Chapter 4289

However, although I want to know, Xia junjunjunhao still can't ask.

After all, these five years, is his own absence, he himself can't explain some reasons, how to ask Yan son?

Xie Yan'er is sleeping sweetly. She seems to feel her brother Hao's breath.

The next morning, when Xie Yan'er wakes up, there is no Xia Junzi Hao's breath around.

She looked at the room, as if it was Xia junjunjunhao's room.

She slept here all night?

Brother Hao didn't let her go back?

This meeting, Xie Yan'er remembered, last night, she seemed to be in the summer gentleman Hao's comfort, lying in his arms fell asleep.

Her brother Hao was so charming last night, and her voice was so gentle and magnetic.

The care she felt was different from that she felt when she was a child.

It's because I didn't understand it when I was a child, but now I feel and see it with emotion.

When she woke up, she washed and changed her clothes. When she went downstairs to have breakfast, she didn't see Xia Junzi Hao.

Asked aunt Lin, she said he was out.

Until the evening, Xie Yan'er saw Xia Junzi Hao who came back.

She was listless all day. She regained her spirits when she saw Xia Junzi Hao.

Before Xie Yan'er said anything, Xia junjunjunhao handed Xie Yan'er the cake in his hand. "This is your favorite thousand layer mango cake. It's for you as a dessert."

Xie Yan'er took the cake, eyes are bright up, there is a trace of moving, there is a trace of nostalgia.

It turned out that her brother Hao did not forget that she really loved this when she was a child, and she still remembers the taste.

"Brother Hao, it's very kind of you."

Xia Junzi Hao looks at Xie Yan'er's moving appearance and is relieved.

Although he was busy outside, she had tears all day, which made him feel bad.

Now see her beautiful smile, the mood seems to follow the beautiful up.

Both of them seem to have forgotten the unpleasant things. At dinner, they seem to have gone back to five years ago, talking and laughing.

Of course, most of the time is Xie Yan'er said, Xia Junzi Hao gentle smile, from time to time should and a few words.

In the next two days, neither of them mentioned any sensitive topics, but they were strangely harmonious.

However, after that night, Xie Yan'er is no longer noisy. Instead, she calms down. She goes back to her bedroom every night and doesn't pester Xia junehot.

In fact, she was afraid that her brother Hao would change if she went further.

So it's very harmonious and progressing slowly.

She so, instead let Xia Junzi Hao heart reflection up, worried about Xie Yan'er's mood, after all, that day her fragile lonely appearance, or let him can't ignore.

Make sure Xie Yan'er has no problem, Xia Junzi Hao can rest assured.

Two days later, it's Wen Qingzhu and Mo Qiuxi's wedding day. Xie Yan'er gets up early in the morning and is in a hurry to clean up herself.

Looking at her like this, Xia junjunjunhao wanted to find a team to make up for Xie Yan'er.

Xie Yan'er waved her hand and said, "I can do it myself."

Xie Yan'er has learned how to make up with her roommate in the past six months. She has a simple and delicate make-up. Her hair can't be made. It's Xia Junzi Hao who pulls it up for her.

Xie Yan'er sits in front of the mirror and looks at Xia Junzi Hao's dexterous hand in the mirror.

She thought of some ancient poems. In ancient times, hair curling had a special meaning!