Chapter 5100

Sakura Qianxi although some can't control, but also surge up the fire.

But he looked at Huang qingdie tired look, or very cherish her.

And Huang qingdie is the first time, she can't bear too much enthusiasm.

Just holding her, his heart is incredibly soft.

He can't let her go at all. Let her be in his arms.

Sakura Qianxi holds Huang qingdie into the bathroom and cleans her gently.

But it's also a sweet torture. He has to use a lot of self-control to control the burning passion in his heart.

Huang qingdie has just been loved by Sakura Qianxi, so what should be understood is understood, and what should be understood is also understood.

Sakura Qianxi cleaning for her when the emotions, she also knows.

She didn't dare to move, and her face was red.

"I wash myself!"

"Darling, you have no strength now. I'll help you. Don't worry. You're tired. I won't do anything."

Huang qingdie is still very embarrassed. All of a sudden, the relationship has become so close that she is not fully prepared.

In fact, she is ready, is still shy, unable to be generous.

She doesn't even dare to open her eyes to see Sakura Qianxi's whole body.

But she could feel that he was in such a good shape.

She remembers that in the previous TV series played by Sakura Qianxi, there was a plot that he was taking a bath, but only his upper body was shown on TV.

At that time, his fans were about to blow up on the Internet.

On that day alone, the audience rating broke the record.

It can be said that he really has the ability to seduce people.

But Huang qingdie is very happy now, because such Sakura Qianxi belongs to her.

Sakura Qianxi looks at Huang qingdie and says, "what are you laughing at?"

"I'm thinking of you."

"I'm by your side."

"Well, you'll be mine in the future."

Sakura Qianxi seldom heard Huang qingdie say such words. This time, he was very happy and couldn't help laughing.

He bowed his head to the emperor's ear and said, "OK, it's yours."

He likes the emperor tilt butterfly so overbearing, let him feel he is deeply cared about by her love.

In fact, at the time of love, this silly girl clearly knows nothing, but she is trying to cooperate with him.

It's not good for him to be gentle. Maybe it's too violent. Some of it hurt her.

Sakura Qianxi looked at the emperor and said, "is it painful? I'm sorry, I didn't control it. "

Sakura Qianxi is really distressed, but because of too much love, so sometimes he face her, it is difficult to have self-control.

Huang qingdie shook his head. "I'm very happy."

Women can be brave and not afraid of pain for the sake of the people they love.

Sakura Qianxi sighed in his heart and lovingly kisses Huang qingdie's forehead. "It won't hurt in the future. I will love you well."

Huang qingdie naturally knows the deep meaning of Sakura Qianxi's words. She bashfully hugs Sakura Qianxi and her face is hot.

But she nodded and said, "well."

She knew that although shyness was shyness, she was not reserved. She wanted to satisfy Sakura Chihiro.

After washing, Huang qingdie didn't feel sleepy. They lay on the bed and began to talk.

Huang qingdie began to talk about her girlhood.

She began to say that she had liked him since she was fifteen.

"I pasted all your posters on the bedside at that time!"

Cherry thousand Xi listen to, the heart is soft warm, "if that time can meet you much good."

"Ah, at that time I said short hair, no lady."

"Anyway, it's you."