Chapter 730 Cerberus II

730 Chapter 730 Cerberus II

With the tension palpable in the dimly lit chamber, Cerberus and the Chosen Warriors began to circle each other warily. Each step they took was calculated, and every movement was a test of the other's intentions.

Grigor's voice came through their intercom, a determined whisper, "Francus, this is our first battle on this planet. Let's not disappoint Aldred."

With a shared nod, the two Chosen Warriors steeled themselves for the impending clash with Cerberus. Their advanced training and the trust they had in each other's abilities gave them the confidence to face this formidable adversary.

As Cerberus continued to circle them, the growls echoing in the chamber, the moment of confrontation arrived. With a sudden, swift movement, the three-headed wolf lunged forward, targeting Francus who held the ranged weapon.

Grigor's instincts kicked in, and he intercepted the beast, moving swiftly to place himself between Cerberus and his comrade.

His energy blade ignited with a vibrant blue glow, and he swung it with precision, meeting Cerberus's attack head-on. The clash of energy and fangs reverberated through the chamber.

"Francus, get to a safe distance. I will distract this beast while you attack."

Realizing the dire situation, Francus didn't hesitate.

He maintained a safe distance and began firing precise energy shots at Cerberus from behind Grigor, targeting the beast's flank.

Cerberus, a guardian of the underworld, proved to be as formidable as expected. Its three heads snapped and snarled, each one attempting to strike at Grigor. However, the Chosen Warriors' teamwork and well-coordinated attacks kept the guardian on the defensive.

As the battle in the dimly lit chamber of the ancient temple raged on, Cerberus, wounded and enraged, reached deep within itself for one last desperate attack. With a surge of dark energy, the three-headed guardian of the underworld unleashed a devastating shockwave that rippled through the chamber.

The shockwave sent Francus and Grigor tumbling backward, their protective energy shields barely holding against the force of Cerberus's attack. The temple's ancient stone walls groaned under the strain, and the very ground beneath them trembled.

With a deafening roar, Cerberus unleashed a devastating surge of dark energy that surged through the chamber. The shockwaves rattled the ancient temple, causing the inscriptions on the walls to glow even brighter. The ground beneath their feet trembled more violently, threatening to give way.

Grigor and Francus, realizing the dire consequences of Cerberus's unleashed power, exchanged a determined look. They understood that they needed to defeat Cerberus quickly before the temple's ancient mechanisms, awakened by the surge of energy, fully activated and unleashed unknown forces upon them.

Without a moment to spare, they intensified their assault on Cerberus's central head, their weapons blazing with energy. Each precise strike brought them closer to their goal.

Cerberus, struggling to maintain its attack, was pushed to its limits. The guardian's three heads roared in agony and frustration, and its fiery eyes dimmed. It became clear that the Chosen Warriors' coordinated efforts had taken a toll on the formidable beast.

In a final act of desperation, Cerberus lunged forward with all its remaining might, aiming to strike a decisive blow. Grigor and Francus, undaunted by the guardian's last-ditch effort, responded with a synchronized counterattack.

Grigor's energy blade met Cerberus's snapping jaws, preventing the beast from reaching Francus. At the same time, Francus unleashed a concentrated burst of energy directly at Cerberus's weakened central head.

The impact was devastating. Cerberus let out a piercing, otherworldly howl as its central head was engulfed in searing energy. The guardian's form trembled violently, and its three heads thrashed in agony.

Francus approached, charging up his weapon for a full 10 seconds before aiming at the wolf.

With one final, explosive burst of energy, Cerberus was defeated.