26 Three Long Years

Ye Jian was woken up rudely from an extremely long sleep. He felt like he was being pushed through a tube and as he came out, hands were constantly grabbing and holding him. As he was confused, he tried to talk, but all that came out was a baby's cry. It took him a few moments to realise what had happened - the secret technique had actually worked! Only now did he have some time to examine his surroundings. The large old woman who seemed to be helping his mother... It was hard to say that word for Ye Jian. He had hazy memories of his parents - they were killed in his childhood. He avenged them, but it didn't bring them back. Anyways, the large old woman had wrapped him in some cloth and handed him to a large burly man who was smiling through tears. The place he was in was a small bedroom. The bed his mother was laying on was a bed for two... He guessed that it was their bedroom. However, the design of the building was... Simply too bad. The walls had a few visible cracks, and the rafters under the roof weren't even hidden by a ceiling!

Ye Jian, who was used to the luxuries of a cultivator, was quite confused. After all, even the simplest cultivator's home was quite well furnished, and even if it wasn't, at least it was clean. And clean wasn't a word he could use to describe the room he was in. The walls were made from wood and were dirty, the floor was simply packed dirt, and he could tell that both the older woman and his father had mud covering their legs.

That's when it hit him - his parents didn't have any cultivation whatsoever! It was like a bolt from the blue for him. Everything was happening quickly, and he didn't have much time to process it.

Then his father, while holding him, opened the door. Behind the door stood a young man. He was extremely handsome, even for Ye Jian. His blue eyes seemed piercing, and Ye Jian felt as though his secrets were revealed before the man. It was a strange experience, and Ye Jian couldn't help but become interested. He couldn't tell the young man's level of cultivation, but he was sure that he wasn't a mortal. He didn't have any evidence, but his instincts told him so. His instincts helped him avoid many dangers in the past, so he trusted them. Unfortunately, they didn't warn him about Wang Tao... Ye Jian's mood was destroyed when he thought about the man. However, thinking about how he destroyed his plans made him cheer up slightly.

'Heavens, I hope that one day I'll be able to come back and kill that traitor!' he swore in his heart. As he was reminiscing, he had heard the conversation between the young man and his father.

"Congratulations brother Ye, it seems the baby is healthy. It's just weird that it's not crying..." the young man told his father. It was strange - why would a cultivator want to be brothers with a mere mortal?

"Thank you brother... Thank you for calling Auntie Wang for my wife too. I, Ye Jin, owe you for this." his father... No, Ye Jin, replied. Hearing that at least his surname would be the same, Ye Jian's mood was lifted. And it seemed that the fat old woman was this 'Auntie Wang'.

"Ah, don't say that brother Ye, don't you consider me your brother?" The young man bowed slightly to his father.

"By the way, what will you name him?" the young man asked a question Ye Jian hoped to hear. Ye Jian perked his ears to hear better, his eyes locked onto his father's face.

"He shall be named Ye Jian." Ye Jin replied, while looking at Ye Jian with love in his eyes. Ye Jian was stunned. Was this a coincidence? Yes, it had to be.

After the brief turmoil in his mind, Ye Jian was overjoyed that his name would stay the same. He continued to look at the young man talking with his father. After a brief moment, the young man asked his father if he could hold him. His father agreed, of course. He handed Ye Jian carefully to the young man.

Ye Jian had a few moments to study the young man's face close up. He reconfirmed his previous observation - the man was incredibly handsome. Ye Jian actually felt a bit jealous, before mentally bashing himself.

'Bah, what am I jealous for? Strength is the most important thing, forget about appearance!' Despite doing so to cheer himself up, even he to himself sounded like a sore loser. However, what the young man said to him next made him completely forget about it.

"Are you confused, little guy?" the young man said.

Ye Jian had to admit that yes, he was, in fact, confused. Confused as to what the young man meant. Normally he would interpret it as simply baby-talk, but something told him that the man knew about the fact that he was reincarnated. Maybe it was because of his smile, like he was teasing him, or his gaze, which seemed to be able to peer into his deepest secrets, Ye Jian didn't quite know - but he trusted his instincts. And his instincts told him that the young man knew.

For a second, he shook slightly. It was a subconscious reaction - he didn't have very good control over his body. That thought helped him to snap out of the surprise and return to examining his surroundings. As the young man handed him back to his father, he decided that he had to meet him in the future.


