25 Log 025: Weapons of Magic and Science

Most monsters, especially the mindless ones, in this situation would fight for their lives. Monsters are the most dangerous when they are cornered. However, these monsters, especially the mindless ones, would not dare to defy Somnus. If Somnus was going to kill them, then they have already given up.

From their perspective, everything about the former machine was threatening enough to sap their will to fight. From the contrast of the low level and the outrageously high attributes, to the skills it possessed. In other words, the monsters already knew they were dead. Resistance at this point would mean only pain and suffering.

Although the monsters gave up fighting for their lives, they did not give up on negotiating for their lives.

"Master, please don't kills us! We can helps you!" the most vocal of all the goblins spoke up. He was still groveling on the ground. "This Dungeon is huge, master! On the lower levels, there are the materials you seeks. We gets them for you. We gets you all the materials, we promises!"

Somnus did not pay much attention to the words however, or at least he seemed like he didn't. He was studying the sword in his right hand, which was blunted and warped from years of use. He wondered if he could figure out a spell to repair the sword, but no matter how much he studied the Dungeon Core's spell formations, he could not find any symbols that would be of help to him for this cause. The Dungeon Core did indeed possess a [Regeneration] spell, but the symbols on it did not work on inanimate objects.

Seeing the lack of interest on Somnus's part, the goblin raised his voice a bit higher, "Master! There are many treasures below! Treasures that would make the Gods envious! There are also entire veins of Orichalcum and Argentmetal! We gets them for you. We goblins are good diggers!"

Somnus lowered his blunt weapon, not because he was persuaded but because it was useless. However, he finally glanced to the goblin and considered him silently.

"It is true, my Lord. The Arrod Dungeon used to be a large complex. This Dungeon Core used to be a Heroic Dungeon Core in the distant past, just a step below a Supreme Dungeon Core," Arcadia explained.

Somnus glanced to her. He didn't exactly trust the Priestess—he didn't trust anyone in this world—but he did think of her as a reliable source of information related to Lore.

Emily also nodded her head, "I remember hearing stories of the Reclaimers. They delved Dungeons like these, which were the birthplace of Gods, to recover ancient treasures. During the last World Boss event, the Reclaimers recovered Ezantil, the Sword of the Heavens. From this very Dungeon."

"What is your designation?" Somnus asked, looking to the goblin.

"Designation, master?" the goblin asked and then recalled when Somnus used that phrase to refer to the blonde girl. "Oh, this one's name is Lod, master."

"Very well, Designation Lod," Somnus said. "I will give you an opportunity to be useful to me. Go to this location that you speak of and bring me back a proof of your statements. If you can accomplish this objective, I shall allow you to join my armed forces. You may bring the others with you."

Lod and the other monsters all kneeled before Somnus and kowtowed three times, before looking towards the Dungeon Core.

The monsters seemed happy to hear that the Dungeon Core would help them, even though they failed to realize that the Dungeon Core was doing this to save itself. If the monsters failed in living up to Somnus's expectations, the Dungeon Core would surely die.

A magic circle appeared in the air. It quickly grew brighter and then with a flash of light, beneath it, a goblin appeared. It was a summoning spell, Somnus realized as he studied the circle. The summoned goblin fell in line with the others as they headed out of the Inner Sanctuary.

The Dungeon Core continued summoning monsters of all kinds, as Somnus studied the magic circles the Core used to accomplish this task.

Finally, he had a flash of inspiration.

He flicked his finger through the air, painting the magic symbols with his fingertip. This was unnecessary, but it helped a novice like Somnus visualize a spell improvisation like this. It was considerably slower to do it this way.

Emily and Arcadia watched; they still weren't convinced Somnus was going to let the monsters and Dungeon Core live. They remembered what Somnus did to King Finian and the diplomats from Arsalan during the peace treaty talks. Unlike Somnus, they could not read magic symbols, but thankfully, Somnus was whispering out the names of the symbols he drew.

"Ether Collection… fusion… amp…" Somnus's murmurs became quieter and quieter as the incomplete magic circle rotated in the air and the symbols appeared one after another.

Somnus' inspiration for this spell was the Dungeon Core's [Levitation] spell. [Levitation] used a combination of [Emitter] symbols collectively known as [Ground Repulsion] that channeled wind type mana to generate thrust. It was basically a Reaction Control System, as used in spacecraft to maintain attitude control.

However, Somnus did not want to make a jet engine—he wanted a weapon. Because of this, he was reminded of the battle of Solus Hill when the enemy mages used a beam-type spell to attack Somnus. Why did they not get blown away by the generated thrust? The obvious answer was: they resisted it.

