Chapter 6896

Yuemanzhu heard an LAN Xintong's words and patted her on the back. "No matter who it is, it can't hurt you or kill you."

When he said this, yueman bamboo's eyes were full of dangerous light and cold light.

Because of Yue Man bamboo's murderous spirit, the cinnabar mole in his eyebrow is more enchanting.

It seems that there is a red light flashing, the faint light, let him the whole person with bloody elegance, enchanting people.

At this time, Anlan Xintong was leaning against yueman bamboo, so he didn't see yueman bamboo's look at this time.

When she listened to yueman bamboo's words, she felt a sense of security, and her heart was steadfast.

It's nice to have personal protection.

An LAN Xintong tried to arch in yueman bamboo's arms, "I also want to have the ability to protect and help man bamboo."

In fact, an lanxintong has another consideration in her heart, that is, she thinks, if she really becomes a royal daughter, will she have the ability and power, and can she mobilize the army to protect yuemanzhu?

Even if she knows that yuemanzhu is very strong, even if she mobilizes the army, her strength is weak, but what can she do to help?

Better than no power.

It can be said that many of his considerations are from the perspective of yueman bamboo.

She doesn't think much about her own feelings.

Up to now, an lanxintong also remembers her original intention. She remembers that she came to this world for Yang manqin, which is now yuemanzhu.

Listen to an LAN Xintong's words, yueman bamboo has a kind of sweet feeling. He lowers his head and kisses an LAN Xintong's lips.

A kiss is natural.

Even if an LAN Xintong was a little tired after a whole day's tossing, the meeting would be full of spirit.

It's no wonder that there's a lot of love in the house.


A good night's sleep.

Early the next morning, yuemanzhu woke up very early. He got out of bed with light hands and feet, and then he was tucked in by an lanxintong.

He knew that an lanxintong was tired.

Yuemanzhu bowed his head and gently kisses an lanxintong on the forehead, then got out of bed.

An lanxintong sleeps very deeply, a autumn rain and a cold weather. After the rain outside, the weather is even colder.

Even if it's charcoal burning in the house, it's cold and warm.

Whether it's a quilt or a mattress, an lanxintong's down quilt is very warm.

It's cold outside, but it's warm inside.

Yuemanzhu wakes up in the morning and adds some charcoal to make sure the house is warm.

Yueman bamboo is also reluctant to freeze an lanxintong.

And he also knew that Xintong was afraid of freezing.

In the morning, someone in the palace came to announce that yuemanzhu had been released from slavery.

the morning emperor had released her will, so the Yamen had changed the registered residence of man Zhu again.

In this regard, the whole Dongyao court from top to bottom, people are puzzled.

In particular, some officials are good at guessing the thoughts of the empress. If the empress has any big news, everyone will guess her thoughts according to the news.

We can't see why the female emperor wanted to release yuemanzhu from slavery.

It is said that the empress summoned miss Anlan specially.

Is it because of miss Anlan?

However, how could the empress make such a move for the sake of a miss Anlan? The empress is a man with a lot of resources. How could she specially order a decree for such a small matter?

Is there anything special about Miss Anlan?