Chapter 1075.2

From a distance, it is as bright as the rising sun in the morning clouds; when viewed close, it is as fresh as a new lotus blooming between the green waves. Her body is moderate, her height is appropriate, her shoulders are narrow, her waist is as thin as a bundle, and her beautiful neck shows her fair skin. She neither applies fat nor applies powder. Her hair is as high as clouds, her long eyebrows are bent and slender, her red lips are fresh and her teeth are white. She is good at looking forward to shining She is graceful and charming in posture, gentle and quiet in manner, gentle and gentle in manner, gentle and gentle in manner, gentle and gentle in manner, graceful and agreeable in language. Luoshen's clothes are extremely gorgeous and her figure is the same as that in the picture. She is wearing bright Luoyi, wearing exquisite jade, gold and silver jadeite jewelry, decorated with shining pearls all over her body, and her feet are decorated with patterned travel shoes The mist like skirt gives out the faint fragrance of orchid. She wanders around the mountain, and suddenly floats lightly. She walks and plays. On the left, she leans on the colorful bamboo, and on the right, there is a laurel flag. She reaches out her plain hand on the river beach and picks the black ganoderma grass beside the water. "This time, his speech speed is very fast. Su Xiaowen is dull again, but her cheeks are gradually turning red. There is nothing else Because ye Huang praised all of her.