Chapter 341

Woo woo ~ ~

In Falcon security company, the alarm rang loudly.

"There is a situation!"

Ye Fei was the first to jump out of bed.

Although he drank a lot of wine when celebrating in the evening, with Ye Fei's current martial arts cultivation, he can internalize and dissolve alcohol in his body. Therefore, he has no problem.

However, several other people are not as energetic as ye Fei. Xie Haifeng almost fell down when he jumped out of bed.

"What's going on?"

Ye Fei took the lead and hurried downstairs. Ah Mao was on duty downstairs.

Mao is allergic to alcohol. He will have urticaria when drinking at night, so he just drank some fruit beer symbolically at night, covered a thin quilt, slept on the marching bed and guarded the computer.

As soon as the alarm rang, Mao turned over and sat up. Looking at the computer screen, he heard Ye Fei ask himself, frowning and answering, "it's the alarm of a clothing store in Yongsheng street. But from the monitor, I can't see anything, no car and no one. It's really strange."

Mao pointed to Ye Fei. The picture was the interior of the shop, empty and empty.

"No one, why does the alarm ring?"

Ye Feiqi's strange way.

"It may be that the alarm is aging, or it may be that the mouse has encountered it. After dawn, I'll go and debug it myself to see if I can change it."

Mao frowned and said.

"I'd better take someone to have a look." Ye Fei thought for a while and said.

After all, this was the first time the alarm sounded, and everyone had some expectations in their hearts. Although they were in low spirits, they still drove the cash truck with *, and all the staff went out.

In front of the shop, ye Fei didn't even see a ghost. To be on the safe side, ye Fei called the shopkeeper.

Half an hour later, the shopkeeper drove over in a huff and scolded Ye Fei when he met him: "what's the matter with your security company? Do you know what time it is? Three o'clock in the morning! I lost sleep and took sleeping pills, so you woke me up! Are you going crazy?"

"Sorry, I'm also thinking about the safety of your store. The alarm just sounded. It may be a thief."

Ye Fei speaks politely.


The shopkeeper was startled and hurriedly opened the rolling gate. Nothing was lost in the store, and there was no sign of thieves coming in.

At this time, the shopkeeper became more angry, pointed to Ye Fei's nose and shouted, "what kind of broken alarm did you install? What kind of alarm sounded in the middle of the night! I'll go back to bed now and find your trouble tomorrow morning!"

With that, the shopkeeper scolded and left.

Ye Fei looked at each other, came out to work in the middle of the night, and was scolded by others. No one was in a good mood.

Xiehaifeng immediately grinned and yawned.

"Forget it, go back."

Ye Fei was helpless.

The party drove back again. Just lying down, they didn't expect the alarm to ring again.


Xiehaifeng couldn't help shouting abuse.

This time, it is Tongfu jewelry store under a shopping mall, which is a big customer.

Although everyone was in a bad mood, they still drove to the scene to investigate.

However, ye Fei was smart this time and didn't call the customer, but unexpectedly, after a while, the customer came by himself.

Originally, this alarm system is connected to the customer's mobile phone. As soon as the alarm rings, it will automatically dial the customer's mobile phone.

When the customer opened the door of the store, it was still the same as a clothing store, and there was no trace of theft.

The customer had a slightly better attitude and didn't scold him face to face, but from his eyes, he could see that he would definitely find Ye Fei and them trouble when he went to work tomorrow morning.

"What a ghost! How can this alarm work together tonight!"

On the way back, xiehaifeng felt wrong and muttered, very dissatisfied.

"It may be the line problem. I'll check it tomorrow."

Mao, who has always been smart, couldn't think of the reason at this time, said.

"Hey, the security guard is wearing a bulletproof vest and holding a *, which looks beautiful. Who knows how hard it is at night!"

Xiehaifeng complained loudly.

After going back, just after sleeping, the alarm rang again.

Ye Fei let Xie Haifeng and them rest this time, and drove to check by himself.

The result is still nothing.

After a night of tossing and turning, even ye Fei was exhausted. He was in a bad mood the next day. He almost lost his temper when dealing with customers who wanted to terminate the contract.

Unexpectedly, the next night, the alarm was still ringing. Mao checked the line and couldn't find any problems. Qi Ye Fei asked Mao to turn off the alarm directly and remotely.

On the morning of the third day, just before dawn, someone frantically slapped the door of the company.

"Who is it?"

Ye Fei didn't sleep for two consecutive nights. Now he just slept, he was woken up by someone. His eyes were full of blood, and he came out in a hurry.

"President ye, it's me."

Unexpectedly, Peng Bo stood outside the door with an embarrassed face.

"Director Peng, what's the matter with you so early in the morning?"

Ye Fei took a slight breath, and an ominous premonition came out of his heart.

"It's really an accident! Last night, a theft occurred in a gold shop, and about five million gold and silver jewelry was lost. I'll come here to adjust the monitoring to see. Also, why didn't the alarm go off."

Peng Bo spoke politely.

"What a loss! And it's our company's customer!"

Ye Fei felt as if he had been beaten on his head. He finally understood that he was being calculated.

"Mao! Something's wrong. Turn on the monitor and let director Peng have a look."

Ye Fei went upstairs and called the same tired ah Mao up.

Mao rubbed his sleepy eyes. As soon as he heard of the accident, he immediately woke up, put on his clothes and hurried downstairs to transfer the monitoring.

Located in the downtown area of Xinming District, zhoudasheng gold store is one of the largest gold stores nearby.

At four o'clock in the morning, the door of Chow Tai Sang's gold store was pried open with an iron bar. In came three people in black. They were wearing thick clothes, down jackets, black sloppy hats on their heads, white labor protection gloves on their hands, hammers, smashed the window and glass cabinet, packed the gold ornaments in gunny bags, and looted them all.

Surprisingly, such a crazy and brutal robbery, but the alarm did not move at all.

Ye Fei was embarrassed, because last night, he asked Mao to turn off the alarm. Of course, this matter cannot be told to Peng Bo, otherwise, the company will be in big trouble.

"We were severely ridiculed!"

Mao bit his lips and whispered.

"The top priority now is to find these three thieves! Mao, you concentrate on monitoring, looking for clues, and I'll handle other things!"

Ye Fei said in a deep voice.