Chapter 4127: 【216】Scare to new heights

Chapter 4127【216】Scared to new heights

 “Continue talking.” Dr. Fu Xinheng instructed.

Dr. Zhang Desheng showed a trace of trepidation, fearing that he would say the wrong thing again. He thought about each word before saying: "In the end, the other party didn't take action."

The other party was really afraid of what Dr. Wen said. Although there was no Tai Chi sword at the scene, he failed to provide Dr. Wen with weapons.

It’s weird, the person who didn’t realize that the opponent actually had a weapon was actually afraid?

 Speaking further is the greatest magic weapon that Dr. Wen holds.

Dr. Zhang Desheng vividly and vividly described how Mr. Wen picked up the "weapon". It must be said that Mr. Wen is a boss, and he knows that the biggest weapon in his hand is medical technology.

“Doctor Wen said that the patient was sweating all over and was afraid that he might not be able to hold on.”

 “What can’t you hold on to?”

The fire is too big, causing headache, dizziness and cerebral hemorrhage?

Traditional Chinese medicine says this, and Western medicine explains that excessive emotions lead to a sharp increase in blood pressure. If the person has high blood pressure, there is a risk of cerebral hemorrhage.

Zhang Desheng thought that Dr. Fu did not directly suspect that Dr. Wen was talking about cerebral hemorrhage, which meant that Dr. Fu knew what was different about Dr. Wen.

Of course he knew how different she was, thinking back to that year—

 Doctor Fu Xinheng asked: "Speak."

 Tell me how she plans to scare other people and him?

 Dr. Zhang Desheng covered his mouth with his hand and whispered: "He said he would have **** and enuresis."

 Doctor Fu Xinheng was silent: It really scared him and others to a new level.

The most frightening thing is that if you say that Dr. Wen has practiced Tai Chi sword when he doesn’t have a Tai Chi sword, you are using it to scare people. If you say that the other person may develop a certain symptom, Dr. Wen’s technical strength is not meant to scare people. .

Soon everyone discovered that the reason why the male family member was frightened by Dr. Wen’s “Tai Chi Sword” and took three steps back was because of what Dr. Wen later explained:

 I pulled it on the spot. “Next.” Dr. Zhang Desheng pointed to the female family member who was crying all the way in the office.

 The female family member was first frightened and cried by the appearance of the male family member.

Medical students and family members from other wards rushed out to watch what is called a "medical miracle".

What is a medical phenomenon that can make such incredible predictions of God not a medical miracle?

“They are crying now because they are afraid.” Dr. Zhang Desheng said frankly.

No wonder everyone is gathered around here, as if watching a panda. Dr. Fu Xinheng understands.

Those who don’t know may mistakenly think that Dr. Wen is a rare female doctor among male doctors.

 Modern TCM doctors also talk about division into specialties, but the basic theory of TCM science emphasizes that people are a whole. I have seen Dr. Wen Zihan before that when he treats and diagnoses patients, he always analyzes the person as a whole. It can be said that TCM doctors who practice medicine based on this tend to be like general practitioners in Western medicine: they can treat basically any disease.

Dr. Fu Xinheng has become interested in studying traditional Chinese medicine in recent years and has accumulated some knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. He recalled his fiancée's "medical practice" tonight and seemed to be reminded of part of the traditional Chinese medicine knowledge. He said, "Her Tai Chi sword seems to be a way to scare her." correct."

Why? Does Mr. Wen really not understand Tai Chi Sword? Doctor Zhang Desheng raised questions.

Dr. Fu Xinheng will definitely not explain his fiancée’s secret to this kid.

His fiancée should not only say the words Tai Chi Sword, but also use her eyes to scan the other person's body like a Tai Chi Sword.

The Tai Chi Sword in her eyes is like an acupuncture needle in her mouth. Wherever the needle points, the disease will show up in its original form.

  This is the "mysterious technique" of the top Chinese medicine experts mentioned earlier: using words, you can diagnose and treat the patient's body.

 He, Dr. Fu Xinheng, had already experienced her ability personally.

If you don’t dress well and have a stubborn temper, you will catch a cold if others don’t—

 (End of this chapter)