33 Ye Jian's Plans

Meng Li spent that night in his house, appreciating the tea. He had gave Ye Jian a small tea set, keeping the original one to himself. The night was quite busy for the entire city - the sounds of the intense battle from a few kilometres away could be heard until morning.

As he walked out of his house, Meng Li could see many of the people going to work with exhausted faces. They clearly didn't get a lot of sleep that night - the sounds of battle were quite loud. Meng Li headed back into his own house and closed the door. After adding some wood to the fireplace, he teleported away.

He also sent a message to Ye Jian using Spiritual Sense.

"Meet me in a few hours." Along with this, he sent the location. Communication by Spiritual Sense was much more advanced and faster than language, and it was possible to send ideas, like the location, or images. It was quite handy.

Meng Li chose a relatively clean patch of grass to sit on. The place he chose was a small clearing in a valley, about half way down a mountain. It was close to a cliff, and the sight was what made Meng Li choose the place. He didn't worry that Ye Jian wouldn't be able to get there - he was sure the man had a way.

Indeed, he wasn't disappointed. Ye Jian arrived there a few hours later. He chose a small rock jutting out of the ground and sat there, looking at Meng Li.

"So, we should finish our conversation now. What do you plan to do in the future? I have to reach Nascent Soul before I can send you out." Meng Li opened his eyes and looked at Ye Jian.

"This might be a bit far fetched... But I'm thinking of starting a sect." Ye Jian replied, hesitating slightly.

"Oh? Where do you want to create it?" Meng Li asked. Starting a sect was an... Interesting idea.

"That I didn't decide. However, I do know that the arts of the sect will be focused on training the sword." Ye Jian replied. The moment he mentioned the sword, his eyes turned sharp, seemingly turning into swords piercing into Meng Li's soul. Meng Li didn't know why, but instead of feeling uncomfortable, the sword intent from Ye Jian felt... Good, even.

Meng Li shook his head slightly to discard these unnecessary thoughts and thought about what Ye Jian wanted to do.

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"If you want to start a sect, you should be at least at the Qi Sea Realm, but you should really break into Qi Foundation Realm. I'm gonna need some time to break into the Origin Core Realm, and when I do, everyone will be able to become Qi Foundation Realm cultivators - and the people leading the larger factions are probably at the absolute peak of Qi Sea Realm, only waiting for a chance to break through. They might've even surpassed the ninth layer in terms of their Qi Sea size, but I'm sure that they will be able to find some way to break through, and when they do, they will be even more powerful than normal early Qi Foundation Realm cultivators." Meng Li informed Ye Jian.

"Also, if you're searching for a place to locate the newly created sect, I have a perfect place in mind." Meng Li added after a moment's thought. He sent what he was thinking of to Ye Jian. It was the island near the south pole. At the moment, there was only one city created there, which was jointly controlled by the factions which were the closest to the island - the tribes of the deep sea islands and the Heavenly Sword Sect, formally there as the Nine Sun Kingdom.

The island was practically a paradise for cultivators - however, there were many extremely strong beasts there. In fact, when Meng Li scanned the island, he noticed a beast which was at the absolute peak of the Qi Sea Realm, and actually halfway into the Qi Foundation Realm. Only the laws left by the mysterious master were preventing it from breaking through, and even they weren't able to contain it fully. The Qi was not allowed to solidify completely, but was half solid, half liquid. It had some dragon blood within it, and was merely one evolution away from being a full-blown flood dragon.

Dragons were beings of innately great power, with power so great that even a sliver of their bloodline was practically a guarantee of reaching Nascent Soul Realm, and pure bloods were practically guaranteed to surpass Primordial Realm. The fact that being with such a great potential was confined by the laws Meng Li's master left behind was quite sad.

However, Meng Li didn't have any time to feel pity for the being since he chose the place for the creation of Ye Jian's sect.

"That's a good place, but there will probably be many strong beasts there... I'll have to get stronger before then." Ye Jian reviewed the information Meng Li sent him about the island and commented.

"Alright, that's good. Before then, do you need anything else?" Meng Li asked. Now that he knew what Ye Jian had in mind, he simply needed to wait for him to get stronger.

"Now? Not really, but when I want to start going adventuring I'll need a sword." Ye Jian answered. He needed a weapon - although he was able to fight barehanded, he couldn't display his full power that way.

"No problem, I'll get one for you when you need one. By the way, should I find some techniques which fit you? My master has probably surpassed the Primordial Realm, I should be able to find something which suits you in the treasury." Meng Li casually asked. He didn't know if there were any items in the summoning tab which were limited, but if there were, they would be of a far higher level than even Primordial Realm. Or at least he hoped so...

"Not now. If anything, only when I reach Qi Foundation Realm." Ye Jian replied.

