Chapter 127: Steve (Bonus)

Chapter 127: Steve (Bonus)

"I... I understand..."

Upon hearing Fang Mo's command, Uchiha Fugaku hesitated for a moment, but he soon nodded in agreement.

It seemed that the other party wanted to test his strength. After all, he was the only one in the clan who had activated the Mangekyou Sharingan, making him a challenging opponent, even for a Hokage of Konoha.

With his son below, Uchiha Fugaku didn't have time to think. He immediately used the Body Flicker Technique to charge forward.

"Fire Release, Fireball Jutsu!"

As he charged, Uchiha Fugaku swiftly formed hand seals and unleashed a massive fireball.

Yagura, on the other side, was not surprised by the fireball. He expected more than just two kids to invade the Hidden Mist Village. He lightly jumped backward, evading the descending fireball.

"Fire Release, Phoenix Sage Fire Claw!"

Uchiha Fugaku, not relenting, threw a handful of shuriken and followed it up with a burst of flames. The flaming shuriken attacked Yagura from various angles.

Yagura reacted promptly, forming hand seals and conjuring a water wall to block the incoming barrage of flaming shuriken.

"Nearby is the Hidden Mist Village; let's finish this quickly!" Uchiha Fugaku kept his eyes on Yagura while also instructing Shisui and Itachi. Though facing a Hokage opponent, he couldn't afford to show any weakness in front of the young Uchiha clan members.


Fortunately, the kids in the ninja world mature early and don't shy away from battle. They immediately began to coordinate their attacks.

Shisui swiftly formed hand seals, using the Body Flicker Technique to create numerous illusions that charged towards Yagura. Meanwhile, Itachi followed suit, preparing to use a Fire Release jutsu.

At that moment, Yagura dispelled the water wall.

"You are Uchiha from the Konoha..."

Yagura glanced at the three of them, furrowing his brows, seemingly puzzled by why the Uchiha clan from Konoha would suddenly attack the Hidden Mist Village. Did they intend to continue the war?

Meanwhile, a bystander, Fang Mo, was astonished to see Yagura stand up again. "This guy is both a ninja and a turtle, and his transformation is remarkably accurate."

Yagura's feet stepped on the ground, and he vanished from his spot. In an instant, he reappeared right in front of Uchiha Fugaku's Susanoo and struck with a powerful palm attack.

The loud bang echoed as Yagura's attack was blocked by Susanoo's chest plate.

However, with the release of the Three-Tails' Chakra, thick corals grew at the point of impact, obstructing Uchiha Fugaku's vision.

Uchiha Fugaku frowned and tried to control Susanoo to counter-attack, but Yagura immediately retreated. Uchiha Fugaku had to remove the coral that clung to Susanoo's chest, but as he did, Yagura rushed back and struck Susanoo with two powerful punches, creating coral flowers on its waist and shoulder.

Thankfully, Uchiha Fugaku's Susanoo was not in its complete form, which meant he had only half of his body.

Otherwise, if Yagura focused on attacking Susanoo's big toe with such force, Fang Mo believed he would call that move the "Gout God Fist," as it would be incredibly painful just to watch.

In the meantime, the Hidden Mist Village also started showing signs of activity.

Probably alerted by the explosion of the Tailed Beast Bomb, many Mist Shinobi rushed out of the village to support their Mizukage.

"Shisui, Itachi, Mentai, stop the Mist Shinobi from getting closer here."

As Uchiha Fugaku was fully occupied in the battle with Yagura, he had to entrust the task of stopping the Mist Shinobi to the other three.

Uchiha Mentai, who had been idle until now, responded to the order and cooperated with Shisui and Itachi to attack the approaching Mist Shinobi.

As the situation grew intense, the Hidden Mist Village started showing signs of activity as well.

On the mini-map, a new orange icon appeared - the distinct symbol of Tobi, a Mask, also known as Uchiha Obito.

Seeing this, Fang Mo was taken aback. The Third Great Ninja War had not yet fully concluded, and Obito's Akatsuki organization shouldn't have recruited so many members.

Fang Mo suspected that his own actions might have caused a butterfly effect, leading to these events. However, it was also possible that Obito sought revenge for the death of his beloved Rin, who was killed because of them Mist Shinobi. In the original storyline, Obito controlled Yagura with his Mangekyou Sharingan.

While observing these developments, Fang Mo made a decision. He took a Invisibility potion from his backpack, drank it, and vanished from sight. His presence concealed, he continued to watch the events unfold.