Chapter 130 Well Done

At the hospital.

Ye Fei held Zhong Mei's hand as she walked out of the plastic surgery department.

Her face was downcast and tearful. One hand tightly pinched her examination results sheet.

Ye Fei could see by her expression what the result was.

Incurable disease!

Ye Fei snatched the test sheet from Zhong Mei's hand, tore it up, and threw it into the nearest trash bin. "Useless quacks! Don't believe what they say!"

"But...” Zhong Mei lowered her head even further, “I know my disease can't be cured."

"Who told you it couldn't be cured? It's just because you’ve never met a skilled-enough doctor," Ye Fei frowned. "I actually know someone very skilled, but he’s away at the moment. He will be back in a few days!"

"Really?" Zhong Mei looked up in astonishment.

Ye Fei nodded heavily. "Yes. I am not in the habit of speaking nonsense."

He indeed knew a highly skilled surgeon: his grandfather.

The identity of Ye Fei's grandfather was very mysterious, but there was no doubt he was an important person. When Ye Fei was young, many officials from the capital would send for his grandfather when they required a complex surgery.

However, the old man would often ignore them, unless he was in the mood for a road trip to Beijing.

As a child, Ye Fei didn't know why people kept calling for his grandfather. He used to think they were ridiculous, but now he knew his grandfather was a medical genius.

Now he was a little regretful of not picking up some medical knowledge from his grandfather. Nevertheless, he was certain that if anyone could fix Zhong Mei’s birthmark, it would be him.

Zhong Mei blushed. "Ye Fei... You've done so much for me! I don't even know how to begin to repay you."

"Repay me? I don't want you to repay me,” Ye Fei smiled and wiped away her tears. “Friendships between people should not be sullied by mercantile deals and expectations. Just think of it as your good karma for helping Xiao-Ling's grandmother." 

"Right!” Zhong Mei smacked herself on the forehead, “Xiao-Ling's grandma is being discharged from the hospital today! I have to go help her get home."

"Classes are almost over, so I need to go pick up Lin Qingwan."

Ye Fei said goodbye to Zhong Mei and went back to Shanghai University.

As he passed through the campus gates, Li Tiejun hurriedly walked out from the security room and said, "Ye Fei, something’s happened!"

"What? Take it easy and explain everything."

"Did you hit the professor and those students from the art department?"

In fact, Lie Tiejun was there at the time, but he wasn’t paying enough attention and didn’t notice the bruises.

"Yes, I did,” Ye Fei said casually. “That guy is a hateful prick."

"He is, but he’s still a faculty member! He went straight to the director after you left," Li Tiejun frowned. "Then, Yamamoto Takeshi’s mother showed up at the director’s office as well to complain about what you did to him."

"What a coincidence! So what happened?" Ye Fei asked.

"They wanted to have you expelled! But then they realized that you aren’t even a student here, so the director called Lin Qingwan to his office instead."

At that moment, Lin Qingwan arrived at the gate in her high heels. When she saw Ye Fei, she mercilessly glared at him, "Ye Fei, look what you’ve done!"

He scratched his head. "I've done a lot of things. What in particular are you talking about?"

Lin Qingwan didn’t want to cause a scene in public, so she dragged him back to the car before snarling, "Ye Fei, you really are something! You beat up a professor, beat up the students, and even went out of your way to beat up a foreign exchange student. You're incredible!"

"Thank you!" Ye Fei giggled as he started the engine.

Lin Qingwan almost smacked him. "You... Are you stupid, or just pretending to be stupid? I'm scolding you!"

"Oh? I thought you were praising me!"

In the rear-view mirror, Ye Fei could see Lin Qingwan's lips quivering with fury.

However... He was an expert at reading body language, and from Lin Qingwan's subconscious micro-expressions, he surmised that she wasn’t really that angry. 

Otherwise, he wouldn’t tease her.  


Finally, she couldn’t keep a straight face anymore.

"Ye Fei, you really are something! You actually broke that douchey prof’s nose, hahaha!" she playfully smacked him on the shoulder, laughing uproariously.

"Manager Lin... You look happy."

This time, Ye Fei was dumbfounded.

"Actually, I already saw everything on WeChat before the director called me to his office. Look, I think you look really handsome in this picture," she handed him her phone, showing a photo of the moment he defeated Yamamoto Takeshi.

"So... Manager Lin, what do you think of all this?" Ye Fei carefully asked.

"I think you did a great job. Well done!" Lin Qingwan giggled, then became serious, "Although I’m on your side, other people still think you were way out of line, especially the faculty. They are extremely… dissatisfied, to put it mildly, so they called me to the director’s office, but I'm not afraid of them! Humph!"

"So what about me?" Ye Fei frowned.

"Well, you're not a student here, so they can't expel you. As for me, they won’t dare to expel me, either," Lin Qingwan proudly said. "But the director has ordered campus security to stop you from entering in the future. That’s going to be a bit troublesome.

"How can I protect you if I can’t come in the campus?" Ye Fei scratched his chin. "Hmm, this isn’t that big a problem. I’ll just lay low."