Chapter 3376

Gu Yiyi followed baizixun in this way and went shopping in the market. Baizixun bought her whatever she wanted to eat.

Gu Yiyi saw what she liked, needless to say, Bai Zitian just looked at her eyes and knew whether she wanted to eat or not.

Gu Yiyi said with emotion: "Zi Xun, how do you know what I think? It's a roundworm in my stomach. No, it's an old driver!"

Bai Zixun took Gu Yiyi's hand and pulled him to his side. "Tell me, where do you know what the old driver said?"

"I read a novel. It's written on it. I specially checked it."

Bai Zitian knocked Gu Yiyi's forehead, "these things don't need to understand, and how do you like reading novels?"

"Reading novels can always keep a girl's heart, simple and happy."

Baizixun was a little funny, "don't you think I'm not enough?"

Gu Yiyi pretended to observe Bai Zixun seriously, and said with a smile: "Zixun, people like you in the novel are men, warm men. Generally speaking, there are many women scrambling to climb to your bed!"

Baizi found that his girl was smart. He had no choice but to talk one by one.

Gu Yiyi looked at Baizi and said with a smile, "Zixun, do you have one?"

Baizixun thought that when he was in the capital of a country as Han mubai, there was such a situation. No matter how you hide, as long as there are social occasions, there will always be such a scene.

Or a business partner may secretly arrange such a "scare" in your room

but he didn't like the atmosphere, so he didn't accept it.

Bai Zi Xun shook Gu Yiyi's hand and said, "don't think about it. You're the only one nearest to me. Do you understand?"

Gu Yiyi jumped happily, "so, body and heart, I'm the only one?"

The white son seeks to correct a way: "the heart only has you one, the body, you have not given me, have not?"

Gu Yiyi chokes. Originally, he wanted to tease Baizi, but he chokes on his words.

Gu Yiyi's face is bulging. He looks guilty but unconvinced.

Bai Zitian sighed, "well, I was wrong just now."

Gu Yiyi turned to see Baizi Xun, then suddenly stood on tiptoe in his ear and said, "Baizi Xun, I want to give you my body."

Bai Zi Xun's whole body was shocked by this sentence, and the whole person suddenly froze.

All of a sudden, the white man's eyes are clearly out, with a dim light, like the deepest vortex, has the power to swallow everything. Gu Yiyi looks at the white son that looks like this to search, the whole person trembles, loosen white son's search hand all of a sudden, ran forward.

White son found God, shook his head, his girl is really nothing to tease him now, after the tease, but irresponsible run away.

I don't know when I can get it!

I'll see if she dares to stir it up.

Bai Zi goes to chase Gu Yiyi. Gu Yiyi runs fast. It's a pleasure to chase one person at a time.

"Yiyi, how can I punish you if I chase you."

"You can't, you can't..."

Gu Yiyi, I haven't run like this for a long time. He runs happily and doesn't care about anything. The faster he runs, the happier he feels. It seems that everything is forgotten.

In fact, Baizitian could have run past Gu Yiyi, but she was so happy that she deliberately ran slower than her.

In fact, baizixun didn't believe it. He was 30 years old, and he was just like 17 or 18 years old. He was playing with his girlfriend. He didn't feel bored at all. On the contrary, he had unlimited vitality.