"Alright. Now for the last thing - what do you want to do with your parents?" Meng Li asked. It was practically the most important question he had for Ye Jian. After all, he was friends with Ye Jin despite the fact they haven't talked for many years, and he didn't want to see him being abandoned by his only son.

That's right - in all those years, Ye Jin and Xie Ja haven't had another child.

Ye Jian showed a conflicted expression. The matter concerning his parents was weighing heavily on his mind.

"I don't know. I don't want to take them with me on a journey to cultivate, it's far too dangerous and I can see that they aren't fit for the cultivation world... If anything, I want to find a peaceful home where they can live. I will probably pass them a cultivation method so they have a longer lifespan, but I really don't know what else I can do..." Ye Jian slowly explained. It was really a dilemma - neither of the outcomes were something he wished to see.

"That... I'm not sure whether Ye Jin would be happy with such an arrangement. I'm not sure about Xie Ja, but I'm guessing she wouldn't be either." Meng Li explained his reasoning. "Ye Jin is someone I would call a 'workaholic' - he loves his work and doing it makes him happy. He wouldn't be content living a life without anything to do other than simply sitting at home... No one would, in fact."

"You're right... But I really don't know what I could do other than that." Ye Jian helplessly explained. "Also, how should I even approach them? How do I tell them about cultivating? And you - how will you explain that you've cultivated too?" he asked Meng Li.

"I say that you should wait for a few more years before telling them. Tell them that you've found a ruin with a cultivation method when you were playing about in the forest. I'm just gonna say that I wanted to find a peaceful place where I can cultivate..." Meng Li hesitatingly replied. He wasn't at all confident in the excuse he made up. After all, it was simply too big a lie, and revealing such an important piece of information could ruin his friendship with Ye Jin. He could only hope that they wouldn't place him in a higher position than them on the account that their son was a cultivator too...

"Finding a ruin with a cultivation method? You mean a legacy? They usually require a high cultivation and enough talent... Whatever, mortals wouldn't know that and there are exceptions to that as well. It will probably work, but your excuse? I don't really know..." Ye Jian replied. He was right - the excuse Meng Li created was a really weak one.

"Sigh... Don't mention it, I'll think of something else in the future. Now, we should probably head back. Do you want to go there normally? I could just teleport there." Meng Li asked. Ye Jian looked at him in surprise for a second before remembering that the entire world was something left to Meng Li by his master... Teleportation wasn't really the strangest thing which Meng Li could do in here.

"Let's go back on foot." Ye Jian suggested. Meng Li agreed - the surroundings were beautiful. Especially the view from the cliff - it was like a painting. Meng Li couldn't help but fall in a bit of a trance as he looked at it... When he shook his head, a thought suddenly appeared in his head.

'I could try painting during those few years of waiting.'

It was an incredibly random thought which Meng Li would normally dismiss in a split second, but it suddenly seemed extremely appealing. The idea of putting a view like this on a canvas to be able to make it immortal was one which Meng Li couldn't resist, and with nothing better to do in those few years, it was as good an idea as everything else.

The walk back was uneventful. Despite there being quite a few obstacles on their way, Ye Jian was able to scale them all, and even if he couldn't, Meng Li could always fly over them with him.

After returning to the city, Meng Li went back to his house while Ye Jian stayed in his parents' house. Normally, he would stay outside the city and train when his parents were out, however with the influx of experts fighting nearby, it was far too dangerous to go out without Meng Li. After all, being able to cultivate as high as the sixth layer of Qi Gathering at only eight was a rate few could attain even in Ye Jian's old world, not to mention this one - here, a sixth layer Qi Gathering cultivator was someone fit to protect a small city. If someone noticed him, he would be snatched like a treasure, if not faster than the Heaven Connecting Tea Tree. A treasure was only that - a treasure, but a person of immense talent could mean the rise of a faction.

As such, Ye Jian remained at home for the remainder of the day.

On the contrary, Meng Li actually teleported out of his house the moment he stepped in. He took practically all of the furniture with him. Now it had to be mentioned, it wasn't much - he took only the tea set. He left the small table and the cushions. The place he teleported to was the cliff where he met with Ye Jian. It was the place which captivated him and inspired him to pain something, so he wanted to try and paint it. He searched the summoning tab to find the required tools.

He chose an ordinary brush made from fox's tail fur, and an ordinary, but finely made canvas. There were several things which contained Qi, like a canvas rom a spiritual cotton herb or a brush from a beast's fur, but he settled for the things without any Qi. He was only starting, and even if he could get infinite amounts of the Qi filled canvas', it was still a waste, and the Qi could have some effects he wouldn't know of.

With everything prepared, Meng Li set up the canvas on a small tripod and started studying the view.