Chapter 3116


"It's true that our ancestors were the national master of nanxuan state a hundred years ago. Later, when the state was destroyed, the witches hid here. This island should have sunk into the sea, but the ancestors used family secrets to strengthen the island, so that it could last for hundreds of years."

Although yunbiliu is surprised and incredible, she also listens patiently. Somehow, she believes anything the young master says.

Qingyu continued: "in those days, my ancestors used secret arts to make the island last for hundreds of years. Now, hundreds of years have passed. In order to keep the island alive, my father used secret arts again. Of course, using secret arts will destroy the balance of nature and be punished by heaven. When my mother gave birth to me, I passed away. But I was weak from childhood, even though I was proficient in all the abilities of the witches We can't cure ourselves... "

Listen to the childe say these words, yunbiliu feel very sad.

No wonder the power of the central camp is so great that it is an independent authority. It is not governed by the high level of the black dragon party, but it is still trusted by the high level of the black dragon party and by Huang Yize for a reason.

For the sake of the black dragon party, it is not too much for a family to hurt its own root, even if it gives them all the black dragon party.

What's more, the only descendant of the Wu clan, young master Qingyu, is in such bad health that I don't know if he can

Yunbiliu is still a perceptual person after all, and her eyes are red.

"Why pay so much? You could have lived in style, even in seclusion. "

The young master of Qing Dynasty sighed and said, "only with the help of the emperor of nanxuan can we avoid the danger of extermination."

"You are so capable, how can you be exterminated?"

Qing Yu childe light smile, "we are also people, not what God."

Yunbiliu nodded, thinking that things must have been very complicated in those years. She couldn't say a word clearly, but she also knew something about the origin of those years.

Yunbiliu said seriously: "since you know my identity, can I give you my name? My name is yunbiliu

"It's a good name."

Yunbiliu smiles sheepishly and is praised by the master. Even if it's just a praise, she's also a little happy.

"Don't be discouraged, young master. There are all kinds of strange things in the world. Everything has its own law of survival. There must be some power that can save you. Just as I didn't know about the witches before me, since you can exist in the world, I don't know that other mysterious forces can also exist in the world, just to cure your body."

Prince Qing Yu smiles, but he doesn't refute or say that he is right. He has already looked down on everything. He only hopes that the black dragon party, which has been sheltered by his family for a hundred years, can continue to survive and prosper.

And he saw that the girl in front of him was the key.


"Yes, sir."

"If one day, you because of hatred entanglement, want to think about big love, think about other, learn to let go."

Yunbiliu is not clear, so, "childe, I have no hatred in my heart."

"No, it's the best. I've said enough today. You can go back and have a rest first. In two days, the official competition will begin. If the competition ends early, you can go back early to have a reunion year."

Yunbiliu blinked. She has been here for a long time. Is it nearly new year? The world is so fast.

She wanted to continue to listen to the young master about these secrets, but looking at his tired appearance, she thought she was not in a hurry.

And she went back to practice and prepare for the game.