Chapter 5053

Lin Weiyue's fingers trembled. In fact, she was easily moved.

But her heart is still a little afraid, she is also greedy for the warmth, but she does not dare to believe, does not dare to devote herself.

She's still afraid of getting hurt.

After all, it's the emperor, the emperor's back palace. It's hard to say.

The night snow doesn't notice Lin Weiyue's subtle emotion. After all, she is head down.

But yexueluo also knows that Lin Weiyue can't believe that he depends on him right now.

But he will show it in action.

In the carriage, the night snow fall so carefully prepared desserts for Lin Weiyue, eat and drink.

And they are all Lin Weiyue's favorite tastes. Tea is also her favorite taste.

Lin Weiyue sometimes wonders how a man can be so careful when the snow falls at night.

In fact, for the night snow, just because of love, because too much care, naturally will consider each other's all preferences.

After a long journey, two days later, they stopped at a large house.

"This is Fenghen city. If it's thirteen tonight, it's in the Lord's mansion."

Lin Weiyue looks a Zheng, don't understand, night 13 How can be in city Lord mansion?

The snow falls at night, and Lin Weiyue's lightness skill jumps into it.

Lin Weiyue also saw that the city master was very kind to yeshisan. Yeshisan seemed to have forgotten everything. They were very happy together.

In fact, Lin Weiyue is a little sad, but she sees that some people are kind to him now. He can live a normal life and be happy for him.

In fact, the earliest time, she was selfish, she thought at that time through the night 13 to leave everyone's sight.

But she didn't expect to go back to modern times, and then back to the side of the night snow.

Seeing the good night, Lin Weiyue's heart seemed to relax.

She was grateful to yeshisan for saving her life.

In fact, it's the snow falling at night that makes me really interested.

However, she would like to thank yeshisan. In fact, maybe it was because yexueluo took care of her in the name of yeshisan at the beginning that she was not so exclusive.

Maybe it was only later that I got closer to the snow at night.

When she comes out again, yexueluo tells Lin Weiyue that she is seriously ill all the way. After her body is stiff and cold, yeshisan takes him back.

But they were chased and ambushed.

Later, yeshisan and Lin Weiyue were saved by the young lady of the city leader.

Because of the serious injury, I forgot everything when I woke up.

And Lin Weiyue was later found by the night snow, and brought back to the palace for treatment.

Yexueluo thought about bringing yeshisan back, but yeshisan forgot everything and seemed to have a new life, so he took yeshisan away every day.

Maybe it's because ye shisan is grateful for Lin Weiyue's protection, so ye xueluo gives ye shisan a new life and sets him free.

Let him live the life of ordinary people.

After hearing this, Lin Weiyue was filled with emotion.

When the snow falls at night and Lin Weiyue goes back, their whereabouts are still exposed, and they are chased on the road.

At the same time, Lin Weiyue also exposed.

Naturally, Beiming QingHan, who is far away from Linluo, knows the existence of Lin Weiyue.

A war belongs to two countries, because a woman started.

The night snow falls to look at Lin Weiyue way: "autumn son, I won't sacrifice you, in my side good?"

When the night snow falls to say this sentence, the heart is trembling, he is very nervous.

Even if he felt Lin Weiyue's reliance and trust during this period of time, he was still nervous. He was not sure about Lin Weiyue's heart.