Chapter 3237

In fact, Baizi thought that Gu Yiyi was right by his side and could hold him.

Sure enough, together for a long time, separated for a while, miss the tight.

Gu Yiyi put her mobile phone aside after she sent the photos, because she understood that Bai Zi would be very busy when he went home, and she didn't have time to watch the mobile phone.

But when she heard the voice of wechat on her mobile phone, she was so excited that she didn't even care to wipe it. She picked up her mobile phone and almost jumped up when she saw the message from Baizi.

Gu Yiyi holding a mobile phone, dancing, all laughing.

"Seeing that the girl is so happy, it must be a message from her husband?"

Hear Zheng aunt's words, Gu Yiyi embarrassed smile, and then nodded.

"Girl, what's the matter with me? I was young and my mobile phone was not popular yet. My family and I all rely on sending letters, but it takes a week to write and keep them. It's a hard week. I'm looking forward to receiving his letter. I'm as happy as a magic barrier all day long. I can't do it, and I'm even more optimistic with the letter..."

Listening to Aunt Zheng talking about her youth, Gu Yiyi listens curiously and seriously, and suddenly feels that it's better to have a mobile phone in this era.

If before, a week to receive a letter, then how much miss it!

"So, how nice you young people are at this time. With a mobile phone, you can send a text message, make a phone call and get in touch soon."

Listening to Aunt Zheng's words, Gu Yiyi has some feelings. She thinks that she really wants to cherish the time.

"Aunt Zheng, you were very romantic in writing letters at that time."

"You and your husband are in the stage of falling in love now. It's hard to part from each other, but this kind of experience is also very good."

Gu Yiyi embarrassed way: "aunt Zheng, let you joke."

"You are a good girl. In fact, my husband cares about you very much. They are good and can accompany you to old age."

Gu Yiyi nodded vigorously, "Mm-hmm."

When Aunt Zheng went to make dumplings, Gu Yiyi told Bai Zixun about the whole day's things on wechat, which were simple, such as what she ate in the morning, and then cooked with aunt Zheng and so on

Bai Zixun looked at the content of wechat and couldn't help laughing. Although aunt Zheng had told him something very insipid, she had a different feeling when she took care of Yiyi's typing and told him in person.

After eating dumplings early, baizixun went back to his room and began to chat with Gu Yiyi on wechat.

They were still chatting with each other. Baizi thought to himself that when he was with his little girlfriend, he could be much younger. His heart was so fluctuating.

After a long time, Bai Qingqing knocked on her son's bedroom door, "there's going to be a party soon, don't you come to see it?"

"Mom, you don't need me to watch the party with your father now."

Being teased by her son, Bai Qingqing smiles, "OK, you talk to your classmates well. Don't put on the airs of the teacher for the holidays."

The white son sought to rub to rub forehead, "Mom, I am not small."

"Well, you know, I don't worry about when I can solve my personal problems. Your younger martial sister is much younger than you, and she has been with Huang Yize for a long time. Don't wait for her to get married, and you will be present alone."

"Mom, I know."

Bai Qingqing feels that she is more and more wordy. Is she really old?