For the next few days, Ye Jin didn't go and gather herbs. He had enough funds from selling the spiritual herb Meng Li gave him, so he could spare a few days of work. He helped his wife take care of little Ye Jian and helped her to clean the house as well as make it baby-proof. Of course, Meng Li knew that it was going to be useless either way - Ye Jian knew how to take care of himself and if he wanted to get to something, the normal baby-proofing wouldn't stop him. However, he had no intention of revealing it to Ye Jin - some things are better kept secret.

Unfortunately, after a week of staying home, Ye Jin had to eventually return to work. The funds from selling the spiritual herbs wouldn't last forever. Thus, he went out to gather herbs. Meng Li offered his help for the first time a few days after Ye Jin returned to work. Despite the hesitation on Xie Ja's part, he was eventually accepted, to Meng Li, and presumably Ye Jian's delight. And so, days passed. Meng Li didn't do much at home apart from occasionally helping Xie Ja take care of Ye Jian. It was easy - after all, such a young infant couldn't do much even if it tried. And he did try - a lot. Meng Li could see that Ye Jian was training himself - slowly but surely. The moment he could actually eat something other than breast milk, he would probably jump on it. Meng Li eventually took pity on him and fed him some sweet berries from his bag of holding. He could tell that Ye Jian recognized the item, but Meng Li simply smiled at him.

Eventually, a year has passed. Ye Jian was looking more like a child and not like a red alien imitating a baby. He still didn't speak very often, but Meng Li could him train his speaking, only very quietly, if not silently. He was also a lot stronger than normal children his age - but still not that strong. He could slowly crawl, and was barely able to sit up. Meng Li, using his Spiritual Sense, could see that he also advanced to the 1st layer of Qi Gathering. In his opinion, it was a bit rushing it, but who was he to judge? For all he knew, Ye Jian could've had a much higher cultivation realm than him in his previous life.

Meng Li still holed himself up at his home all the time when he wasn't helping with Ye Jian. He was actually cultivating - he managed to create another pillar in that period of time, and was preparing to create yet another one. The pillar he created was supporting the liver. He didn't really feel any increase in his abilities, but since he wanted to support his entire body, he couldn't skip anything.

Meng Li also started to dabble in medicine while he wasn't cultivating. That's what he was calling it, but he simply ate the herbs he had gathered in his bag of holding to test their medicinal effects. He ate them all - poisonous, normal, hallucinogens, everything. It was... interesting. Fortunately, with his body, none of the poisons were strong enough to harm him, but some were quite painful. He could tell that he increased his pain tolerance. Meng Li also made up his mind that the next organ he should support were the kidneys. He needed them in perfect condition if he wanted to keep... Experimenting like that.

Unfortunately, he didn't learn much about the effects of the herbs like that. He decided to put off the next stage of experimentation, refining the herbs, on hold, until he had time to focus on it. That is, after he could communicate with Ye Jian.

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During the year, Meng Li had thought about what he wanted to do with Ye Jian, and couldn't really tell what he wanted himself. Did he want to make friends? To tease him? Learn of his past? He simply didn't know. He eventually decided that he would decide when he had the first conversation with Ye Jian, and he would decide then.

During the one year, Ye Jin miraculously didn't become suspicious of Meng Li's lack of working. Meng Li didn't really know why, but he decided not to jinx it by asking.

Two more years had passed. Ye Jian was about 3 and finally started speaking some simple words to his parents. He also started avoiding Meng Li for some reason, which was quite sad for Meng Li. However, he didn't take it to heart, thinking the man simply needed some time to adapt. During those few years, Ye Jian didn't stop training. He was now at the 3rd layer of Qi Gathering. It was an impressive speed - it had to be told that Meng Li was in the control room during his first steps in cultivation. After leaving the control room, he gradually realised how good the environment there was. The Qi in there was several times thicker than it was on the planet itself, but the most important distinction was that the Qi in the control room barely had to be refined. It was incredibly easy to absorb, and it made cultivation about ten times faster than the Qi which could be found on the planet. In total, the cultivation speed there was several dozen times faster than on the planet.

During those years, Meng Li had formed another three pillars. They supported the kidneys, the stomach, and the intestine itself. The mysterious power emanating from the pillars was quite strange - when he supported the stomach, he thought that it would support the intestine too, but it didn't. On the other hand, the mysterious power treated the two lungs and the two kidneys as one. It was confusing, and Meng Li didn't know how to make heads or tails of the situation.

One interesting thing which happened during the two years Meng Li stayed there - the mayor of the town had broken through to the fifth layer of Qi Gathering and was replaced by another cultivator of the fourth layer. It seemed like he was moved up the ladder in the empire, sent to guard more important places.