Chapter 710: Dilemma

   Chapter 710 Dilemma

The matter of taking a stake in the Gazprom industry has not yet been figured out, and Agelina led a delegation to Moscow.

This is a one-week parliamentary exchange program. The Crimean Parliament sent a delegation to the Duma to study and exchange, and Agelina personally led the team.

On the Duma side, Wang Ye of course volunteered to take on the reception work.

It is said that the Parliament of the Crimei is a lot worse than the Duma!

For such an exchange event, according to the rules, it is enough to send a member of parliament in charge of foreign affairs to receive it, and there is absolutely no need for a person at the level of the deputy speaker to appear in person.

But what is the relationship between Wang Ye and Ajielina? Besides, Kerimi is his "base camp", so it is normal for him to come to receive him.

It happened that Rosiana was still staying in Petersburg during this time, and was in charge of joining the Kitty Eagle Group with Constantine and co-investing in the Gazprom Group.

This also avoided the embarrassment of Wang Ye.

But he has to solve this matter sooner or later, and now there are only two women who are really considered by Wang Ye.

This also caused him to be in a dilemma, and even needed to choose to escape the problem.

The first one was obviously Ajielina, the woman who accompanied him from scratch, and the first woman in his life...

For their first time, not only women will not forget, but also men.

If it wasn't for Rosiana's appearance, Wang Ye would definitely marry Ajielina in the end. Originally, he had always thought so. Until recently, after a breakthrough in the relationship with Rosiana, Wang Ye had a little bit of a problem. shaken...

If you think about it from an emotional point of view, then Wang Ye doesn’t have to worry so much. Apart from Ajielina, he has no choice, and he doesn’t need to choose.

But in his current position, when making choices, the factors to consider are more complicated.

It is obviously wrong to say that Ajielina is not very helpful to Wang Ye's career development.

After all, Ajielina is not the newly graduated teacher who taught preparatory students two years ago. As the deputy speaker of Krimi and the president of Krimi Investment Company, she has given both political and commercial Wang Ye was very helpful.

But there is also a big problem, that is, Agelina's help and influence are limited to the Crimean Peninsula.

For the development of Wangye in Moscow, in a short period of time, it is of little help.

In the long run, it may be helpful, but if it reaches that point, Wang Ye may also need to make a choice, whether to give up "all" in Moscow...

The second one is Rosiana.

The contact time between the two is not too long, from visiting abroad together to Rosiana being an assistant to Wang Ye.

For such a period of time, the relationship between the two was not good.

But after becoming an assistant, it may have been a love affair over time, which led to the fact that when he went out to fish last time, facing Rosiana's initiative, Wang Ye couldn't hold it back for a while...

From then on, things got complicated.

Plus Rosiana's extremely "powerful" background!

Born in a wealthy family, the family is in Russia and even the whole of Europe, and the relationship network is deeply rooted!

is the righteous daughter of that boss again.

It can be said that for any man, to marry such a wife, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a step to the sky and a step to the sky!

is also the king industry, and also has the qualifications to hold back...

If it were someone else, it probably wouldn’t be necessary to think about it at all. If you hesitate for a second, it would be a great disrespect to Rosiana and the Constantine family!

And marrying Rosiana, the benefits are obvious.

Needless to say about business, Wang Ye and the Constantine family joined forces, and they almost monopolized the oil industry and the communications industry!

The benefits in politics are more obvious, and the Kremlin will no longer be wary of himself, because he and Puding have truly become a "family".

When we meet again in the future, we can call out "Foster Father"...

As for Wang Ye's true identity, to be honest, in the eyes of those big men, it's not a problem at all.

After all, this is the tradition in Da Mao, and even the Kremlin is not a "pure-bred" Russian himself.

If he really married Rosiana, then the future of the royal industry can be summed up in the words "the future is promising"!

And he's young enough to have time to "take over"...

It is really difficult for Wang Ye to decide which one to choose.

If you only consider your own interests, then there is no doubt that Rosiana is the best choice.

But then, Wang Ye lost his persistence and completely turned into a "cold-blooded animal" who could sell everything for profit.

He didn't want to be like that yet.

If Agelina can give up, can Hofchenko give up too?

These two are the people who have helped Wang Ye the most in this life and are the people he is most grateful for. If they give up, will Wang Ye's conscience be okay?

Can you sleep well at night!

But if he gave up Rosiana and chose Ajielina, then Wang Ye would have chosen the most difficult path for himself.

Not to mention whether Rosiana will hate her because of love in the future, it is estimated that Wang Ye will not be able to wait for that time.

In another two years, when Hovchenko participates in the election, he will begin to face the most dangerous situation in his "life"!

is really in a state of immortality, and the Kremlin will not be merciful to him, after all, he is not "one of his own".

Therefore, Wang Ye is still hesitating.

However, Ajielina didn't know about these things that Wang Ye was worried about.

On the plane to Moscow, Agelina looked at the clouds outside the window with a smile on her face.

After a while, you can see Misha...

The last time we met was two or three months ago.

This plane is a special plane, of course not a private plane, but a small passenger plane leased by the Crimean Council.

It is also a parliamentary delegation, so we can't let a bunch of deputies crowd the civilian plane to visit and exchange, wouldn't it be looked down upon by the Duma colleagues in Moscow.

Again, the Crimean Peninsula is not the same now as it was before!


If it was a year ago, let alone the congressmen who went abroad for exchange visits, even if the so-called chief T went abroad, there was no special plane.

After all, the Crimean Peninsula is not an official country, it is just a so-called "republic". To be realistic, it is an autonomous region, similar to the concept of Xiangjiang.

But Krimi is not as rich and developed as Xiangjiang, but rather poor.

The reason why he is rich now is not because Wang Ye made a large investment of ten billion dollars in ten years.

If this money is placed in a big country like China and Russia, it may not be a big deal, and it is not very conspicuous.

But in a small place like Crimei, the land transfer money alone has made the government rich...

(end of this chapter)