Chapter 2959

Gu Yiyi especially adores yunbilu's elder sister. She has been listening to her legend since she went to university.

She likes yunbilu's character, dares to love and hate, works hard and doesn't let herself be bullied.

She also wants to make herself strong, to learn martial arts, and to stop being bullied passively.

It can be said that Gu Yiyi has been forbearing all the time. When the law family is gone, she has little to worry about. But today, Bai Zixun took her to the western restaurant. Coupled with the sarcasm behind the two women, all the anger and unwillingness in Gu Yiyi's heart were aroused.

She wants to be strong, strong and able to protect herself.

If a person is too weak, others will not like it. She just wants to be strong.

She can bear hardships, no matter how hard she is, as long as she can be strong.

Even she didn't like her own temperament, let alone others.

Gu Yiyi almost impulsively wants to call yunbilu, but she looks at the time is 1:30 p.m., worried about her lunch break, so she refuses to call.

But she was excited, and her heart beat faster, because she seemed to see a hope, a hope to become stronger.

In the afternoon, Bai Zixun received the news and knew who had wronged Gu Yiyi.

"Master, those two women are jealous of Gu girl, so they just talk about it sourly and casually."

The white son seeks the eye ground to flash the dark light, ice cold way: "if you sympathize with them, hereafter don't need to stay at my side."

A subordinate immediately expressed his attitude, "master, I don't sympathize with them. I think it's a bit too much for them to say so about Gu girl. After all, verbal violence is more hurtful to those who are vulnerable inside."

"Gu Yiyi is soft tempered, good tempered and tolerant, but it doesn't mean that I will let others bully her."

"Master, isn't Gu Yiyi your student? Do you defend her like this?"

"Rufeng, are you questioning my decision?"

"No, no, just for the first time, master, you attach so much importance to a woman."

Baizi's face changed. Do you pay attention to it?

Maybe even he didn't notice that he cared about Gu Yiyi. He thought, maybe he just loved her and had to be strong.

And this time, it was my idea to take her to dinner. Originally, I wanted to take her to relax properly, but I didn't think it was self defeating.

"Those two families, you can solve them."

"Yes Wufeng felt sorry for the two women. Just because they looked down on people, the master was about to overturn their two families and let the two women feel the taste of being said and discussed.

This move is cruel enough to say that it can't offend women, but in his opinion, it can't offend men most, because it's really fatal for men to defend women.

Wufeng shook his head and went to do the task.

In just a few days, the Ding family and the historian family were uprooted because of the two women who came out of their family. Miss Ding's family and Miss Shi's family can't believe the fact that they were scolded by the family members. Not to mention that the people they once looked down upon and ridiculed were ridiculed in turn.

After thinking about it, they don't know who they have offended, because they often don't forgive others, and they really don't know who is going to punish them this time.