training the bird. This movement and tone are vivid."

Ye Huang sighed and put a mouthful of vegetables on the plate in front of him: "I didn't train it, it's just its own expression and action."

Liu Feng grew up, staring at the leaf purple on the shoulder of Ye Huang and kept looking: "what did you say? It was her own reaction just now, not what you taught it for a long time."

"Brother, that parrot is called Xiaoye, and has the surname of Ling. Don't doubt the emperor. She said hello and shook hands with me just now." Liu Yiyan can't see past. His brother likes to be curious about new things, and he also likes to get to the bottom of the matter.

Ye Huang helplessly said, "Xiao Ye, say hello to the third elder brother."

Ye Zi was also quite helpless. She was very tired and said at the moment, "three brothers are good, three brothers are good."

Liu Feng watched for a long time, and then he began to eat formally. However, the topic on the table was all about Ye Zi, the parrot. However, there was constant laughter and laughter.

After dinner, the three stood up. Liu Feng went to Liu Yiyan's side, touched her head, and said, "Yan'er, you go back to the room first. I have something to talk about with the emperor." After saying that, even refused the opportunity to Liu Yiyan, "emperor, come with me."

"OK, no problem." Ye Huang wiped his lips with a paper towel beside the table and came out immediately.

"Hum, every time you two have something to say. Really, what do you two men have to say? I'm so angry." Seeing ye Huang and his brother disappear at the entrance of the stairs, she gritted her teeth and hummed. Then she went to the living room and turned on the TV, holding the rogue rabbit on the living room table to watch TV.

The leaf emperor follows Liu Feng to his study room.

As soon as he entered the room, the atmosphere between them changed subtly. Liu Feng became an inquisitive person, while ye Huang became a wise man with a good command.