Somnus recalled the symbols they used for that spell. It also used [Emitter] but it was modified by a subsequent [Beam] symbol. The real heart of the spell were the fortifications used to fix the relative position of the caster, and to resist acceleration. When Somnus saw the Resistance Formations on the Dungeon Core, he should've realized the possibilities. If wind-type mana can generate thrust, than surely, its opposite can negate it!

He added the necessary symbols to his magic circle, and then prepared another magic circle. This second magic circle he filled up with fortifications inspired by the Dungeon Core's defensive Formations.

Finally, the spell was ready.

"Beam Weapon!" Somnus spoke out loud and the magic circles disappeared. His [Fast Realize] skill kicked in and symbols began appearing in the air, drawing out the true magic circle. The one Somnus drew was nothing more than paint upon an invisible canvas to help him improvise a new spell. The true magic circle was nothing like the one Somnus drew. The symbols were rearranged and optimized—Somnus's subconscious mind and skill added mana flow regulators. The symbols were compacted in a way that no one in the chamber had seen before. At first glance, it was a vulgar and ugly magic circle, but the more they watched it, the more impressed and horrified they became by the sheer size and capacity of the magic circle. Was this the power of [Greater Realize Area] and [Magic Compression]? The speed at which the symbols appeared further shocked them—this had to be the work of [Fast Realize].

Finally, a beam of pure mana appeared in the air, about one meter long. It had a faint blue glow to it, but it did not appear like a weapon. It was like a blue vapor contained in an invisible tube. It did not seem threatening at all.

But then the second magic circle appeared. The Dungeon Core was the only one other than Somnus that understood the symbols in that magic circle; it did not have the [Symbol Analyze] skill that Somnus possessed, but it recognized the symbols that Somnus copied. Still, it had never thought of using the symbols like that.

The spell wasn't meant to protect Somnus from the beam. It was designed to harden the beam, the way the Dungeon Core's outer shell was almost completely impervious to physical blows. Then, the beam was compressed down and flattened until it looked like a sword.

The beam weapon pulsed with the slow cycles of its mana generation Formation, as Somnus snatched it out of the air.

You have unlocked the Mana Knight Job.

You have learned the Mana Manipulation skill.

You have learned the Swordmaster skill.

Emily and Arcadia watched the mana-beam sword with a confused expression.

"Is that a Mystic Weapon?" Arcadia asked. "Are you a Mystic Warrior, Somnus?"

"That can't be. Mystic Warrior is a high-end secret Job. There is no way," Emily told Arcadia.

"Hmm. It says I unlocked the Mana Knight job," Somnus replied.

The color from Arcadia's face drained. "There hasn't been a Mana Knight in centuries… it is a lost art…" she said.

Somnus shrugged at Arcadia's words and looked to the Dungeon Core. To Somnus, creating a weapon like this was common sense. He did not know that people who could add that many magic symbols to a circle, and had the capacity to cast a spell like this, were extremely rare. Anyone could create a useless mana emitter, but to turn it into a weapon was an entirely new level of difficulty and complexity.

Somnus raised the beam sword and with only the minimum amount of force struck the Core with it. To his satisfaction, it broke through the Core's defensive spells and scored a mark deep into the Core's shell.

What the Core transmitted to the trio was not words, but a scream of pain and suffering.

"Stop!" Arcadia shouted. "Don't experiment on the Dungeon Core! You need it alive!"

Somnus was about to test if he could cleave straight through the Dungeon Core when he glanced to Arcadia. "I do?"

"Y-yes!" Arcadia stuttered.

"For what?" Somnus asked.

"Well… plenty of reasons…" Arcadia said insecurely. In truth, she had no idea. She just didn't want the Dungeon Core that helped Heptia ascend to Godhood to be destroyed by Somnus.

Somnus lowered the beam sword and considered the Dungeon Core. "I suppose it can still be useful. It can, after all, materialize a workforce out of nothing."

"Yes!" Arcadia said. "Exactly! If you don't destroy it, you will have plenty of creatures mining materials for your Magitech job!"

Emily nodded in agreement.

"Hmm, that's right. I don't have to test my new weapon on the Core. I can test it on the creatures it summons," Somnus said.

"What?" Arcadia and Emily asked in unison.

The Dungeon Core was ahead of the curve. It understood cruelty and ruthlessness better than the two females. A moment afterwards, an orc materialized before Somnus.

The beam sword passed through the Orc's flesh as if it was made out of air. The Orc instantly died.

You have gained a level.

Your Mana Knight job has improved.

Your Mana Manipulation skill has improved.

Your Swordmaster skill has improved.