Chapter 708 708 Invasion

Chapter 708 708 Invasion

In the shadowy citadel that served as the central command for the demonic forces on the peaceful planet, Commander Zargoth stood overlooking the mesmerizing landscapes. The twisted spires of dark energy resonated with the malevolence that fueled the demons. His advisor, a cunning demon named Balthrox, approached, his wings flickering with an eerie glow.

"Commander," Balthrox began, "there's a disturbing rumor circulating among our ranks. Some say the humans have attacked one of our planets."

Zargoth, a towering figure with horns that curled like blackened thorns, turned to face his advisor. "Humans? Attacking us? Nonsense. We are the dominant force in the cosmos. No mortal should dare challenge us."Trace the roots of this material to novelb!n•

Balthrox hesitated, then continued, "I thought it was mere gossip too, but the whispers grow louder. There are reports of celestial fire, unimaginable power. Some demons claim they've witnessed a force that rivals our own."

Zargoth scoffed. "Rival our power? Preposterous. No force in the universe can stand against us. These are baseless rumors, Balthrox."

As they spoke, a distant explosion rumbled through the citadel, shaking its foundations. Zargoth's eyes narrowed, and he and Balthrox rushed to a massive obsidian window overlooking the demonic landscape.

The once tranquil scenery now bore the scars of war. Flames danced across the horizon, and the wails of the dying echoed in the air. Zargoth clenched his fists, dark energy crackling around his form. "What is happening? How could this be?"

Balthrox hurriedly consulted a communication device. "Commander, incoming reports confirm an unexpected assault. The humans have struck swiftly and mercilessly. Our defenses crumbled before we could react."

Zargoth's demonic visage twisted in rage. "Impossible! I won't allow our dominion to be challenged by these insignificant creatures. Gather the legions. We shall defend our planet with all our might."

As Zargoth rallied his demonic forces, the Celestial Platoon's armada descended from the cosmic void, their stealth mode deactivated. The demon soldiers, caught off guard, scrambled to form a defense line. Aldred, aboard the Stellar Seraph, observed the chaos unfolding on the holographic displays.

In the heart of the demon stronghold, Zargoth prepared for the impending onslaught. Dark energy enveloped him as he summoned his demonic army. "To arms, my brethren! Unleash the full fury of the abyss upon these intruders. We will not be humiliated by mere mortals!"

The demonic forces clashed with the advancing armada. Explosions echoed, and the celestial fire danced amid the darkness of demonic energy. Zargoth, leading from the front, swung his massive obsidian blade, cutting through the celestial onslaught.

The Celestial Platoon's armada emerged from the cosmic void, a formidable force assembled from the diverse corners of the Imperium. Mercenary ships of various designs, each bearing unique symbols of their origin, formed the vanguard. Advanced A.I. robots, sleek and swift, accompanied the human mercenaries, their metallic bodies gleaming with celestial energy.

The armada, a testament to the Celestial Platoon's unity, positioned itself in a strategic formation as they descended upon the demon-infested planet. Their vessels were armed with cutting-edge technology, celestial weaponry capable of harnessing the power of stars. The mercenaries, battle-hardened and disciplined, prepared for the clash with the demonic forces.

Aldred stared intently as he observed from his flagship.

As the Celestial Platoon's armada descended, the demons, recovering from the initial shock, formed a defensive line. Zargoth, towering at the forefront, swung his obsidian blade with a malevolent grace. The demonic forces, a grotesque amalgamation of horns, claws, and dark energy, followed their commander's lead.

Aldred's gaze remained unwavering. "Coexistence may be difficult, but annihilation benefits neither side. Your forces have been met with formidable resistance, and I can feel the desperation in your struggle. I offer you a choice – surrender and allow us to cleanse the demonic taint from your forces, or face the consequences of continued conflict."

That was of course a lie. Aldred had read about the history of the demons. For more than 100,000 years of its existence, it had never had peace with any race.

That was because, these demons were too hungry for souls.

'I have a blood of a demon within me, why aren't I so hungry for soul?' Aldred thought to himself.

Zargoth, considering Aldred's proposal, hesitated for a moment before dropping his obsidian blade to the ground. The demonic forces around them, sensing their commander's actions, also lowered their weapons. It seemed, for a fleeting moment, that a truce might be possible.

Aldred cautiously approached Zargoth, extending his hand in a gesture of peace. "Let us find a way to end this conflict without further bloodshed," Aldred suggested.

Zargoth, with a sinister smile, reached out to shake Aldred's hand. However, just as their hands were about to meet, the demon commander swiftly retrieved a concealed dagger from his side and lunged at Aldred with a sudden, treacherous strike.

Aldred, anticipating the deception, evaded the attack with a swift sidestep. The demon's dagger grazed Aldred's armor, leaving a trail of sparks. In an instant, the truce was shattered, and the battleground transformed into a stage for an intense one-on-one confrontation.

The two combatants circled each other in a deadly dance, each assessing the other's strengths and weaknesses. Zargoth, armed with demonic prowess, unleashed waves of dark energy and quick strikes, aiming to overwhelm Aldred with sheer force.

Aldred, wielding the Phantom Doomblade, a weapon forged from the essence of millions of consumed souls, met Zargoth's attacks with calculated precision. The sword gleamed with an otherworldly light, and its strikes carried the weight of countless souls seeking retribution.

The clash between Aldred and Zargoth became a spectacle of celestial and demonic power. Dark and light energies collided, creating shockwaves that reverberated through the demonic stronghold. The celestial fire from the ongoing battle outside the citadel cast erratic shadows upon the combatants, emphasizing the gravity of their struggle.

Zargoth, driven by desperation and the thirst for power, unleashed a surge of demonic energy, temporarily overpowering Aldred. The demon commander pressed his advantage, aiming to strike Aldred down and reclaim control of the conflict

However, Aldred, drawing upon the cosmic energy within him, surged back with newfound strength. The Phantom Doomblade hummed with a resonant power, and Aldred executed a series of masterful sword maneuvers. Each stroke cut through the demonic energy, gradually wearing down Zargoth's defenses.

As the battle reached its climax, Aldred delivered a powerful strike, cleaving through Zargoth's dark armor. The demon commander, now vulnerable, staggered backward. Aldred seized the opportunity and unleashed a burst of celestial energy, temporarily immobilizing Zargoth.

With the demon commander incapacitated, Aldred stood triumphant. The Phantom Doomblade pulsed with a final surge of power, absorbing the remnants of Zargoth's malevolent essence. The demonic forces, witnessing their leader's defeat, fell into disarray, their morale shattered.

Aldred, breathing lightly from the less-challenging confrontation, turned his attention to the aftermath of the battle. The citadel, once a symbol of demonic dominance, now stood as a fractured fortress. The celestial forces outside, empowered by the resolution of the internal conflict, continued to dismantle the remaining demonic resistance

"It's over for this planet too."