36 Log 036: Invasion IV

Somnus sighed. He let his guard down and ended up like this; on his knees before mere humans. Unacceptable.

You are no longer stunned.

Somnus placed his hand flat against the blade running through his chest and prepared a magical circle. The [Fast Realize] skill kicked in, instantly empowering the symbols.

The sword in his chest turned into molten metal.

You have taken damage. -1740HP

He spun on his heel, sword tracing through the faint silver blue line that the [Vector Assist] skill provided—it guided his sword onto a path that would lead to a critical hit. Combined with [Slay Sight], [Vector Assist] almost always resulted in instant kills.

The beam-sword cut through the guardian's neck as the fully-armored man stared at what remained of his sword with horror. His expression was still frozen on his face, as his head went flying into the air. Joining his head were a pair of arms cut off at the elbow, and still holding a sword—they belonged to another guardian who was preparing to deliver the killing blow on Somnus.

Somnus's momentum saw him spiral two meters into the air and as he was falling towards the ground he noticed one of the skirmishers about to fire an arrow at him.

Somnus's eyes flicked left to right, scanning the rest of the battlefield. Good, he had plenty of options.

Just before landing on the ground, Somnus threw the beam-sword at the skirmisher. This caught the skirmisher off-guard, as he was waiting for Somnus to land before letting the arrow loose. The beam sword did not have the magic formations like Det's throwing knife did, but Somnus's monstrous physical attributes still translated into throws; the skirmisher didn't even have a chance to regret not shooting sooner.

The beam sword went through the skirmisher's chest like a railgun slug, leaving behind an incandescent ring surrounding the hole. As the red, violet and blue sword of super-dense mana drilled into the stone, the whole floor reverberated with the humming the sword produced. Then the sword blinked out of existence. The stone, where the sword was embedded, was completely molten.

Suddenly, two lines appeared in Somnus's vision. They were green with a hint of red. This was his [Move Sight] skill tracking high-speed movement. Somnus only had a split second to act.

[Lightning Step]

A thunderous crack silenced the commotion in the area as Somnus appeared in the air, next to the disembodied arms clutching the guardian's sword.

[Momentum Cancel]

Suddenly, Somnus stopped in mid-air, weightless for the briefest of moments. He swept a free hand through the air, as he grabbed the sword with his free hand. A magical formation appeared in the sky doing nothing more than creating a temporary physical barrier. It was not for defense however. Somnus pushed himself away from the barrier with a mighty leap, and came flying down towards the ground like an arrow, sword-tip first.

As Somnus landed, he felt the impact of striking someone with his sword and they both crashed to the ground, digging up the floor tiles. The sound of bones breaking filled the silence following the thunderclap.

Somnus didn't even have to check what armor the crushed and impaled body beneath him wore. He already knew that the one he just killed was a skirmisher. Only they would use high-speed movement techniques like this, in an organized formation.

Without even looking at it, Somnus lifted the body up, by the neck, and threw it forward with ease. The corpse followed the trajectory of the [Vector Assist] blue line and when the thrown corpse reached right where the blue line and the green line intersected there was a collision.

A skirmisher went flying across the room, toppling over a white robed mage, his arms flailing bonelessly.

Not even ten seconds passed since the moment Somnus was free of the stun and already he had thinned out the enemy ranks. Among the threats, Somnus did not count the four white mages that were still alive, or the black robed woman who had the phoenix; As long as Somnus did not try to attack the woman with the phoenix, he reasoned that he wouldn't end up in another loop.



Name Somnus

Level 84

Race Machine God

Class Hero


God-Slaying Machine

Health Badly Injured

Mana Monstrous

Somnus thought that his enemy must have been level 50 or level 60, as killing them didn't feel like he was improving at all. Still, he had to be careful; he had never taken hits as strong as these people could deliver. He was at less than half his total health, which already rivaled that of dungeon bosses far exceeding his own level.

Of the threats that remained, there were four black mages, two guardians and four skirmishers. The odds weren't that good. Somnus did not expect them to be so well-equipped.

Eight magical circles appeared in the air around the four black mages and they all connected together with a thin stream of mana that was visible even to the naked eye.

With a spell circle that large, even Somnus could not read the symbols quick enough to see what it was about to do as the symbols rapidly became empowered. However, Somnus did see a few tell-tale signs of the direction the attack would come from; it was going to be a beam.

"Barrier," Somnus said coolly and pointed towards the mages.

Somnus did not cast the barrier around himself—he placed it around the mages.

A thunderous roar filled the arena as the beam unleashed from two of them magic circles, and like a jet of water it struck the invisible barrier, turning it translucent. The beam broke against the barrier and the deadly blue energies flowed against the surface, turning back on the mages.

The barrier cracked, releasing jets of blue energies through and they scarred the ground and ceiling. Nothing was left of the four black mages.

Somnus thought it was a good call to not cast the barrier around himself. It didn't seem like it would have withstood a blast like that if he tried to protect himself with it, even though he poured a large reserve of his own mana into it.

Somnus was not that good with defensive spells, partly because he didn't have anything to test them with. What Somnus did not know was that he just withstood the attack of four mages pouring all of their mana into one attack in an attempt to instantly kill Somnus.

Unknown to Somnus, his enemy communicated to each other using telepathy. To them, Somnus was such a great threat that it warranted extreme measures be taken in order to eliminate him.

Unknown to them, however, was that they still vastly underestimated Somnus.